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My 541st Cadian Mechanized Regiment


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Looking really good, love the tanks and personality of a he infantry squads. Can’t wait to see the whole army


Thank you! I'm really loving the bits and stuff from the command squad box, so many fun and different arms and thingies.


Good work on the bases, completes the models nicely. I think we must be due an army shot soon :wink:


Thank you!


Hoping to get as much decals and small stuff done for sunday's first outing. I'll make sure to get a nice army shot with some better lighting then. :sweat:

Edited by Banjohero
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Good luck! Don't forget to let us know how it goes, with pictures if possible (perfect opportunity for that army shot!) :thumbsup: I'm presuming you have the Guard codex somewhere, as the Index is very out of date now aside from a few units missing from the codex.

I don't have the guard codex just yet, going to be getting it soon. Have been using the battlescribe app mostly, but figured I'd bring everything I got for this, just in case.


We had a very fun time, quite a lot of people showed up and we had 4 games going in total. I played a sisters of battle army. It didn't go stellar for me.


I brought a Company commander

3x Infantry Squads, with a flamer, melta and grenade launcher

1x Heavy Weapons Squad, with 3x mortars

2x Leman Russ with battle cannon and heavy bolter


I faced a squad of battlesisters, a unit of some flying sisters, some "heavy weapon sisters", a hospitalier and Saint Celestine.


It started out okay I think, I shot some sisters, they shot at my tanks. Not much died, my tanks rolled really badly hehe. Saint Celestine deepstriked/deepstruck? in behind me, and managed to charge and kill my mortar teams. I focused too much I think on trying to kill Celestine, and barely got her wounded by the end of the game. I tried to contest the objectives on the last turn, but that ended the last of my guardsmen. By the end I only had 3 guardsmen and both tanks alive. We did make quite a few mistakes I believe, both of us being new players. My biggest problems was probably that we rolled both for armor save and invulnerability saves on everything. I also didn't use many orders, quite often forgetting too.. :blush.:


I forgot to take many pictures, getting very caught up with the playing. It was very fun though!







We did a photo op after coming home, so heres my forces in their splendor. A few guardsmen still in their grey training-overalls...






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