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Need some help with Inquisitor model

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Hi. I recently started work on an Inquisitor model but while blocking in the colours I found the combination of colours just looks wrong together. I am using a dark, desaturated blue/grey from Scale 75 called Necro Grey highlighted into Rlyeh grey. I figured a deep red would look okay with the model but after blocking it in the model looks wrong, but I don't know what would be a good alternative. I've provided a few quick photos to show the problem.


IMG 20190624 161853

IMG 20190624 161925

IMG 20190624 161908


Admittedly the pictures aren't great but you can click on them for larger images.


To me the blue-grey and the red just don't look right together, but I don't know what to replace the red with. I considered a lighter grey but that probably wouldn't look right with the off white coat lining and it would probably make the model look too drab.


Does anyone have any advice with how to get this model back on track?

Yeah, I see what you mean about the ochre/rotbraun being a bit out of synch with the rest of the miniature. It's an interesting pair of greys you've chosen to work with; but there's just something about that dark-brown-red that rubs my eyes the wrong way. 

One possibility would be to extend the subtle greenishness of the greys, and go with a dark green in the area that's under discussion. Perhaps a jade, perhaps a more 'dark angels' tint. [Another possibility which just occurred to me, would be a dark purple] [you could also go the other way and try somewhere between death guard green and ogryn camo] 

Part of the overall issue, I feel, is that due to the lightness and pastelyness of the greys on the upper half of the miniature [which may be an artefact of the photography, unsure], you've put yourself in a bit of a tight spot when it comes to where you can go with the lower half's colouration. You don't want to overpower the upper half and draw the eye to that lower quarter area; not least because a similar issue is going to eventuate with the kneepads. [it may be interesting, further, to consider whether you're going to try and match the glove on his left hand/forearm with any of these areas aforementioned thus far] 

One of the simplest approaches, would be to just keep the colour that's on the upper half of the miniature, and then extend it down over the area in question. I mean, looking at the miniature, and a few other peoples' takes on the same one, I can't really see anything that would immediately suggest his chest and below-belt tunic area *have* to necessarily be different pieces of clothing [although the official GW paintscheme does go this way]. If you're concerned about things being too light and therefore bleeding into the cloak lining visually, which is an understandable concern, then it may be prudent to go for the rather darker grey colouration you've presently got on the back of the miniature on the cloak exterior. 

Yeah, I think that'll do it. A darker colouration on the lower part of the garment, that's less *oxidey*. [Although I think you might be surprised as to just what you can get away with with a light(er) flat grey

The bone-white or cream lining on the cloak is another interesting one, as you may find that this causes some issues when it comes to  doing the parchment on the purity seals. 

As a point of interest/perhaps inspiration, I just took a quick google image search for peoples' renditions of the old Aenur Sword of Twilight Mordheim miniature. I mention this here, because that miniature, also, tends to attract rather dark colour-schemes which have to deal with several different adjacent areas of material in a manner that doesn't render things 'soup' or 'unrefined' . 

a few ideas, anyway. 

It could be the pictures, but the immediate issue to me is how desatured all the colors are and everything looks a bit... muddy. A problem I have, but am getting better with now, is doing paint schemes with desaturated colors and only small amounts of contrast which look great when I'm holding it 6 inches from my eyes to paint. At arms' length or from across the table, all of that subtle shading, highlighting, and contrast just disappeared and the model looked like a dark lump. As an example, here's an inquisitor of a different kind using a similar color palette as yours, but with much more contrast and brighter colors. 


If you're set on using a dark palette with desaturated colors, contrast will be very important and you'll need at least one bright accent color somewhere, but I'd suggest a brighter scheme. After all, Inquisitors tend to have very ostentatious outfits that are just as much a psychological weapon as the power armor of a space marine; they stand out in a crowd. I also think Lorr works better with his entire upper and lower storm coat the same color (unless you're going to use two highly contrasting colors) but there are only a few painted examples I could find like that and this one I liked the best.


I recently made a post on my WIP thread about using a color harmony website to help me with the paint scheme for my Orlock gang and it might help you with this as well. 

