Banjohero Posted June 12, 2019 Share Posted June 12, 2019 (edited) Hello, heres my Cadians. Haven't decided on a name/regiment yet, so any suggestions would be nice! Probably just gonna find a random number hehe. These are my first models, and I'm pretty new to the hobby as of yet. I'm planning on expanding my force, but still deciding on what I want. I've been "struggling" with my colour scheme for a long time, being unable to choose. I originally went with blue and white, going for a winter-theme. The white ended up being super annoying, so I switched to doing the the standard cadian green and tan. It didn't really sit well with me though, as I wanted something more "realistic" or WW2-themed kinda. I tried some green on green, and different styles, but it always ended up being too boring and dark. I finally ended up doing them with green armor and a tan/green/brown camp pattern on the fatigues. Very similar to the standard cadians (and I only need to paint camo on my other guys haha). My force for now is a Start Collecting box, a sentinel, an extra heavy weapons team and a few extra guardsmen. I also have a box of skitari rangers and space marines from the dark imperium set. I want to end up with a mixed force, where my skitari and some marines are supporting my guard. Something along the lines of an expedition or crusade. I never played any games yet, and I don't really know the rules that well (I have read the book, but...). I'm really struggling with making an army list/setup, and deciding on how to build my guardsmen. I would love some suggestion on how to expand/make this into a real list. I'm not looking to be super-competitive but not a walkover either. So far I have: 25x Guardsmen2x HWT - Mortar + LascannonLeman RussSentinel I would like some more tanks, artillery and infantry. I don't really want Scions or bullgryns, as I don't really like how they look. I'm thinking of doing some home-made Scions and/or bullgryns eventually.I'm also looking to get/build/convert something like WW2-Artillery pieces to use as 2x Basilisks (the artillery tanks). So my expansion plan for now is, 2x Basilisk, another box of Start Collecting, a box of heavy weapon teams and a Command Squad. Heres a few pictures of my army: My painted guardsmenAll my (nearly) painted modelsThe camo scheme I decided on (looks much better in person...)My current project, Leman Russ. Just missing the details and the commander My mortar team, need to put them on a 60mm base I figure. I built two teams from one set.And the lascannon My sentinel My first conversion, a plasma gunner! I took a bit from the skitarii guns and glued it on parts of a lasgun... I was quite proud! Thats it for now, sorry about the rambling! Edited June 16, 2020 by Banjohero Halfpint100, JeffJedi, Mithrilforge and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tychobi Posted June 12, 2019 Share Posted June 12, 2019 Really good opening salvo. Keep it coming! Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 13, 2019 Share Posted June 13, 2019 Your models are well-painted. Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halfpint100 Posted June 13, 2019 Share Posted June 13, 2019 Guardsmen, russes and sentinels are all good IMO. You need some officers for orders (it is where the guard shine). After the second start collecting box I would recommend more infantry, some mortar teams (very ww2) and maybe a psyker or 2. Then the rest if up to you. Mithrilforge, duz_ and Banjohero 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mordian Glory Posted June 13, 2019 Share Posted June 13, 2019 Nice models and welcome to the Guard :) Looking at your models, you only need to get your hands on a command squad box and another infantry to have a decent starter fighting force. From the command squad box you can build a couple of Company Commanders, these guys should be your go to HQ choice as they can issue 2 orders a turn. Orders are what make guard go from an OK army to an amazing army. Dont worry, there are lots of officer bits in the box so you will have enough to build 2 officers (even if the box says only 1). You also get enough bits to build 3 special weapon guys. I recommend using the melta gun, plasma gun and sniper rifle, as these are weapons which you will struggle to find the parts for outside of the command squad box. For the regular infantry squad box I recommend going for a 10 man squad. You might also be able to upgrade the Sgt with some cool wargear, depending on what bits you have left over from command squad box. With these 2 boxes and what you already have you should be able to field a tough little list for your starter games, below is an example list, but feel free to change it up. Company Commander: Plasma Pistol and Powersword Company Commander: Laspistol and Power Fist Infantry Squad: Grenade Launcher, Morter, Sgt has a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword Infantry Squad: Meltagun, Sgt has a Laspistol Pistol and Chainsword Infantry Squad: Plasma