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Malakim Phoros - Chapter Master?


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Is Malakim Phoros supposed to have the Chapter Master special rule? On his datasheet he only has the 'Lord of Ruin' rule, which gives nearby units rerolls to wound. He has the CHAPTER MASTER keyword but the special rule is absent? Is this a mistake? I've seen people online claiming that Forgeworld has clarified that he should have the Chapter Master special rule but I've been unable to find confirmation of this anywhere. Can anyone clear this up?

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Well, I emailed Forge World, who directed me to the GW FAQ email, who assured me that whilst they couldn’t respond personally I should rest assured that my question would be read and taken into consideration for the next round of FAQs. So that’s that I guess.
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RAW, no, he instead has his wound-rolls aura.


To clarify, if he had no aura - it would be right to maybe assume a mistake, however instead he has a unique aura as per a special character.

Oh don’t get me wrong, until I hear otherwise from an official source I’ll take the datasheet as it is, not as I’d like it to be. However given A. his extremely high points cost (205 points) B. the fact that every other Chapter Master has the same rule in addition to any other auras (nothing says they can’t have more than one) and C. the fact that his weapon is -1 to hit, I have a feeling that it is a mistake and will be corrected.

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