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Jkoczan42's Nurgle and Death Guard Paint Blog

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After years away from 40k for other games, I'm back in the saddle again, coming back to an old love of mine, Nurgle. Papa Nurgle has always been a favorite of mine, and I'm looking forward to what I can do after years of painting experience since my last go at it. The plan is to go with the iconography and colors of the Lords of Silence (fun book, by the way).
I'm starting with an old helbrute, and I got the skin finished last night. I'm going for bruised, rotten flesh, and I think it came out well here.



Comments and Questions, of course, are always appreciated.

Work for this evening: Face completed, though I may go back in and clean up the lenses with a dark line around them to make them stand out more. Also did some bone work around the body, but that is still in the roughing in stages.



Welcome aboard, jkoczan42! We're glad to have to here. :)


Your Nurgle forces are off to a good start, I would be interested to hear what process you used for that grotesque flesh color. I agree that some darker blue or even black around the lenses might help them pop more, but solid so far. 

Welcome aboard, jkoczan42! We're glad to have to here. :smile.:


Your Nurgle forces are off to a good start, I would be interested to hear what process you used for that grotesque flesh color. I agree that some darker blue or even black around the lenses might help them pop more, but solid so far. 


Thanks for the welcoming words!


As for the flesh:


I started with three very thin coats of VGC Pale Flesh to create my base color.


I then used a mix of 3 parts Reikland Flesh shade to 2 parts Druchii Violet, thinned down a bit and glazed in a few washes to tint everything with a bruised color.


Next step was VGC Hexed Lichen mixed with VGC Pale Flesh (very thinned down), which I used to build the purple bruised shadows. The mix for this isn't exact, as in some places I needed more purple for deeper shadows, other places less.


VGC Pale Flesh and VGC Filthy Brown was used to create mid tones and highlights, with VGC Ghostly Grey used to lighten the mix as needed.


Last part was to create a glaze of VGC Yellow Olive to create the rotting green effect and re-tint everything. 


This was all a very ad-hoc process, Super thin paints, more water then paint after the base coat was in place, pushing colors around where I wanted them, sometimes deciding to go over a place again because I didn't like where it was headed. I was using my wet pallet to keep everything available as I moved around the model, because some times things needed to be changed on the fly.




Did a lot of cleaning up tonight, as well as worked on the bone and red flesh around the exhaust vents and under arm maw, as well as added red bruising to the back vents. Now I'm ready to start on the armor plates and metal parts. I'm really enjoying working on this sculpt, and going to love getting cracking on the characters and plague marines for ETL. I might not pledge a lot for this, but all praise must be payed to Papa Nurgle



Started on the metallics tonight. The silver/steel is done outside of final weathering for the melta tips (not sure if I want to do it brown or blue hot, suggestions?) and a final edge highlight after varnish is on. I started to lay down the gold trim base, but today's hobby time is done and it's a very tedious process to do cleanly, and even then I have some bits to fix up that I can already see.


Doing these updates every day has helped getting me back in the swing of hobby work, and by having this board to post to is fantastic. Keeps me working and at it. Thanks community folks.

He's awesome - you should also share him in the chaos space marine (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/20-x-chaos-space-marines-x/) and/or the death guard (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/284-death-guard/) forums - not everyone checks the WIP forum and I'm sure the posters there would love to see it too.

He's awesome - you should also share him in the chaos space marine (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/20-x-chaos-space-marines-x/) and/or the death guard (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/284-death-guard/) forums - not everyone checks the WIP forum and I'm sure the posters there would love to see it too.


Thanks for the suggestion! I'll post him to the other boards when he's completed (only a day or two more of work at this rate). 


Today I finished up his trim. All that remains is the black tubing, a highlight on the silver, basing, and the eyes and some small fleshy strands. The trim had to be the most tedious part of this, having to be super careful so I didn't get any spill over onto the other parts I'd painted. I'm pretty dang happy with the results of my work on this guy, and up next will be a squad of plague marines for the ETL.









Didn't get quite as much done today as I would have liked, but all that's left is bronze, black, bases and a handful of odds and details. Should be finished up tomorrow night. After that, it's onto another two for this squad (icon bearer and a blight launcher), and my first squad for my ETL vow will be at 50 percent done.

Your Plague Marines are well-painted.


Thanks Bjorn! These are a lot of fun to paint, so I'm really enjoying myself with them. That helps a lot with keeping interest in this project.


After a nice little 1000 point game today, I managed to finish up my first two plague marines. Next up is the icon bearer and a blight launcher for this squad. Sorry that the individual picture of the gas mask wearing fellow is a bit blurry, I just couldn't get it to focus properly, so I'll give it another try another day.




ETLplaguemarine1 2front

ETLplaguemarine1 2back

Decided not to start an icon and a blight launcher, but instead went with both blight launchers in my ETL vow. The Blight Brothers are about 2/3rds done, just need to do the copper, black, and bases, and they are done. Work is going faster now that I have the recipes for things down and I'm not going back and re working things to get them to fit better.





That green is quite disgusting. Perfect for Death Guard!


Thanks a lot! I've been tweaking it just a bit, but the recipe is mostly set now.


I know it's been a minute since I updated, but it's been a busy week. Registering for grad school classes and filling out financial aid paperwork, work, and assembling Blightlord Terminators for an upcoming game keep me from getting much paint work done. All I managed to do this week so far was lay down the green (which needs a few touch ups) on my icon bearer and last line marine for my ETL vow.



Those bits s yellow spot colour look really good on those models.


Thanks. I think it was a good choice, and works well with in my base color for pus, jaundiced flesh, and leather. They all use the same base color (a sickly yellow brown), but what I highlight with depends upon what the surface I'm painting is.


Finished up the last two marines in my first squad (the icon bearer and a final bolter mook), and all that's left in this squad is the champion. That's a majority of my first ETL vow, which is coming along nicely within the time frame.


Here they are, plus a family shot.







Started in on the champion for my squad. Once he's done, that knocks out my first squad and more then halfway through on my ETL vow. There are a lot of wonderful little details on this model. Also did some assembly on a rhino and plague crawler, and am approaching 1500 points of assembled death guard.





  • 2 weeks later...







Got my first squad finished, so now my ETL vow is three characters and a bloat drone. I also have been doing assembly work on a rhino, plague crawler, and another squad of marines. I've also gotten a game in a week on average, and I'm about 50-50 on win/loss. I really need to kit out some anti-armor things, as when my opponents bring a knight or heavy tank, I'm having some major difficulty in bringing them down. Any suggestions?

  • 2 weeks later...
Busy time at work has kept me from doing any hobby work outside of assembly (got another squad filled out and a plagueburst crawler put together), but I did get a bit of paint on my plaguecaster's face and started on his green armor. I was going for a jaundiced look to his flesh, and I think I will go back and do some work on the eyes. They look a bit too flat right now.




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