Gun, Lascannon, Sgt has a Laspistol and Chainsword Leman Russ: Battle Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolters Sentinel: Heavy Flamer This comes to 460 points. Now you should have a few guys left over, I would consider taking them as Special Weapon Squad. This is a 6 man squad that can take 3 special weapons. The typical loadout for these squad is 3x flamers and use them as a counter attack unit. Hope this is helpful :) Banjohero and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 13, 2019 Share Posted June 13, 2019 Already reporting in with pictures in a WIP, that's what we like to see :tu: Your camouflage is great, really looks good so keep the updates coming :D You can't go wrong with troopers to hold the line as mentioned, and Russes are the backbone of Guard armour for a reason ;) Sentinels are useful for scouting and support roles, and can go well in number if you'd like. More core choices and a couple of Bassies will give you a good foundation to expand upon :) Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pounder Posted June 13, 2019 Share Posted June 13, 2019 Looking good! The camo comes out well in the pictures. Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Raven 19 Posted June 13, 2019 Share Posted June 13, 2019 Possibly, the cadian defence force could be a good buy. Command squad 2 infantry squad Heavy weapon squad Chimaera Leman Russ battle tank duz_ and Banjohero 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted June 13, 2019 Share Posted June 13, 2019 Definitely needs a baneblade :D Welcome aboard banjo army looks great so far! :tu : Plenty of solid advice so far aa.logan, Banjohero and BIG ROB OF DEATH 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banjohero Posted June 13, 2019 Author Share Posted June 13, 2019 (edited) First of all, thank you all very much for the kind words. Truly inspiring! Possibly, the cadian defence force could be a good buy. Command squad 2 infantry squad Heavy weapon squad Chimaera Leman Russ battle tank I've been eyeing that box. But I would have to order it directly from GW, and that means I would have to pay customs/taxes on importing it. Still trying to figure out if that would still be cheaper than the individual parts. The other boxes/sets I can order from a norwegian shop, saving me the taxes/customs. But it definitely looks like the best option I think. Definitely needs a baneblade Welcome aboard banjo army looks great so far! :tu : Plenty of solid advice so far Thank you. A baneblade is definitely something I want. Eventually (Painting the Leman Russ was kinda exhausting already haha). Nice models and welcome to the Guard smile.png Looking at your models, you only need to get your hands on a command squad box and another infantry to have a decent starter fighting force. From the command squad box you can build a couple of Company Commanders, these guys should be your go to HQ choice as they can issue 2 orders a turn. Orders are what make guard go from an OK army to an amazing army. Dont worry, there are lots of officer bits in the box so you will have enough to build 2 officers (even if the box says only 1). You also get enough bits to build 3 special weapon guys. I recommend using the melta gun, plasma gun and sniper rifle, as these are weapons which you will struggle to find the parts for outside of the command squad box. For the regular infantry squad box I recommend going for a 10 man squad. You might also be able to upgrade the Sgt with some cool wargear, depending on what bits you have left over from command squad box. With these 2 boxes and what you already have you should be able to field a tough little list for your starter games, below is an example list, but feel free to change it up. Company Commander: Plasma Pistol and Powersword Company Commander: Laspistol and Power Fist Infantry Squad: Grenade Launcher, Morter, Sgt has a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword Infantry Squad: Meltagun, Sgt has a Laspistol Pistol and Chainsword Infantry Squad: Plasma Gun, Lascannon, Sgt has a Laspistol and Chainsword Leman Russ: Battle Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolters Sentinel: Heavy Flamer This comes to 460 points. Now you should have a few guys left over, I would consider taking them as Special Weapon Squad. This is a 6 man squad that can take 3 special weapons. The typical loadout for these squad is 3x flamers and use them as a counter attack unit. Hope this is helpful This was very helpful! I actually have another 10 guardsmen that I haven't even put together yet, so that part is easy to do. A command squad (box) is definitely in the cards, either by itself with another Start Collecting, or included with the Cadian Defence force box. I assume the "Command Squad" parts are the same either way (?). I didn't really think about Commanders. The Start Collecting box came with a Commissar (which I just put together), will/could they fulfill a similar role as commanders? I put built my Leman Russ with the Vanquisher(? the longer gun) battle cannon, mostly because it looked better 8) But hearing/reading the normal battle cannon is better/more versatile I figured I could play it as either. After reading through many of the other regiments around here, I fell in love with MrZakalwe's lying down heavy bolter team, and just had to do something similar. After studying his pictures I've assembled my gunner, but need to use something to build up the base a little to get him to lie right. Heres how far I got with it: (Completely unrelated, but any tips for getting better pictures of the models using my phone? My phone really struggles with getting sharp images of them) Which leads me to my plan for the bases. I want to do something else than the simple Armageddon dust bases I have on (some) of my models already. I would like to do a grassy-muddy style bases. Planning to order some grass tufts and the Stirland mud paint for that. But I would like a way to make the ground a little more uneven. Would using something along the lines of glue mixed with sand work for giving the ground a more uneven look? I was thinking something similar to this, only with more mud and/or "muddy pools". Edited June 13, 2019 by Banjohero walter h, WarriorFish and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted June 13, 2019 Share Posted June 13, 2019 Great conversion with the kitbash :tu: There's a few threads in the barracks on how to make all the hwt options in the kit. That's the first I've seen for a prone heavy bolter though. Make sure the spotter is slightly elevated so you can actually draw line of site with it though! As for pictures lighting and a steady hand always help. On phones you can usually tap on the screen with what you want it to focus on if the auto focus isn't sure. Finally the GW community website has an awesome article on Minature photography which is worth a read. :tu: Banjohero and Bro Castiel 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banjohero Posted June 15, 2019 Author Share Posted June 15, 2019 Great conversion with the kitbash There's a few threads in the barracks on how to make all the hwt options in the kit. That's the first I've seen for a prone heavy bolter though. Make sure the spotter is slightly elevated so you can actually draw line of site with it though! As for pictures lighting and a steady hand always help. On phones you can usually tap on the screen with what you want it to focus on if the auto focus isn't sure. Finally the GW community website has an awesome article on Minature photography which is worth a read. Thank you! I stole the prone bolter team directly from MrZakalwe's 609th Octavian Regiment. It just looked to good. It seems my phone struggles a bit when I get too close, so trying to take better photos this time. I finished my Leman Russ today, just missing some highlights on the sponson guns and commander. But not sure if I want to highlight the commander or not. The big searchlight came out okay I think, even if a little skewed I'm decently satisfied with the lenses on the bolters, but that will get better with time I figure. I also tried doing some bases. Got myself some glue, sand and rocks and tried it out. Its okay, but I feel the sand is either too fine, or too coarse for what I want. I think I need some grass flocking aswell, to make them greener and more muddy, now it looks more like gravel I think. The 60mm base might come out better, as I did a better job with the glue and sand there. I'm really happy with the stones though, they are supposed to be used under candles etc. The rest of my batch of bases, just sprayed and painted brown. I'm struggling a bit with getting my figures ontop of them though. Superglueing them on was hard, and didnt quite look right. Almost like he's hovering over the sand. It was also super hard to get the figure off his previous base... Might have to rethink this plan, but doing the bases with the figure looks quite tedius aswell. WarriorFish and Bjorn Firewalker 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 15, 2019 Share Posted June 15, 2019 If you're painting the bases, doing it before priming helps as then the model can be glued to the base directly. I think the bases have good bits on, just a matter of what you want to do with them :) I reckon some water here and there would work too :tu: Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 16, 2019 Share Posted June 16, 2019 Excellent work on the Leman Russ. Don't forget to add unit markings so people will know it belongs to YOUR Regiment. Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
