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Kneepad sized transfers

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When I started expanding my Raven Guard into Primaris, I wanted a different way to mark my squads that was more uniform and more interesting than numbers.

So I started putting icons on their kneepads. Thus far, I've used the skulls and lightning bolts from the Dark Imperium sheet. They fit well and are easy to identify.

However, I need more transfers for additional squads. I have a skull squad and a lightning bolt squad of Intercessors, but now I need different stuff for additional squads.


Does anyone know what kits come with kneepad sized icons? They must be white, or black on a white field (like the skulls in the Shadowspear decal sheet) and simple objects. They don't have to be Space Marines transfers.


Any ideas? Thanks.

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I had the same problem with prepping my blood angels, and their squad icons are quite specific. They're not the cheapest option, but pop goes the monkey has a bunch of knee-sized icons on shapeways.

Those are neat. I'm not sure I want to start adding additional raised detail to my Primaris, but I'll keep it in mind.

With a sheet of decal paper, an inkjet printer and a can of gloss varnish you can make up your own sheets with whatever your heart desires



I would have suggested that, but you can't print white transfers on a home printer (no white ink!). You can cut out the shapes yourself from a blank white transfer sheet, as the whole sheet will be white not transparent, but that's obviously a giant pain.


Here's a list of the pre-made transfer sheets that come in a bunch of current boxes - problem is, most of them are shoulder sized or bigger, not knee sized. And the knee sized ones are usually just skulls. The stormcast eternals B sheet though does have smaller white icons, so might suit.



Although you can’t print white transfers on a regular inkjet, you can create outline decals that stencil to any colour, including white. I’ve used this on my Raven Guard and did a write up in my WiP: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/317665-lost-in-the-eye-niceguyadis-raven-guard/page-2?do=findComment&comment=4503717

Although you can’t print white transfers on a regular inkjet, you can create outline decals that stencil to any colour, including white. I’ve used this on my Raven Guard and did a write up in my WiP: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/317665-lost-in-the-eye-niceguyadis-raven-guard/page-2?do=findComment&comment=4503717

OK that is cool and I never thought of doing that way. Noice!

Thanks, everyone. I'll see if there's any Syormcast players near me with that sheet so I can check sizes.

I've also been looking at the old Epic transfer sheets, which have different designs in various colors ands white. Only issue for those is that they usually come in trips on a sheet. Meaning I'd need 4of each sheet for a squad of ten


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