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Crowsong's WIPs (Hydra Daemon Prince! 8/23/19)

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In an effort to stop simply lurking I wanted to share some of the projects I've been working on.
I've been juggling a few different armies... Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Alpha Legion, Orks, and various killteams.
But the thing I'm most excited to share is the gaming table I've begun.
The end goal of the game board is to have 6 modular tiles that I will form natural looking raised areas wherever the corners meet

The tiles are 2'x2' clear plastic so I can work on both sides to give the board a greater feeling of depth

The final product will hopefully represent raised rock plateaus along a frozen lake

The first step of the tile is to apply a crackle medium all over what will become the bottom side.
once that dried I followed that up with a light blue spray paint and covered that up with a darker blue spraypaint

20190527 233529


The next step was to place the rock formations at the corners. These are pink foam worked with a hot wire cutter and then textured with sculpting tools to break up the uniform flat areas. The pink foam extends nine inches along each of the tile edges so that when I combine them with future tiles they'll always match up in unique and aesthetically pleasing ways. The foam is also roughly an inch tall, so it nicely breaks up line of sight. 

20190528 095538


Next step: Detailing!
I've decided that each of the outcroppings will serve as excellent spots to place ruined buildings. To that end I've decided to make good use of all those square bases I have left over from previous forays into fantasy as well as buying up fantasy boxes for kitbashing projects. This will give me a first level tile floor for each of the ruined buildings because I've always hated the look of the high tech 40k buildings all have stone/grass first floors.

I've also textured the lake's surface with a mixture of spackle that I had left over from moving out of my last apartment and water and brushing that around to my best impression of windblown snow. The final step was sealing everything with a mix of pva glue and water.

20190530 185737

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Here's an update with some of the mini's I plan on playing on said table!
I have an awful habit of starting new projects before I ever put paint on the last project.
As such I've committed to painting 2000 points of my Thousand Sons, then 2000 points of my Deathguard, then 2000 points of my Alpha Legion, before I start any other new projects (other than painting my kill teams, which are also staring at me accusingly)
So, A rough 2k list for my Thousand Sons
Ahriman on foot
2x Sorcerers in terminator armor with familiars
3 x 10 Rubrics with Soul Reaper Cannons
1 x 10 Rubrics with Flamers
2 x Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnoughts with butcher cannons and havoc launchers
2 x 5 Scarab Occult Terminators with heavy flamers Soul Reapers and missile racks
Dedicated Transport:
Rhino with Havoc Launcher

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Counts as Ahriman, Arch Sorcerer of my Crimson Sons


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His two cohorts, Sorcerers in terminator armor with familiars


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The revered ancients. Twin Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnoughts, each with twin butcher cannons and havoc launchers


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The Arch Sorcerer's Scarab Occult


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Shot of a mostly painted squad of Rubrics

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Close up of the soulreaper


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my four aspiring sorcerers


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20190604 220725

warpflamer delivery vehicle

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  • 3 weeks later...

Home sick with bronchitis, and to that end I took a break from working on my Thousand Sons and wanted to share the some of the Deathguard projects I'm still working on on the side

20190620 141750

Three of my Princes, made from a combination of terminators and crypt ghasts

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My Plague hulk has sadly been sitting unloved on my shelf for longer than I'd like to admit, but I plan on throwing him on a table soon enough.

20190620 142000

Deathshroud. In the past I enjoyed throwing Mutilators in a landraider alongside a sorcerer on palanquin. With Mutilators no longer being available to the deathguard I'm planning on running the Deathshroud in their stead. 

20180906 182941

20190620 142050

ectoplasma dreadnoughts... I've honestly never used these, but I had extra bits and a dream. The current plan is to use them as a pair Hellforged Deredeo.

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Made some more progress on the table today!
I've started the process of preparing the top of the tile for paint and snow
I've put on a rather thick layer of crackle medium and let that dry over a couple of days, now I've put on a spray of seafoam green to provide more undertones for the snow that will have settled on top of the frozen lake. The green's still wet so it hasn't crackled yet, and with any luck the weather will hold and it'll dry nice and dramatically crackled so different colors will show through

20190626 070019

20190626 070006

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20190626 065942


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  • 1 month later...
It's my great pleasure to share the start of my Alpha Legion centerpiece model, my Winged Daemon Prince
The construction was mostly straightforward. Creative cutting was needed only to join the neck to the torso as well as the arms, and then pinning the wings to the back. The next steps will be gapfilling and adding accents to cover up the holes where other forgefiend bits are meant to go.

20190823 175827


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