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'The entire squad may exchange' clarification


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Hi all,


So I was wondering about the differences in wording of 'the entire squad may exchange x for x' vs 'any model may exchange x for x'. For this example I'll use the squad that made me notice this, Sisters of Silence oblivion knight cadre, it says for them "The entire squad may exchange their execution blades for power axes" then gives a points per model, does this mean that anyone in the squad can have a power axe or that every single member HAS to have a power axe if I exchange, aka an all or nothing thing. I was wanting to run them with 5 execution blades and 5 power axes but have noticed that may be illegal. Any help clarifying would be lovely!





As far as I understand it, 'the entire squad may exchange' is all or nothing, whereas 'any model may' is on a per model basis. The fact that point costs are given per model is only to account for the fact that squad may have a variable size (typically five or 10 models).


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