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Night Owls


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Introducing the Nigh Owls:


Night Owls


They are ment to act as a driving force behind the Tempestus Crusade, a splinter fleet of the Indomitus Crusade, tasked with reclaiming the Dominion of Storms within the Segmentum Ultima.


Current concept:


- Raven Guard successors, exclusively Terran members 

- Chapter Master Vyn Radun (a somewhat 40K version of Riddick)

- Mandalorian themed (inspired by both, the Death Watch and their Nite Owls sub-faction)

- allied with the canon Watch Fortress Mortguard (I'm intending to flesh it out in time; inspired by the Halo games [excluding 4 &5] & Stargate) and the Alphic Scorpions, a Militarum Tempestus force (ODSTs of Halo)

- bit of a wildcard, more like mercenaries bound to Guiliman than a zealous chapter

- heavily influenced by other Terran based Raven Guard forces like the Ashen Claws or the Carcharodons, trying to create a triangle of those three forces (Carcharodons being brutal infiltrators, Ashen Claws aerial assaults and Night Owls maybe fast assault)

- Homeworld is either a world in constant shadow (orbiting a gas giant) or an artifical construct like the Halo Rings (which needs to be reviewed)

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