holydiver Posted June 17, 2019 Share Posted June 17, 2019 When taking up-close photos, exhale as you hit the shutter, just like pulling the trigger of a gun. (Or doing edge highlights.) My wife is a professional photographer. Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banjohero Posted June 20, 2019 Author Share Posted June 20, 2019 If you're painting the bases, doing it before priming helps as then the model can be glued to the base directly. I think the bases have good bits on, just a matter of what you want to do with them I reckon some water here and there would work too Yeah thats what I'm doing now. Doing the bases and figures separate. I'm hoping to add some water/mud effect aswell as some more green bushes. Just ordered some Stirland Mud and assorted bushes hehe. Excellent work on the Leman Russ. Don't forget to add unit markings so people will know it belongs to YOUR Regiment. Thank you! Still pondering what markings to do haha. Need to add markings to all my men aswell. Thinking I'll go with the 541st Cadian Regiment. Luckily somewhere other than on Cadia itself When taking up-close photos, exhale as you hit the shutter, just like pulling the trigger of a gun. (Or doing edge highlights.) My wife is a professional photographer. Will try that! (Also when highlighting haha). Heres some work on a Heavy bolter team and a Commisar. The HWT turned out alright, but the prone guy was a pain in the ass to get right... Also I regret gluing it all to the base before painting. The Commisar I like, kinda garish looking with the bright colours, but I feel the standard black was a little boring . I also ordered some new stuff today. Ended up getting a second Start Collecting box, a Command squad and a heavy weapons squad along with an assortment of hobby stuff. Paints, basing things, glue, a hand drill etc. Ended up being quite expensive! Luckily it will arrive just in time for my vacation walter h, duz_, WarriorFish and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 (edited) The heavy weapons team looks great! The Commissar, however, makes me wonder, 'Why isn't he wearing the intimidating-as-hell black longcoat of his office?' It's like seeing a Space Marine Chaplain without a skull helm, or a standard bearer without a standard. Edited June 20, 2019 by Bjorn Firewalker Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Expendable_Aquanaut Posted June 21, 2019 Share Posted June 21, 2019 Nice work! I always enjoy seeing the standard cadian paint scheme. It's standard only in name: I feel like it is rarely used and it always looks so good on the tabletop. Also, good job on the heavy bolter team. I liked that pose the first time I saw it too. And even if it wasn't originally your idea, you still did the work of making it happen. Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted June 21, 2019 Share Posted June 21, 2019 Lovely looking stuff – and welcome to the Guard, of course. :) My advice on basing is to attach the figure to the base with a tiny dot of superglue, apply your basing material, then tap the figure to break the superglue's bond once the basing is dry and set. This'll leave you with a base that you can paint and detail separately, but with spaces for the figure's feet to go once you're ready. The main problem is remember which figure goes with which base; but you can solve this in a batch by putting a dot of differently-coloured paint (or other mark) on the sole of one foot and the corresponding base space. Best of luck, and looking forward to the expansion. Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banjohero Posted June 15, 2020 Author Share Posted June 15, 2020 Hello! It's been a while I guess. Moved house end of summer last year, and my stuff got buried in some boxes in a closet. Easier packing it away than picking it back out again I guess. I guess I'll start where I left off last time. I ended up buying another Start Collecting box, a Cadian command squad and a heavy weapons squad. It ended up being cheaper this way rather than the Cadian Defence Force box. I didn't end up building much of it last year, but I've only got the heavy weapon box and the single heavy weapon team from the start collecting to go now. I'll talk a little about my force before the pictures, so bear with me. I did'nt yet end up playing any games, but it looks like my luck has changed. I have downloaded battlescribe and put in all the models (with equipment) I have into a list. It's currently sitting at 1600 points, I would like to make this 1500 points, and would like some suggestions on what to cut. Its all my guardsmen and the space marine part from Dark Imperium. My list: ++ Patrol Detachment (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Imperial Fists) [43 PL, 773pts] +++ Configuration +**Chapter Selection**: Imperial Fists Successor+ HQ +Captain in Gravis Armor [6 PL, 108pts]: Boltstorm gauntlet, Master-crafted power swordPrimaris Lieutenants [8 PL, 138pts]. Primaris Lieutenant: Power sword. Primaris Lieutenant: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle+ Troops +Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Bolt rifle. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades. Intercessor SergeantIntercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Bolt rifle. 