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Death Guard and Black Legion

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Hi I play black legion obviously, I'm looking to start a small death guard army just because some of the models are awesome. I've got a couple of PBCs so far. I'm thinking to start with I'll just use the DG supplement my Black Legion force while I build the army. Just wondering what people's thoughts on what I should focus on first with death guard to compliment BL and what I should take from my BL to compliment DG.

I have over 8000 points of black legion, pretty much everything from a culture to lord of skulls.

I'm thinking Death Guard are better at mid to short range and they're tough and slow so perhaps I should be looking at havocs and bikes? But then I think DG have bloat drones and their helbrutes can move and fire lascannons?

I guess I'm just finding they're not really a compliment to each other and don't really fill each others weaknesses.

Also do you think I should take a black legion battalion or a DG battalion? Plague Marines are better than CSM but they're more expensive too. Point for point which do you think is strongest? I have been getting better results from marines recently since the chaincannon came along.

I usually play 1750pts, I think fitting Abaddon in a list with both armies at that point scale is probably not possible would you agree?

Thanks for any help!

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I would personally look at it as Black Legion is more aggressive while Death Guard is more defensive, in general. Use Black Legion as the invading force and Death Guard as an occupying force on objectives.


Plague Marines and Poxwalkers with their limited speed but high toughness combined with the ObSec rule as troops makes them good at holding objectives in and closer to your deployment. Plague Marines provide the mid range power to hold and Poxwalkers back them up. Finally, Death Guard character rules and psychic powers for dealing mortal wounds add more detterent force. Death Guard vehicles, are truly monstrous though. Bloat Drones are terrifying and I've heard plagueburst crawlers are more so.


I'm not going to tell you how to use Black Legion, but I think the most complimentary units to DG would be Bikes, Raptors, normal CSM. Maybe some Oblits and Havocs too. Basicly whatever is going to give you speed and range. Since you have experience with Black Legion, you might be better off asking the DG board some questions.

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I like what Doom said and I can tell you I’ve played both of those armies in GT tournaments and I also understand the short comings you see. The truth is somewhere I’m the middle.


Point for point (if I have to answer this as simply as I can) the winner is Death Guard. Feel no pain and high toughness make all of their stuff obviously more resilient. PBCs, cheap resilient troops, great psychic phase, terrific integration with some of the best Daemons in the game all make for some of the better Maine lists in the game...period.


The reason these two may not get along in the table is their meat and potatoes are elite choices. This is what does the real damage and I s not cheap. Both armies LOVE HQ’s and can profit immensely.


But as Doom says you get a baseline resistance and PBC firebase which is great for competitive play. And with Black Legion you are accessing cheaper ranged units (Havoks) and speed.... Disco lords, Venom Crawlers, Maulerfiends, raptors, Teeth Lords, etc.


If I were to create a cheap army I might go with a dual battalion. Poxwalkers and Cultists.

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