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1000 pt game looking for pointers


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I've never had an AdMech army but I've played against them a fair few times (they're popular in my local meta). Kalestan Robots are expensive for 1000 points, but if he does take them then they should be a priority target. Your best bet will be to use Forlorn Fury to set up a turn 1 Slamguinius charge. With Red Rampage and Honour the Chapter he shouldn't have any trouble bringing them down. Next priority should be the Kataphron Destroyers. Both of these can lay down some serious hurt if you leave them be.


If he brings Belisarius Cawl, don't bother trying to kill him unless Slamguinius has no Kastelans or Kataphrons to go after. He's not that scary by himself but his buffs are immense. As I say, a fully buffed Slamguinius should be enough to delete him but really you should focus on the units he's buffing not Cawl himself. Also, don't underestimate the Skitarii infantry. They may only be T3 but they're harder to bring down than they look, especially when in cover. They can also hit pretty hard at range.


I don't know about AdMech stratagems but I'd be ready for your opponent to have a lot of command points. I believe there's a very cheap AdMech command point farm called the Rusty 17 (similar in concept to the Loyal 32). At 1000 points especially that could be a big deal. You're going to need at least a battalion to give yourself enough command points to compete, preferably complemented by a Vanguard Detachment. At 1000 points you likely won't have space for more than that.


Anyway hope this helps, it's all I can think of off the top of my head. Good luck with your game.

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Gonna bring DC, slam, a Vang lib, and VVs for close combat. I also have a loyal 32 bat. I'm gonna WL the librian, use master of vanguard on DC/slam for move and charge (depends on deployment, but probably after FFing him or them) tie :cuss up.


I have a sicaran venator I'll yse to attempt to dispatch a bot or dune crawler, then slam/VVs to keep them in combat.


I'll keep 2 squads of guard buddies and a cmmdr back for t3/4 as we start losing alot of units so I can run out and move move move objectives.


I also have an eversor I'll take to give his infantry something to think about :)


Thanks for pointers!!!!!

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Id suggest a vindicare rather than an eversor. The techpriests can provide support to his main line units but sniping a couple out in one area can be pivotal to weaken a flank before you hit it and shut down vehicle repairs...
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However as soon as your opponent sees the Vindicare, he will hide his characters behind LoS-blocking terrain. This may hamper his deployment, but may not as well. I'd go Eversor in accordance with the rule: "chop the shooty".
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Loyal 32, Assassin, Sicaran, Smash Captain, DC/VAS at 1k points and you're worried about their shenanigans? 0.o


What are you expecting to be up against? Do you both normal play this hard?

Is there a wrong way to play? I bought it all :) I honestly will be happy if I don't fluff my venator Cannon rolls, it's debuff has been elusive.
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Not at all :) I'm just surprised to see that type of stuff being discussed at the 1k level. People play differently and in different metas after all.

This is the BEST Forum for ba, Hands down. tactics, knowledge about other armies. The minute I have a question it gets answered :) the units of the week posts. That what's in your cart post (
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However as soon as your opponent sees the Vindicare, he will hide his characters behind LoS-blocking terrain. This may hamper his deployment, but may not as well. I'd go Eversor in accordance with the rule: "chop the shooty".

but does the assassin special rule placement actually count as moving - if not (and as far as i read it it doesn't - though i haven't seen an FAQ about it) then you can plonk him down in the most advantageous place in your first movement phase and crack off a pair of shots at whoever you can draw a bead on. He cant deploy out of LOS of the entire board presumably?

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Arriving this way looks like one of the faces of the Reinforcement rule, so he would be at a -1 to hit for his heavy weapon. With only 1 shot with his Rifle (I'm assuming you placed him outside the range of his Exitus Pistol, cause then you can be charged) that's a real hamper. There is a possibility to shoot again of course, but it costs CP (and you already used 2, to bring him in the first place) and this shot needs to be at different target. 

