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VII - all we got is us


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..the las-bolt hit one of the human auxilia ,attached to this segment of defence, in the side of his chest. The struck soldier went down without uttering a single sound. At that moment I admired the strength and the sacrifice these poor human soldiers shown and gave.


This is the fifth day me and my brothers has defended this shrine-complex with tooth and nail. That is if my chronometer in my armour still functioning.


This location must hold some signifiance to the enemy, since they tirelessly throw wave after wave of human soldiery at us. Soldiery....warp trash of human ressemblency is more fitting. Prime-threats has yet to be seen however. Its just a matter of time, though, because the screams and chanting of Angrons lost sons can be heard through the ambient sounds of battle



[Pict Capture DX/63-55-83232] Location - shrine of redemption




[Pict Capture DX/63-55-83233] Location - shrine of redemption



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We remember how they came. Heaven turned to fire and the wolfs were at our door. But they forgot, they are the wild beasts. Its the beasts that fear the fire and we shall give them fire.


How times change. In times gone, reinforcements was counted in squads and companies. Now we rejoice by getting reinforced by one single brother. That brother was Alkire, belived lost but found his way back.


We estimate an attack will happen within the day. Alpha legion drone-activity has increased in our sector. We shot down a few but aborted those actions to conserve ammunition.


[Pict Capture xxxx-xxx intercepted Alpha legion spy-drone signal] Legionary ident-tag - legionary Breon. Legionary Alkire. Speciality - Vanguard assault. Breacher configuration. Threat-est. Significant.




[Pict Capture xxxx-xxx intercepted Alpha legion spy-drone signal] Legionary ident-tag - Legionary Beoras. Legionary Berham Speciality - Phalanx warder. Breacher configuration. Threat-est. High


[Pict Capture xxxx-xxx intercepted Alpha legion spy-drone signal] Ident - human auxilia. Threat-est. Unsignificant



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When thy doubt the world, find salvation by brothers thy keep.


- ancient saying, Terra.


We rejoice together now. The squad seargent Mastenir came back to us. Separated he was during an intence firefight which transformed into vicious melee. The warp-turned militia and the things spawned from nightmares eventually retreated. Mastenir had found himself on the wrong side of the retreating horde. I gladly give overall command back to Mastenir, since the burden of responsebility had become heavy to bear.


[Pict Capture beta 243/23 orbital station Gamma-null. Ground surveillance] Legionary ident-tag - Veteran sergeant Mastenir. Speciality - Phalanx warder. Breacher configuration. Threat-est. High





He was joined in his struggle to get back to imperial held sectors by Chuan-Gi, a V legion Astartes who had been a member of a veteran Kill-team which got shattered by Sons of Horus reaper-squads in the wasteland of Sangir Region


[Pict Capture beta 243/45 orbital station Gamma-null. Ground surveillance] Legionary ident-tag - V legion Astartes Chuan-Gi. Veteran. Unknown configutation. Possible marksman. Threat-est. High



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