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Painting POP Intercessors?

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I picked up a DIY Intercessor today, but I suppose the question holds for the others as well:


Does anyone know if the head can be safely removed and properly reattached?  It would make it easier to paint the underside of the helmet, as well as the chest of the model.  I just don't want to break this.

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It can, heat up some water and let it sit till the vinyl is soft, enough to let the vinyl stretch enough to break the adhesive. You could feasibly take apart the whole figure that way. If it's not letting go easily, don't force it too hard, just heat up the water and figure more. I did boil up the water I used but some might consider that too much heat, but it my experience, vinyl tends to be pretty forgiving as long as you're paying attention to it's physical properties.

It's probably not a glue joint for the head, as it swivels freely.

I figured the parts I can't reach are likely parts that would be obscured anyhow, so I basecoated the whole thing and I'm painting what I can reach.

I just need to do some highlighting and I'll be done.

Could you not just chuck it in the freezer to then disassemble the whole thing to paint, then re-assemble it ? 

That ends up making the rest of the vinyl very brittle too, making it more likely to snap or tear, I don't know if the adhesive is CA, but I do know that heating it up, and flexing the vinyl at the joins helps allow it to release cleanly, even though in some cases it might seem like it's tearing (ex. the jump pack from the assault marine where the adhesive ran the whole back of the helmet)


If you do decide that you need to get the head off, I'd probably search out a custom funkopop forum, the pictures and random observations made there proved to be useful to me.


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