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TFA and...... (help me decide)

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So I have wanted for ages to play a fallen army. Cypher being the cool dude he is with his mystery and akimbo pistols. The fluff behind the fallen is really great too (what little there is).

I have opted to play the fallen detachment that allows for Cypher, Sorcerer, Fallen squads, and rhino.

Now as I thumb through books, pictures, and other online resources. I find myself all over the place wanting to accompany various different legions, renegades, or loyalists. So i started thinking about outsourcing to a community to see what kinds of ideas others could come up with to maybe influence me in one direction or another. I have thought about going with Thousand Sons, Iron Warriors(what i mostly have), Alpha Legion, or Black Legion.

I can think up different ideas for why they would run with them and like the idea of having access to a primarch but it isn't a deal breaker by any means.


Then I started thinking that I could ally them with loyalists.. Crimson Fists, "counts as" Dark Angels(most of my DA stuff is painted up in rogue trader era colors), Ultramarines(again access to a primarch), Blood Angels, or maybe space wolves..

So as you can see I am tossing a lot of ideas around. Anyone have any recommendations one way or another? Maybe some ideas that I hadnt thought of? I am a competitive player but dont mind playing away from meta and what not. Its about the fun.

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The big thing is that after the FAQ, the Fallen Angels specialist detachment makes them lose IMPERIUM. This means if you want to use FALLEN with IIMPERIUM, no Rhinos or Sorcerers.


Fluff-wise I've heard the Black Legion novel features a Warband of Fallen that have become a part of the Black Legion.

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The big thing is that after the FAQ, the Fallen Angels specialist detachment makes them lose IMPERIUM. This means if you want to use FALLEN with IIMPERIUM, no Rhinos or Sorcerers.


Fluff-wise I've heard the Black Legion novel features a Warband of Fallen that have become a part of the Black Legion.

Hey Doom Herald, thanks for responding. This is good information, i had not even thought to check the FAQ yet. I am a returning player and played in the days when you saw a FAQ maybe once or twice an edition.


I am going to have to check out this black legion novel. Could be just what i am looking for.


On a side note, are lost and the damned still a thing? Renegade guard kinda deal?

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I believe there is still a forgeworld list - one of the members of this forum, Tallarn Commander (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/user/88062-tallarn-commander/) has an active lost and the damned army which he is still adding to and playing, so I assume there are some valid rules that let him do so. :)


Bolter and Chainsword has a forum dedicated to lost and the damned armies - here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/224-x-the-lost-and-the-damned-x/  So if you have more questions about that army, that would be the best place to ask them.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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They exist in a couple ways. They are mostly in the Forces of the Imperium Forge World Index. If you want to bring guard tanks, that's the way to go, but you might need the Astra Militarum Codex too for some. On the Infantry end, if you grab Blackstone Fortress you get a mixed Chaos army, with rules to run as 1 detachment. Black Legion Lord with hammer and plas pistol, a couple Black Legion CSM models, chaos electropriests, beastmen, and traitor guard. They have beta kill team rules for free too which plays great. Also, the new expansion for it is coming out soon which features a Chaos Commisar and Ogryn. Edited by Doom Herald
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