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The Hunt Begins -The Start of Red Corsairs

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Hi guys,

I've been full steam ahead with my Primaris and my Genestealer cults recently and have kind of left my Chaos in the dust. Having restarted a campaign that I set up with my mates, I've decided to use my Chaos. I had started to paint them as Black Legion, only really getting through the ten marines from Shadowspear and a Master of Possession. Coming back to them I don't want to continue with that scheme. Looking at other legions and colour schemes I remembered on of the Tale of Four Warlords in white dwarf back when I was starting the hobby that had Crimson Fists, Orks, Eldar and Red Corsairs (this was around the time assault on black reach came out) and the Hounds of Huron apocalypse formation. This was actually what got me into Chaos when I first started and I have many fond memories of my Red Corsairs army, I love the scheme and the lore around them. Something I also remembered was that there was a short story in the codex back then about a wolf lord on a cruiser that is attacked by the Red corsairs and defects taking a large amount of his forces with him.


With these ideas I got the Chaos apocalypse box and got to work building the Chaos marines using plenty of loyalist and space wolf bits to mix and match to create a look of scavenged gear. A little while ago I bought some forgeworld bikes from a facebook buy and sell group pretty cheap, turns out they were recasts but the guy that sold them didn't realise and sent me a job lot of other bikes (and some money back). A lot of them need work but them combined with the 6 bikes in the apocalypse box, I should have about 21. I have converted one to be a Chaos lord on bike with thunder hammer and combi-melta who will be the Hunt Master. Not too sure what to name him yet but I really like how he's turned out so far, he's still very rough and blu-tac ed together with spare parts:








And the test model is started, still rough and needs a lot of touching up but happy how he's come out with not a huge amount of time spent on it:



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Nice test model, and kitbashed lord.  What's the right shoulder pad from?  It's particularly appropriate.


A couple of suggestions about the lord, though -


1.  Put the flag in the centre of the back of the bike, even if this means putting it ontop of the chaos arrow - it looks unballanced in its current position (I know, I know, a flag would be of minimal weight so it wouldn't actually be unbalanced, but it still looks that way). :smile.:


2.  I would also recommend putting the combi-melta on the back of the bike.  While it is currently in a functionally appropriate place, and unlike the flag there are no aesthetic reasons to move it - its more of a gaming reason.  I have a bike model holding its plasmagun down by its side, and given the way the bike shields and the riders are, unless you pick up the model you can't see it.  So, for the purpose of remembering he has it (both for yourself or more for your opponent) making it more visible is (IMHO) a good idea.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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Looking good. I've started a red corsairs army for similar reasons to you. My current etl vow has a 20 man squad with some wolves in for that very reason.


I agree with the doc. The flag does make it look a bit unbalanced, aestheticly anyway. If you cant centre it, perhaps add another if possible?


I really like the test model too. I'm hoping mine look as good!

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Welcome to the Tyrant’s service brother! That test model is looking really good.


Thanks Blackheart! Love the name


Nice test model, and kitbashed lord.  What's the right shoulder pad from?  It's particularly appropriate.


A couple of suggestions about the lord, though -


1.  Put the flag in the centre of the back of the bike, even if this means putting it ontop of the chaos arrow - it looks unballanced in its current position (I know, I know, a flag would be of minimal weight so it wouldn't actually be unbalanced, but it still looks that way). :smile.:


2.  I would also recommend putting the combi-melta on the back of the bike.  While it is currently in a functionally appropriate place, and unlike the flag there are no aesthetic reasons to move it - its more of a gaming reason.  I have a bike model holding its plasmagun down by its side, and given the way the bike shields and the riders are, unless you pick up the model you can't see it.  So, for the purpose of remembering he has it (both for yourself or more for your opponent) making it more visible is (IMHO) a good idea.


Thanks Dr, the right shoulder pad is from the forgeworld space wolf wolf guard kit I think?

I'll give the flag a go and mount it in the middle. I'll probably file down the arrow as it's quite slopped and would look weird.

I was also thinking of putting the combi-melta on the back of the bike but it wouldn't really fit there and look like it could be stowed there. I'll have another go at it maybe have some chain looped around his shoulder pad and the gun so it looks like a carry strap. 


Looking good. I've started a red corsairs army for similar reasons to you. My current etl vow has a 20 man squad with some wolves in for that very reason.


I agree with the doc. The flag does make it look a bit unbalanced, aestheticly anyway. If you cant centre it, perhaps add another if possible?


I really like the test model too. I'm hoping mine look as good!


Thanks Dwango, I have no doubt yours will look cool :biggrin.:

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