Thanks for your advice, I will follow both of your pointers. Firstly I will block in the areas that I know have to be a particular colour or will be limited options, the face and metallic areas for example, once that is done it will give me a better idea of the directions I can go. 


By using a less oxidey colour do you mean making the red a less saturated greyish tone?


I think you are right about the right about the photo artifact since in person the colours are still not saturated but they are not as washed out as the photo suggests. It has picked up on my chalky highlights on the upper torso though. :tongue.:


I think the reason the red bothers me is because it take away attention from the other elements of the model. I wanted the cloth around his face to be light like red or white to draw attention to the face but the dark red around the legs is currently the most vibrant colour on the model (which is saying something, as it's still a very dark red). I'll get more time to work on the model on Thursday so I've got plenty of time to wait for more opinions and to think about it myself.


Thanks for the input, I appreciate the help.


Edit: Thanks for the extra input Brother Captain Kage. I was painting this model to try to practice working on contrast and saturation since it's areas I feel I struggle with. I normally pick maybe two colours (hues?) and some neutral tones and highlight them GW style. I also got a few new paint sets for my birthday so I'm giving some of them a try. The recent advice I've seen is to take photograph of a model in greyscale to isolate areas that need more contrast. I'll have to give that a try once I have a better idea how to approach the model.

Hi, I've spent a little more time working on the model and I'm curious to see if I've addressed the problem. I've continued the dark grey down onto the legs and painted the boots a dark brown leather. It doesn't seem to fight with the blueish tone of the coat as much in my opinion. I've also thrown some red to the top part of the model hoping to draw the attention upwards. The pouches and belt are an extreme dark brown mixed with a cream colour that for reasons unknown to me appear greenish on camera. I've highlighted the parchment through browns rather than creams to make them look a tad different to the coat lining.


I took the link to the colour harmony site was interesting, I just checked it in retrospect and the split complimentary result is pretty close to the colours I have picked s far, which is lucky. I should really have picked that out beforehand. I'm not sure why but for this model I'm struggling to picture the finished result.


IMG 20190627 171751

I'm probably going to colour the glove with the same leather as the boots but the hat I'm not sure about. Black is what my gut instinct says since the red will work with that but I'm open to alternative ideas.
For anyone interested, I stuck a greyscale image in for laughs.



I was quite surprised to see that the bandanna doesn't have much contrast to it in greyscale. Short of adding white until it goes pink I don't really know how to fix this. 


Does this seem to be heading in the right direction or does it need a rethink?

I've started painting the bionics a bronze colour but in that image it looks pretty flat. I realized that if I painted it silver it wouldn't stand out from the grey of the coat very well. I think a gold arm would be a bit too gaudy and would  more like the level of ostentation of a rogue trader than the more sinister vibe of an Inquisitor. 


As for the cabling, I was waiting until I blocked in other parts of the model before deciding. I was considering blue to work with the colour of the bionics but that would be too close to the colour of the coat? If I change the bionic arm to more of a copper colour that would make green a complimentary colour, that could work? I don't often repaint parts of my miniatures but this time I think it's worth it.


This single model is making me think more about mapping out colours than whole armies I have painted. I appreciate your input. :)

Right, I've slapped paint all over this guy, I'm not sure if that counts as finished this time. I decided to eschew the lighting box and tripod to take these pictures... and they don't seem any worse than photographs using both. I am pretty baffled.


I've given him grey hair since leaving the wash alone looked a bit odd to me and I've attempted some clumsy freehand on his shoulder plate. I cleaned it up with the red paint but still not happy with it.


I was tempted to try a large unsubtle OSL effect around the plasma coils but I'm worried about messing up the model so far. Previous attempts at OSL techniques revolve around me trying to glaze an area gradually but I rarely get a convincing effect that I am happy with. I recently learned to drain the paintbrush to avoid a puddle of excess glaze developing. Still, the prospect of covering half my model in thinned moot green leaves me apprehensive. Perhaps I should leave that for a less complicated model to practice on?


Edit: forgot to include images because I did a stupid.

IMG 20190629 062456

IMG 20190629 062514

IMG 20190629 063351


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