4x Intercessor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades. Intercessor Sergeant+ Elites +Primaris Ancient [4 PL, 69pts]+ Fast Attack +Inceptor Squad [7 PL, 123pts]: Assault bolter x2, 2x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant+ Heavy Support +Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 165pts]: Plasma incinerator. 4x Hellblaster: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades. Hellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [46 PL, 732pts] +++ Configuration +Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Cadian+ HQ +Company Commander [2 PL, 38pts]: Laspistol, Power fist, WarlordTank Commander [12 PL, 195pts]: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolters, LascannonTank Commander [12 PL, 195pts]: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolters, Lascannon+ Troops +Infantry Squad [3 PL, 51pts]. 7x Guardsman: 7x Lasgun. Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Flamer. Guardsman w/ Vox-caster: Vox-caster. Sergeant: LaspistolInfantry Squad [3 PL, 48pts]. 7x Guardsman: 7x Lasgun. Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Grenade Launcher. Guardsman w/ Vox-caster: Vox-caster. Sergeant: LaspistolInfantry Squad [3 PL, 55pts]. 7x Guardsman: 7x Lasgun. Guardsman W/ Special Weapon: Meltagun. Guardsman w/ Vox-caster: Vox-caster. Sergeant: Laspistol+ Elites +Commissar [2 PL, 24pts]: Plasma pistol, Power swordCommissar [2 PL, 20pts]: Bolt pistol, Power swordPlatoon Commander [2 PL, 29pts]: Plasma pistol, Power swordPlatoon Commander [2 PL, 25pts]: Bolt pistol, Power sword+ Fast Attack +Armoured Sentinels [3 PL, 52pts]. Armoured Sentinel: Heavy Flamer, Hunter-killer missile, Sentinel Chainsaw++ Auxiliary Support Detachment -1CP (Imperium - Officio Assassinorum) [5 PL, 95pts] +++ Elites +Culexus Assassin [5 PL, 95pts]++ Total: [94 PL, 1,600pts] ++ On another note, I've decided my guardsmen are the Cadian 541st Mechanized Infantry. Would that be the right way to categorize a regiment with tanks, infantry, artillery etc.? Open to suggestions here, except for the number (I already put it on some guys and a tank..) I hope the 541st doesn't exist anywhere already, a quick google search didn't give much. I imagine them not very pure Cadian, having been reinforced many times over already. (Kinda like in Gaunt's Ghosts where they got rolled into another regiment). My 541st are part of an expedition fleet, together with my spacemarines and a squad of skitarii. I'd like this fleet to somehow be an inquisition task force somehow, and get an inquisitor with retinue to be the commanders. Someday I want to expand on the mechanicus and space marine parts of this fleet. Maybe even a knight someday! For the future I'd like to go for another Start Collecting box, for more infantry, support weapons and a 3rd Leman Russ tank. I'd like to get Tank Commander Pask to command the 3rd one. I would like to add Creed too, he's looks so good I think. Love the whole jacket-thing hes got going on. I would like to get some artillery too, like basilisks. I'm not super keen on the basilisk though, would prefer something more ww2 artillery or flak-88 looking. I've looked at the forgeworld earthshaker cannon, but I'm not sure I like it though. The 3rd party earthshaker cannon (its called BFG I think, can't quite recall who sold it.) is better looking, but soo very expensive. I'd also like a hydra, for the Wirbelwind-sexiness. I figure my sentinel need a companion or two aswell... and probably a few more squads of troopers. Short term I'm looking at adding another Start Collecting and maybe a Command squad, mostly for all the lovely bits that was in that kit. Now on to the good stuff, pictures! First, the prone bolter team I actually finished last year. My second Leman Russ (do you have to take the tanks as "hq choice tank commanders" if I put the guy in the turret? Looks so much better that way I find...) And together with my first tank I did the camo a little different this time, more free-form rather than lines. I also started out basing with tan this time, and used a different more olive green. I prefer the look of the first one, but I didn't want to redo the camo.. Next up is my commanders, in the middle the Company commander, Colonel NotNamedYet. To the left is second in command, Major "Gadgets Tacticool", whom has all the best gear. I'm considering putting more stuff on him, because I find it kinda fun. Hes definetly getting some binoculars in his belt. To the right is Captain "Lord" Blueblood, who claims to be a noble from an ancient noble family. He will tell you his sword and cloak are ancient family heirlooms. His troopers will tell you he looted the stuff. I'm inclined to believe the troopers. Last comes a some group shots with the new troopers. Some of them are repaints of my earliest blue-armored troopers. As a bonus, here a few of my supporting space marines. They are an unnamed Imperial Fists successor chapter, from the Ultima? founding, the primaris marines founding. I initially went for the grey and red look. But changed my mind as I wanted them to be more colorful, to