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Narrative Battle Report BA vs Alfalfa Legion


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Hey all, played my first match in a narrative campaign in my group. Wanted to share with you guys a brief summary of the events!


The mission we were playing was Angels of Death Descend with the Alpha legion holding ground against the full brunt of the blood angels spearhead. Our bonuses were +1 wounding for vehicles vs other vehicles and -1 warp charge on powers. All Legionaire infantry were always in cover and my blood angels had +2 for all charges (which really activated my almonds)


The list I took was a little bit of everything, I didn't know how hard I wanted to put down the throttle so I took a healthy mix of 2 battalions and a vanguard.


1st Bat: Slammy and Libby Dread as HQs and 3x scouts with shanks, with 2 dev squads (HB and Las respectively) as auxiliary support.

2nd Bat: Mephy and a Sanguinary Priest w JP, 3x intercessors

Vanguard: Lemmy accompanied by 10x power axe/bolters DC, 5x Power sword/bolters DC, DC dread, Frag cannon furioso with flamer.


The alpha legion list was a bit of a surprise, Dakka levi, 3x FW Khorne scuttle crabs, 2x Lord Discordants (had never faced them before, Yikes!) 2x renegade helverins and one squad of havoks. cultists, but that's a given. Oh and the venomcrawler. So, work cut out for me.


My friend gets to deploy 2/3rds on the board and I get to go first, with my dreads being able to deploy in the vanguard lane of my deployment zone. I spend 5 cp to use dawn raid rules, 3d6 preliminary bombardment, and to forlorn fury slambo up the board. I peeled 6 wounds off the levi with a hot roll on bombardment.


First turn I got right up in the business with both my libby dread casting wings/quicken and slammy doing slammy things. I punked the levi with smash, got interrupted by a khorneflake which dropped the libby dread to 2, and then I failed to kill it on the return. a good start, but things slid away from me as the game progressed.


Hitting the fast forward button, I'll fill in the details later on. I made an error in dogpiling a helvern with my death company drop and then dying to bale flamers and never ending attacks of the lord discordants. oh yeah, my lascannon squad got killed in an earthquake in a building before the game even started, so there's that.


At the end of the game there were three models on the board, Mephiston, a khorne flake, and a helvern. the daemon engine was contesting an objective so FISSION MAILED :(((((


but it was a fun match and I'm definitely going to be sharpening my teeth for upcoming battles!

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