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Dark angels leviathan loadout.


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When I will put mine together, I will magnetize it as I have both storm cannons and cyclonic melta + claw for it. Doing that gives you the most bang for your buck, afterall it isn't exactly a cheap model :)


Rules wise the storm cannons are the superior option. That much s7 ap-2 d2 shooting is scary. But of course, as always, things change between editions, so that might be turned upside down when 9th arrives sometime within the next milennia...

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1. gravfluxbombard w/ claw or drill for close combat

2. dual storm cannons for max dakka.


we houseruled it so he has 4a with one cc arm and gains +1a if he had two cc arms


Wish the ETC would adapt that kind of houserules :D


Having 2 attacks on the model just because it has no dedicated CC weapons makes no sense.

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Hmmm, for the Leviathan I would go Stormcannon and claw. But since I have one of those already, either Double Storm or Double Claw for some serious overkill either way.


Contemptor is a though one. I'm probably gonna do the stupid thing and get two. One double claws because it looks freaking awesome and maybe a double volkite one if they ever get rules in 40K. 


Edit: After reading a bit about the dreads, I'd totally go for a Mortis pattern Contemptor with double AC and a CML.

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Edit: After reading a bit about the dreads, I'd totally go for a Mortis pattern Contemptor with double AC and a CML.


That's how my contemptor is built. Not because of the rules (assualt cannons are not great anymore with the points hike they took in the first CA) but because I love assault cannons/gatling weapons in general.


But I'm going to let you in on a little secret - the relic contemptor does better as a gun platform, as it doesn't degrade the same way as a contemptor mortis, so it will continue to be as mobile without loosing out on shooting any more than the mortis (they thought it out to be a melee dread and gave it brackets for that role, not as a gun platform). It does cost more (22 points and needs another unit with the same battlefield role) and does fill another slot in your army, but if you can fit it in there, it should be better. Also has 2 more wounds and 6+++. I mean, if you have another unit in one of the elite slots, it's a straight upgrade well worth it.


I would wish, with the state of assault cannons currently, that I had two twin lascannons and magnets in my contemptor.



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Edit: After reading a bit about the dreads, I'd totally go for a Mortis pattern Contemptor with double AC and a CML.


That's how my contemptor is built. Not because of the rules (assualt cannons are not great anymore with the points hike they took in the first CA) but because I love assault cannons/gatling weapons in general.


Seems like I share that love. Going through my models I seem to have a obscene large amount of gatlings. Every dread, terminator squad & Land Raider has an AC and each knight has a gatling. Your recommended loadout of Lascannons is a recommendation I'm likely to follow. Thanks for the tip!

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This is good to hear, I just picked up 4 contemptor twin lascannon arms at Adepticon, I have a couple contemptors from box sets that I haven't been sure what to do with. Was saving them for a new project one day, but maybe I should just devote them to the lion.
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What do you guys think about going for the double gravfluxbombard? Of course its pretty low range, but on paper it seems like a pretty good weapon. High strength, high ap and either decent  shots if you are shooting at hordes or 5 dmg if you go for big stuff.


I plan getting a leviathan in the mid future and I think I get myself enought arms to test out various loadouts. 

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For contemptors I've heard people lately have been running a relic contemptor with twin c-beam cannons. Apparently it just shreds hordes and and long range can do well against tanks. Plus with Grim Resolve its a perfect candidate to sit super far back on its own and delete units.

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c_beam cannon looks kinda awkward. its only one lascanon shot and then you generate additional 2w6 autohits at s6 ds0 d1, but only if a model is slain by the lascannon shot? what is that "bonus" good for?

I've mostly seen this used in the competitive scene so mostly when going against masses of guard, orks, nids, or other squishy targets to shred infantry or just lift entire units off objectives. Plus each gun is 30 points, cheaper than the lascanon option. Also I would rather have 2d3 damage (If you are at long range) than d6. In the end it probably comes down to personal preference but the c-beams seem pretty cool to me

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I gave up on the grav gun after rolling badly for it a few games in a row. Don't have the melta yet. Twin storm cannons is absolutely the best option, but come on, just look at that thing. A Leviathan dreadnought longs for CC, he craves melee. I've run one with claw and siege drill and my opponents wet their pants each time. Yes you can get more from a knight gallant in that regard, but a CC leviathan is more thematic.
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Double storm cannons look like the favorite way to go. I’ll get the contemptor with 2x twin lascannons first because my primaris need anti tank first but the lev is on the list afterwards. That termie captain now has me thinking about Deathwing too. Cataphractii, Tartarus Or Indomitus though? Choices choices choices
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Double storm cannons look like the favorite way to go. I’ll get the contemptor with 2x twin lascannons first because my primaris need anti tank first but the lev is on the list afterwards. That termie captain now has me thinking about Deathwing too. Cataphractii, Tartarus Or Indomitus though? Choices choices choices


No choice, Cataphractii aaaaaaaall the way

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