I admit that the prospect of shooting that supporting character is nice indeed, but for me the Vindicare just misses a tad too often :P His real strength is in board control and the way your opponent will squirm around with his characters to avoid his fire lanes.
Eversor would kill more and even in death has a good chance of hurting something pretty badly.

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I couldn't crack his Tauesque castle. He beat me 15-11. My opponent didn't move, didn't play the map/objectives. He nailed the w because of slay the warlord and character secondaries.


I played the hell out of objectives to get my whole whopping 11pts He had a castle of 2 dunecrawlers flanked by his elite snipers on either side hqs behind with troops sprinkled around. He had 2 lovely warglaives prowling around the front of his moat.


Heres how game went:

Positioned my guard on flanking objectives.

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Bad luck dude. Shooty armies like this aren't just a bad matchup for us, but we're also playing with a handicap because the edition so strongly favours shooting over melee. That's another discussion however. If you hadn't failed those vital charges you'd probably have torn chunks out of him ;)
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I couldn't crack his Tauesque castle. He beat me 15-11. My opponent didn't move, didn't play the map/objectives. He nailed the w because of slay the warlord and character secondaries.


I played the hell out of objectives to get my whole whopping 11pts He had a castle of 2 dunecrawlers flanked by his elite snipers on either side hqs behind with troops sprinkled around. He had 2 lovely warglaives prowling around the front of his moat.


Heres how game went:

Positioned my guard on flanking objectives.


Sicaran Venator shoots and gets invulns.


UWoF DC into position for t1 charge to soften a flank. Kill one troop with bolters. FAILED charge, warglaive mops survivors.


T2 my sicaran dented a dunecrawler.

I UWoFed Slam to tie up the dunecrawlers. He came & made charge and did dmg(probably should've focused the dented one :/) also dropped my VVs to hit that same flank DC failed to hit. Used DoA---- And my VVs rolled an 8, CP rerolled and another 8. FAILED charge.


Eversor (I was Soo excited for a free 3d6) charge) rolls an 8.


I conceded after t4, there was no way I'd be able to make up the pts.


That was the game in a nutshell. All or my critical charges failed. I was kitted really to take out the infantry, but didn't have alot to deal with the dunecrawlers or the especially the knights.


I played objectives very well, I was fail in my secondary objective selection (should've went more board controlly with like recon, bel, and ground control against these stupid castle folks) I really have no idea how else to play that one other than make some charges. It's hard to squeeze in delivery systems at this lvl of pts though . I think his knights would've shredded a rhino if I went that route approach.


That's hard luck, but I have some comments. Firstly, don't listen to people who say we can't fight against shooty armies. Frankly it's nonsense. We have so many abilities that allow us to get right up in their faces right from the off and wreck their lives. You just have to get creative with our options.


Second, you need to re-read the Command Reroll stratagem. The BRB FAQ states, "If a rule allows you to re-roll a result that was made by adding several dice together (e.g. 2D6, 3D6, etc.) then, unless otherwise stated, you must roll all of those dice again". The Command Reroll Strategem clearly states "You may reroll any single dice". This is unambiguously saying that you can reroll one dice, not more than one, and therefore comes under the heading of "unless otherwise stated". If you were using an ability like Lemartes' Fury Unbound, or the Angel's Wing to reroll that DoA charge then yes you would have had to reroll all the dice. By spending that command point though you only have to reroll one of them, making it much more likely that the charge would have succeeded.


Third, you would probably have been better off giving your Slamguinius the Artisan of War Warlord Trait if you were going to use him against vehicles. Also if you'd used Death Visions of Sanguinius on him you wouldn't have needed UWoF, you could have used the much more reliable Forlorn Fury to get him into combat. Then if he didn't finish off the Dunecrawler first time around don't be afraid to use Honour the Chapter to make him fight again. Yes it's a lot of command points but it's worth it if you can get rid of a vehicle like that, especially in a 1k game.

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