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Best Doctrine/Units to use with a BA Librarian Dreadnought?


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Hi all,


I have a 1250pt game coming up against Dark Angels, and as I have started a Blood Angels army, I would like to ally in my only completed unit, the Librarian Dreadnought to give it a whirl.



The only problem is it doesn't really work well with my general playstyle.

I usually go Cadians, move my troops forward while denying deep strike, and shoot from afar with my tanks.


The dreadnought is a character psyker can move (and then fly) forwards and destroy things fairly easily in combat, as well as a Smite. However this leaves it vulnerable to being shot at as it will be the closest target and so can be shot at. I was thinking about maybe swapping to Catachans (maybe Tallarn, but I'd miss the higher number of shots!) and running up the board hopefully screening the dreadnought.



The other reason I prefer Cadians is that they're amazing at destroying high threat targets with OFOF and the relic. I know he has a Land Raider with 4 lascannons which will be a pain to get rid of with T8 2+ which will be my biggest threat. 


I'm trying to prioritize my painted units:

- Tank Commander (magnetised battle cannon/vanquisher/exterminator), but that will probably be using the relic cannon.

- Tank Commander with battle cannon.

- Tank Commander (magnetised demolisher/executioner/punisher variant)

- Hellhound (magnetised variants)

- Manticore

- Valkyrie

- 90 Troops


Whereas my unpainted units are:

- Another Hellhound (magnetised)

- 4x Basilisks

- Chimera

- 5 Scions

- All characters (astropaths, pask, commissars)

- Ogryns



I know the Basilisks are the best unit against the land raider being S9 AP-3 which is annoying and should motivate me paint them! But against the rest of the units S8 and AP-2 is ok as DA usually get a 4+ invuln when moving anyway.



Any idea on the best doctrine and units to use? Leaning towards a base of 2/3 tank commanders, 60 troops in 2 detachments, with a sprinkle of artillery.

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I think you're dwelling on this a bit too much; a single model (short of a super heavy) isn't much to build around, certainly as the focus of your army. I'd look at it the other way round, the Dreadnought will be an excellent counter attack unit that will offer a lot of punch so your Guard can do what they always do with a fast moving Librarian Dread ready to zip in to save the day when the enemy closes against your vital core :)

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I'd suggest more deepstriking/Drop force in Valkyrie scions as a support battalion for the witchdread, but if you've got only 5 of them, then this is invalid. Can be chaged to Tallarn 2 special weapons squads or a veteran squad with commander and comissar in Valkyrie.

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Throw it into the fight, figure out what it can and can't do, so you'll know how to support it better in the future. Then get and paint more Blood Angels to ally in properly. BA are a nice ally for Cadians, because they are interactive in a totally different way, it's a fun combination to play.
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Throw it into the fight, figure out what it can and can't do, so you'll know how to support it better in the future. Then get and paint more Blood Angels to ally in properly. BA are a nice ally for Cadians, because they are interactive in a totally different way, it's a fun combination to play.


I think I'll pretty much just hurl it forwards like a bowling ball! I'll try and keep a unit up front so it can't be shot with lascannons straight away.


Yeah, I chose Blood Angels as they're pretty much completely opposite to Guard, and they can solve the mobility and close combat issues Cadians have.

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I'd take a double battalion.


Bat Blood Angels


Captain w/ jump pack, thunder hammer and storm shield


Librarian Dreadnought


3 tac squads


Bat IG


2 CCs


1 tank commander w/ BC lascannon & HB


5 infantry squads stock


Astropath w/ Laspistol




Punisher tank with 3 HB and storm bolter.


That's the best blood angels/ guard combination I can think of off the top of my head at 1250. It would be easy to improve on that I'm sure.

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