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I'm back playing Blood Angels and looking for advice ...


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Hi all.


I was a Blood Angel player from the end of 6th and through 7th. In 8th I stayed BA until I became a GW employee and suddenly the discount was screaming. I decided for an army change, and my second favorite fluff/lore faction were Dark Angels, so I picked up a modest 10k points of them. I've played them for the last year and a half.


I'm revisiting my Blood Angels, thinking of making them my focus for a while. After 6 years in the hobby I'm only a two army player and I'm very content with that fact.


Here is what I have for Blood Angels, around 4.5k points. I'm looking for any good ideas, overall strategies, things I should consider with Blood Angels in 8th. I'm not a competitive player. I'm more casual and fluff but I do like to bring something that stands a chance of winning. The people I regularly play are casual too.


2 10 man intercessor squads (One with standard bolt rifle, and one with the stalker bolt rifle, each sergeant has a powerfist)

8 Inceptors with assault bolters

5 Hellblasters

3 Aggressors with flamestorm gauntlets

10 Reivers with pistol and knives

Primaris Captain with plasma pistol and powerfist

Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor with sword, fist, & boltstorm guantlet

2 Primaris Lieutenants (one with sword and pistol, the other with master crafted stalker bolt rifle and pistol)

Primaris Chaplain


Every Blood Angel Character including Captain Karlaen :wink:


"Smash-guinius" Captain adorned in Death Company jump pack, shoulder pads, etc with thunder hammer and storm shield

Sanguinary Priest

Librarian in terminator armor

Librarian with jump pack and force sword

Chaplain Daenor


Chaplain with jump pack

10 Death Company with jump packs (thunder hammer, 2 inferno pistols, power fist)

10 Sanguinary Guard

Sanguinary Ancient

Lieutenant (regular marine)

5 Assault Marines with jump pack (2 melta guns, sergeant with power fist and inferno pistol)

5 assault terminators with hammer & shields

5 terminators with an assault cannon

Terminator Ancient

10 Sternguard (6 combi-meltas, 4 combi-plasmas)

10 man Missile Devastator squad

5 man Heavy Flamer Devastator squad

Company "Honor Guard" (ancient, sanguinary initiate, champion, 2 veterans, the squad is geared for close combat)

10 man Tactical squad (heavy flamer, flamer, combi-flamer)

5 scouts with bolters


2 drop pods

Razorback with twin-linked heavy flamer

Baal Predator with Flamestorm cannon and heavy flamer sponsons


I do have a Dark Angel autocannon predator with HB sponsons, and a Lascannon predator that are both only base-coated, and I was thinking of re-spraying them red? Not sure I need them though?


Going forward I was thinking of adding a Repulsor, a Stormraven, and another Rhino and Razorback?


Overall my Blood Angels are very mobile, and that's how I plan to play them ... lots of high mobility that is ABC :smile.:

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The "Road to...." threads I do cover a lot of list design, playtesting and eventual tournament feedback- the nice thing about those threads is that the community really contributes in a variety of ways with ideas, thoughts and feedback.  


Have a search for it! 

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I think it depends on your meta:

Plasma spam = bring scouts

Not much plasma = bring intercessors

While this definitely weighs in, even in a non plasma environment i'd bring 2 or 3 squads of scouts. Theyre just amazing for denial and turn 1 objective shenanigans

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing that is good is if you still have your 7th edition lists they are still playable in this format and you have the ability to be competitive with them. Like taking a 10th company detachment with a CAD or the Golden host/FTSF/DCSF.

Plasma Inceptors are the future for BA in my opinion 177 (or more if you max squads) points for 6 D3  S7/8 AP -4 shots D1/2 is amazing. Being able to utilize deep strike and UWoF is ace for us. Intercessors are clutch also, but even humble tactical marines are still potent with the red thirst. It all boils down to what you want to accomplish and how you want to play.

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You prefer the plasma inceptors over the assault bolter version?


I've got 8 assault bolter inceptors, I liked the larger volume of shots. I ran plasma inceptors with my Dark Angels, they were brutal. I *could* re-base 3 DA plasma inceptors from Caliban Green to Mephiston Red ;)

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You prefer the plasma inceptors over the assault bolter version?


I've got 8 assault bolter inceptors, I liked the larger volume of shots. I ran plasma inceptors with my Dark Angels, they were brutal. I *could* re-base 3 DA plasma inceptors from Caliban Green to Mephiston Red ;)

Alongside the Sanguinary ancient absolutely. AP -4 is the more important thing with the ability to shoot again if you overcharge yourself to death. It's a very decent combo. They are better than hell blasters in that regard.

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I believe plasma inceptors are only -3Ap? I use them in almost every list though. Dropping down with a smash captain for the rerolls just fits so well for BA.

Battle scribe has them at AP -4. I don't have my codex on me at this moment. Will need to double check.



It's AP-3. Doesn't really matter though as AP-4 is mostly overkill anyway. The real drawback is that they have ~4 shots per model so if one of those is a 1 after re-rolls you lose ~4 shots in one go.

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