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Transporting Bullgryns

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So I just finished the first 3 of 9 Bullgryns I have;


Militarum Auxilia Bullgryns


What is the most efficient way to get them into combat now? A squad of 7 or 8 footslogging it is probably going to get a lot of attention, so squads of 4 in a Chimera/Valkyrie?



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I used to lie doing then out of Valks

Unfortunately now with the new faq they'll at best be 9"away after the drop so I don't kno if that's worth it


I had been wondering if chimeras would be a better option now but haven't tried it


I believe most competitive players just bring maxed squads with mixed shields and walk them up the field with a psyker giving them +1sv

Ps your bullgryns look great

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Pretty space ogres that can RIP my head off. I either see them used as small squads to counter charge, 4 man in chimera or a 9 man with priest and psyker support marching up the board to take fire and punch something. (Remember, even if they die, means your tanks are not getting shot at)
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They look great, they definitely deserve some table time :thumbsup:


A large squad isn't efficient and would indeed be a huge fire magnet, if you're going that many much better to have two squads of 4 so you can cover more ground :smile.: Mine are almost exclusively a counter assault unit, so transport isn't something I've needed to consider! A Chimera would be good for the smaller squads, Valkyries more for the "all in" approach :tongue.:

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I just walk them up the field- part of what they bring to the table is target overload: If the enemy throws anti-infantry firepower at them there's a good chance it will bounce harmlessly while if they throw anti-tank there's still a chance they will shrug it off and those guns aren't pointed at your tanks.
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A valkyrie is still your best chance of getting a turn 1 charge with the bullgryns, but the nerf hit the valkyrie very hard. That being said, you can still get 21.9" movement for your bullgryns if you drop into hover beforehand. Chimeras are an option still, but they have a shorter range and lack the ability to dismount after the full movement. If you're okay with deep striking turn 2, you can use an officer of the fleet with the dagger of Tu'Sakh to deepstrike bullgryns. With this method you can get a large squad of bullgryns 9" away from the enemy (and within 6" of a board edge). There's some disadvantages with this though. You're not bringing any support characters to the fight. This means no psychic barrier, and no priest. I prefer moving my melee blob up the board with with an astropath, priest and 2 commissars (1 power Fist, 1 relic power sword). The melee blob will either draw fire or cause the enemy to reposition. Both responses allow for the guard to dictate the flow of the game.
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Nailed it!!! Big unit buffed up and walking/advancing up the board. I've been playing with new warlord traits lately. Found one that let's warlord and 1 unit advance 6". Been using that with lord commisar armed with the blade of conquest a priest and 2 primaris psykers. All of them are buffed by the priest. Hits like a truck.



I just walk them up the field- part of what they bring to the table is target overload: If the enemy throws anti-infantry firepower at them there's a good chance it will bounce harmlessly while if they throw anti-tank there's still a chance they will shrug it off and those guns aren't pointed at your tanks.

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