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Hey so I really like reading people's army building blogs on here. I started my journey into 40k early last year and almost 18 months later I am the proud owner of just over 7500pts of painted black legion plus a couple of tables of terrain. I got bitten by the bug pretty hard!


I really regret not documenting my progress now, I'm not the best of painters, I'd probably call my style efficient! But I think I have created some interesting conversions and kitbashes.


I'm now looking at starting a new death guard army, I'm planning on the vast majority of it to be kitbashed from the vast amount of easy to build stuff knocking around on eBay.


So my question is what's the deal with starting a blog on here? Like I say I'm not the best of painters so I doubt many will be all that impressed but it seems like a nice place for me to document my progress for myself at least.


Is that okay for me to start a new topic for that or is it something people are invited to do?


Many thanks!

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If you want to start a project log then just go for it. It's mainly for you, not for others. ;)


Also a tip: try to imbed pictures directly here instead of just posting the link. Most people don't like having to visit external sides when browsing through a forum since it kinda defeats the purpose of browsing a forum in the first place.

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Just start a project log of your own, and see where it goes. As mentioned: it is really more for yourself, having all your progress in one place. Don't expect the crowds to rush to you and praise your every step, but don't feel discouraged by silence either. It is always good to see peoples work develop, and you will get positive feedback.


In short: bring it on! :thumbsup:

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