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Contrast Paints with your Guard?

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Does anyone have big plans to use the new Contrast paints? I'm curious to see how well they'd do on armor but still skeptical because they're largely flat areas.


I'm looking to do my Catachans with Darkoath Fleshshade for a tanner skin tone, and ironically Greenskin for the camo. 

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I went and had a play with them today in fact

I tested on a primaris model which isn't the ideal candidate

I don't think they'll be great for tanks, but definitely flesh - Although I only tried the Guilliman flesh tone, which I thought was an odd shade, I'm not sure what other colours are out there

Fortunately they do dry with a flat tone, a lot of pic's I've seen have been shortly after they've been applied and seem quite shiny


I was surprised with the Ultramarine Blue... I might find a Mordian I can test on and see how it goes.... 

I've been planning out a number of different projects for contrast lately so I haven't really been focused on my guard, but I would guess that it will be quite good for standard guardsman.  Looking at the standard Cadian, the armor, fatigues, and skin should all work well and due to the extra flesh, Catachans should be even better.


Vehicle will be less straight forward, though I'm sure people will think up some interesting ways to use them.


I did see these videos the other day.






They give a few ways you might get some interesting effects.



I’m going to try Militarum Green on my cadians fatigues... it looks very close to my death world forest base, wash and highlight effect I have on some of my troops , and I was thinking of using either snakebite leather or aggaros dunes for the other platoons fatigues ....whichever one looks like Zandri dust with a wash?!?.will really have to see those colours in real life before I decide though...

it will speed up troop painting a lot but I doubt I will use it on vehicles... the old fashioned way for them I think ?!..


Cheers, Mithril

It looks like they'll be good for Guard, as mentioned they're probably not as useful on smooth/flat surfaces but for infantry models with lots of contours and the like they'll be great for getting the core work done. I'm looking forward to seeing what can be done with them :)

Was planning on black templar over leadbelcher for a gunmetal kind of look for the armour on my infantry. Still debating on what to use on the clothing. I'd like a purple tone, but that will potentially look too dark overall, so might go for a greenish/teal variant instead.


First, to strip all the black basecoat off again though. :p


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