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DA and Apocalypse


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Brothers! the new DA data sheets are out for apoc!


who is planning on playing, and what do you think of the rules?


One thing ive noticed, special weapons dont exist. tac squads pretty much use all bolters with 1 heavy weapon. alot of profiles had been made pretty generic too. for example, masters have "master crafted weapons", melee sap 8 sat 8. no shooting. there is no difference between a smash captain and a chainsword bolt pistol master. 


im not sure how i feel about that, but an upside is you dont need to rearm many of your minis. my master will always work no matter of loadout. but then, whats the point of all the cool weapons?



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It is all about abstraction.


Apocalypse i made to emulate the BIG battles, compared to the skirmishes "normal" 40K represents. In such an environment it does not matter whether you bring fancy gun #1, #2 or #3 - in an abstract sense they will all do more or less the same. That is why special weapons are not a thing (already accounted for with the base profile of the unit) and characters do not have a lot of options, if any at all.


None of this takes anything from you int erms of models. As you already noted, it makes things easier - you can use any model you have. The detailed profiles still remain where they belong: in 40K.

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One small disappointment is the RW Land Speeder Squadron is maxed at 3 models.  It is identical to the SM Land Speeder Squadron.


It is also interesting the use of the Heavy and Light keywords.  However they seem to be redundant with vehicles and infantry.  All vehicles have the heavy keyword even stuff that would have been considered light vehicles in the past.  And all infantry has the light keyword even TDA units which are considered to be Heavy Infantry.

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