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++SN Video Battle Report, CSM Vs Guard++

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Hi All! 


I'm DC, a Word Bearers player who was lucky to meet one of the forum Mods (Captain Idaho) during Heat One at Warhammer World! He introduced me to the B&C forum (and beat me game 5!) so now i'm here!


I'm a member of SN Battle Reports (https://snbattlereports.com/) we produce old school white dwarf style battle reports, and recently moved into video reports! 


We've just posted our second freeview battle report, Word Bearers Vs Cadia and I thought my Chaos brothers might be interested in watching it! Hope thats ok.





It was my first report (the guy with the beard) but i'd appreciate any tips, tricks or tactics that could help me improve, I'm keen to make Word Bearers semi-competitive (but still distinctly Word Bearers), despite their limitations over the other legions/renegades. Same goes for the video anything we can make better please let me know!


Thanks all! 






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Look forward to watching this, in the name of reviewing the forces of the enemy of course ;)


I can honestly say my favourite game of the Grand Tournament was DC's Word Bearers. Great themed force and fortunately for me they were cursed with poor dice rolling.


Regardless, I think a Daemon bomb is pretty nasty if it gets the drop on just about anyone. Even if Word Bearers are the most limited in cool powerful rules.

Edited by Captain Idaho
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Hi DC and welcome to the BnC.


I love that you’ve posted your batrep and I just started watching it and I’m really looking forward to it as I use a Kytan and I use the Soulforged Pack a lot and just came out of ITC GT using my Black Legion


Interesting to note you use the supreme command for the Specialist but I just love my Discordants. The beauty in the Kytan is the Heretic Astartes Legion Keyword. Of course this makes the Priest prayer even better. I fear the new Chaos Knights will not have this option, leading me back to simply using a Kytan again.

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About the only decent word bearers trick is using the 9" prayer bubble to fit in a whole unit of 30 tzeentch cultists and combine weaver of fates with illusory supplication for 4+ invulnerable cultists.


I honestly hadn't thought of that!! Thanks for the tip Closet Skeleton


Look forward to watching this, in the name of reviewing the forces of the enemy of course :wink:


I can honestly say my favourite game of the Grand Tournament was DC's Word Bearers. Great themed force and fortunately for me they were cursed with poor dice rolling.


Regardless, I think a Daemon bomb is pretty nasty if it gets the drop on just about anyone. Even if Word Bearers are the most limited in cool powerful rules.


It was my favourite game to Brother! great fun, and if you're going to Heat 4 and I end up going, we'll have a game on the Friday, the Word Bearers need revenge!!



Hi DC and welcome to the BnC.


I love that you’ve posted your batrep and I just started watching it and I’m really looking forward to it as I use a Kytan and I use the Soulforged Pack a lot and just came out of ITC GT using my Black Legion


Interesting to note you use the supreme command for the Specialist but I just love my Discordants. The beauty in the Kytan is the Heretic Astartes Legion Keyword. Of course this makes the Priest prayer even better. I fear the new Chaos Knights will not have this option, leading me back to simply using a Kytan again.



Thanks for taking the time to watch it Brother! I love my Kytans, I'm thinking of running one next time with three venom crawlers, should be out in another battle report soon when I get them finished! I don't own a Lord Discordant yet, probably my next purchase after the Venom Crawlers! 

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It was great fun to watch and really felt the emotional rollercoaster with you guys.




Not sure on another attendance this year but next year I'm all in. And who knows, maybe a trip to Gibraltar could be in order...

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