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Super glue viscosity

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Loctite gel super glue gets my recommendation, or the loctite brush on stuff. Both are far easier to control, I always end up squirting out too much super glue if I use the GW or other "runny" glues and getting bits stuck to my fingers rather than the miniature.

A little tip with the loctite, as I always find it keeps losing glue the moment the cap is off and before you’ve even squeezed the tube: collect the glue on the end of a cocktail stick and use that to apply to the model. You’ll get better control and save yourself from glue going everywhere when you push parts together.
Another recommendation for loctite, they actually have a specific product meant to give you more time before it fully catalyzes called “extra time control” it’s thicker than normal CA but not quite as thick as the gels, and has an extra 5 seconds of drying time. I used to use it regularly when I first started but have since switched to the professional liquid glue because of increased confidence and because I kept gluing my fingers to models accidentally holding the bits together (aka a little bit of gel goes a long way) ;)


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