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Car/speed obsessed warband?

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None of the Legions are particularly Bike focussed in the way the WS are, if you had to pick one, I'd probably go for Night Lords or Alpha Legion as their terror tactics and multi-pronged/sneaky attacks would suit speedy deployment options.


DIY would be cool though, even Loyalist WS Successors are known to have (possibly gene seed caused) issues with over the top violence and aggressiveness. So a corrupted Successor would seem entirely reasonable and make for a good base for a Biker Warband?

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The Emperors Children arent exactly bike or speed obsessed but fighting or killing enemies at insane speeds excites them.  


The Black Legion embrace speed of attack but not quite like White Scars.  The Black Legion is more like Cobra Kai.  "Strike first, strike hard, no mercy" They dont generally mess around with feints or harassment or other fancy stuff.

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Red Corsairs use a lot of bikers. Check out Hunt Masters and Hounds of Huron in the fluff. Also, the relic is great on a bike Lord, giving him 6 (w/ Bolter Discipline) S5 shots that deal 2 wounds at -1 AP plus an enhanced Melta (S9) in addition to the bike's combi-Bolter. You could make a second Lord a combat oriented biker with the Warlord Trait for red Corsairs for the bonus relic and gaining additional attacks paired with the black mace. 20" advance, plus the ability to charge after is sweet.
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You can't ever go wrong with Black Legion, as they cover about every aspect of Chaos.


Other than that I would strongly suggest Emperor's Children: they are obsessed with excitement and thrill, and the rush of high speeds would definitely find their favour.


Notable mention go to Red Corsairs (see other posters above), as well as Alpha Legion and Night Lords (surgical strikes and terror tactics both fit with bikes).


Last, but by no means least, you could always invent your own warband, mixing any aspects of the examples above to your liking.

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Do something different, like Death guard on 4 wheeled mobility scooters that are really fatty marines.

Walmart Marines.


All joking aside, I memba mark of nurgle chaos bikers being a pain for anybody who didn't have easy access to a lot of strength 6+ attacks.

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Emperor's Children were all about the Perfect plan whith complex tactic, maneuver and delivering space marine at the right times, at the right space. So in 30k they were pretty balanced but with a slighty preference for bike and jetpack units. 

In 40k they still got this organisation (except EC little warband, and fact that the Raptor got special cult not so much related with Slaanesh)

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Actually while I’m here, does anyone know a manufacturer of alternative space marine bikes?

(sorry, I don’t mean to hi-jack the thread)

Kromlech has two types of appropriate models:






They offer a wide variety of special weapon versions of the Breacher Bike.

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Khorne’s Angels Death Metal Biker Gang!

All the hairy Space Wolf heads, all the chain axes, blood, bikes and booze.

Probably lead by Lemmy in power armour.


That army would be a high five. To the face. With a chain-axe.

Have to have "one bad man" from the Left 4Dead 2 soundtrack blasting.

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There is no warband linked to bikes to my knowledge, with the possible exception of the Red Corsairs, since Astral Claws were known to have a fondness for bikes.

One very important thing to note, however, is that the culture of chaos warbands is nowhere near as immutable as that of loyalist chapters. They're an ever-evolving patchwork of warriors sometimes spanning several different bloodlines, joining together for reasons that stretch in several possible directions as battles are won and lost. For all their mockery of loyalists for being "thin-bloods," their geneseed is almost always thoroughly bastardized across one same warband, and sometimes even one same chaos space marine.

Their fealty to a primarch or overlord can sometimes be as nebulous as the fealties of feudal knights from the Middle Ages, and even their methodology varies greatly amidst an actual traitor legion—the closest thing chaos has to a culture as monolithic as that of imperial chapters. While something like a White Scar who loves to stand his ground on his two feet or a Raven Guard who scorns stealth and charges into the fray is either inexistent or absolutely out of his depth—partly due to usually recruiting from the same place, with the self-reinforcing culture that implies, partly due to the psycho-indoctrination which I believe warbands don't use the same way or even at all—it's perfectly possible for an ostensibly Iron Warrior warband that answers to Perturabo to trample their victims under the wheels of their tuned-to-hell-and-back rides or for Night Lords to get bigger kicks out of shelling entire hive cities without setting foot in them than out of hunting the inhabitants like dogs.

Unlike the loyalists when they wage war upon each other, chaos warbands don't hesitate to absorb the defeated survivors in their ranks, again for various reasons. And their chain of command subscribes to taking the authority they believe they're owed rather than waiting patiently for attrition to open up a position and for a council of wisemen to deliberate for ages before choosing them.

You don't need to resort to pigeon-holing to make the coolest cool cats to have ever ridden both sides of the Great Rift. All it takes is a little imagination. Maybe hit-and-runs were the only way they could conduct their operations, and they have taken a shine to it after years of running down hapless foes. Perhaps this little circle that kept to themselves among the warband loved bikes and leapt at the opportunity to off their higher-ups when they overcommitted themselves, before molding their new dominion into their dream of smoke and speed. Or, why not, a particularly petty warlord got offended that this ork and his red whatchamacallit left him in the dust one day, and vowed never to be outsped ever again.

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