contrast a bit to my kinda dark and "more realistic" looking guardsmen. I really like the flying models. I decided to base them the same as my guardsmen, to give the impression they are on the same battlefield. I figure I'll do the same with any other additions to my task force. (I'd like some mechanicus eventually). Also pictured are my 3 ultramarines, a single imperial fist and a swedish skitarii. The heavy weapons team looks great! The Commissar, however, makes me wonder, 'Why isn't he wearing the intimidating-as-hell black longcoat of his office?' It's like seeing a Space Marine Chaplain without a skull helm, or a standard bearer without a standard. This is a good point, and I will have to fix that before he gets shot by a higher ranking commissar. Lovely looking stuff – and welcome to the Guard, of course. My advice on basing is to attach the figure to the base with a tiny dot of superglue, apply your basing material, then tap the figure to break the superglue's bond once the basing is dry and set. This'll leave you with a base that you can paint and detail separately, but with spaces for the figure's feet to go once you're ready. The main problem is remember which figure goes with which base; but you can solve this in a batch by putting a dot of differently-coloured paint (or other mark) on the sole of one foot and the corresponding base space. Best of luck, and looking forward to the expansion. This is good advice. Wish I had done that hahah. Well that was a lot of rambling. Hope it entertained you somewhat. By the way, is there a way to rename my thread? To make it clearer these are the 541st Cadians and not just any cadians. WarriorFish, Lord Marshal and walter h 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted June 16, 2020 Share Posted June 16, 2020 Again, excellent work. Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 16, 2020 Share Posted June 16, 2020 Great to see you still working hard, I think the camouflage patterns really work well :tu: You can rename your topic by editing the first post in the full editor mode, keep us updated on your work and plans :) Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banjohero Posted June 22, 2020 Author Share Posted June 22, 2020 Thank you both! Got my 3rd squad (mostly) done now. Did a ton of basing and got them aswell as many of my others based. They got a meltagunner for now, but not sure what I'm sticking with.. I'm probably switching him up with a plasmagunner. (they both came from the cadian command squad box). I'm currently working on two heavy weapon teams, one heavy bolter and a 3rd mortar team. Here is the setup I'm thinking for them. I figure I'll glue the weapons and thingies to the bases, and add rocks and stuff. Then I'll paint the bases/weapons and soldiers separate. So, I'm finally going to be playing with my toys this coming weekend. Doing a 500 point game at first.. Will be fun! And will try to take some pictures aswell. Been thinking about how to expand my forces. When I finish the heavy weapons teams, I will only have a commissar left to do. I have a shopping cart on GW's website constantly going lately, adding and removing. I'm definitely getting a box of "Cadian Defence Force", but its out of stock at the moment. The current plan is to order 1 wyvern 1 basilisk 1 box of 5 cadians (I want some extra guys) 1 Knight Commander Pask - he will go into the Leman Russ I will get from the cadian defence force 1 sentinel Its mostly based on what I find fun/cool. I'll be ordering a box of Cadian Defence force, Lord Castellan Creed and Inquisitor Eisenhorn when they get back in stock. The defence force will fill out my forces a bit more I figure. The characters are mostly because I like them. I've been looking for some different commissar models, but without much luck so far. The one from the Start Collecting isn't that interesting I find, especially when I already have 2 of him.. At the moment my forces are currently 2 leman russ, with battle cannons. I glued in the sponsons but not the weapons, so I can change them. Same with hull gun. 3 squads of troopers - some extra special weapons, in total: 2 grenade launchers, 1 flamer, 1 plasma, 1 melta 1 sentinel with flamer, missile and the chainsword 3 officers 2 comissars Well thats enough rambling. Focus this week is decals and finishing touches on my guys so they are ready for their first battle. Hope to do the two heavy weapon teams aswell. Hiroitchi, Warhead01, WarriorFish and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiroitchi Posted June 23, 2020 Share Posted June 23, 2020 Looking really good, love the tanks and personality of a he infantry squads. Can’t wait to see the whole army Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted June 23, 2020 Share Posted June 23, 2020 Good work on the bases, completes the models nicely. I think we must be due an army shot soon ;) Banjohero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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