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My Son's DA Successors the "Dark Swords" and AM Allies

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^ that


Buuuuut, the Native American theme is dying out... There are some feathers here and there on Termies but the big feathered crests visible on some DW Sergeants and Masters as well as the backs of the bikes are really not that Native American - more like references to angels or, in the case of bikes, the Polish Winged Hussars? Maybe? 


Look, if go for secretive monastic knights - you're there 100%



But yeah, mostly secretive monastic knights

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Fighting Monks, with Knight armour!

Just like Semper says.


If your son likes bikes for with his Shroud then go for it; although Black Knights are the business, normal bikers are points efficient in smaller games and with betabolters and chainswords can do good work on chaff.

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Ok, here's some Dark Swords update ... not bad for a kid who's technically "too young" to play 40K (I believe it's recommended 14+ on the model kits):

med_gallery_66537_9465_70212.jpg med_gallery_66537_9465_334035.jpg

He did a second Seraphim Sepia wash and I think it improved things. So far so good with the green and metal colours.

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It’s a really good start.


I don’t know if you keep up with rumours but I check out the new citadel contrast paint range due to be released in June. They are being marketed at beginners and seem like a great way to get kids started in the hobby.

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Your son is starting off really strong with his painting.  Be sure to keep some of those first attempts around to compare with your son's later progress.  It is inspiring to see how much better we get with time.

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It’s a really good start.


I don’t know if you keep up with rumours but I check out the new citadel contrast paint range due to be released in June. They are being marketed at beginners and seem like a great way to get kids started in the hobby.


Thanks, yeah, I had heard about the contrast paint range, and am looking forward to trying them out. I think we'll just "Stay the course" with the Deathwing, then try out those contrast paints on the regular marines and Ravenwing.

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