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Codex: Space Marines 2.0 speculation & discussion

Guest Triszin

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The thing I'm more concerned about than in what form we're covered, (own supplement? Shared supplement? Index article?) is that whether they expend enough effort to get through updating all our models or not. An updated grimaldus complete with cenobytes? Both helbrecth and a champion? If by the time it's updated, could a proper close combat unit have come into existence to allow for a sword brethren upgrade sprue?


Clearly hopefulness is running amok here, and needs to be tempered in dour reality.

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Yeah Salamanders are awesome! Ignoring -1AP is crazy good, Especially on Aggressors. Calling it now, for their supplement, the Salamanders will get their chief Librarian as Primaris, in Gravis Armor, and get the Pyromancy discipline. I think his name is Vel'Cona? Force weapon and flamer Aggressor arm, but heavy flamer.


The Raven Guard took a bit of a nerf. I guess the rumor about -1 to hit becoming counts as being in cover, was true. Still, we retain -1 if on terrain, which fits my guerilla warfare playstyle. Scouts and other infiltrators will still be very difficult to dig out.


Not sure about some of the new models. They look good, but what about implementation? Also, all those stubbers, yuck!


I wonder if Shrike will get the Primaris treatment? I kind of hope not. The Raven's Talons were hard won, and he would be too big for them after becoming Primaris. I would almost rather see Kyrin Solaq become Primaris, as a Gravis Captain with a power sword, and a 2 shot plasma pistol mounted on his power fist, instead of bolter or flamer like the Aggressors have. Korvydae would also be a good candidate, as he is 10th company captain, as a Primaris in Phobos, but with the new style jump pack, or at least grav chutes. Who knows, maybe we will also see a Primaris Lias Issodon or Tyberos the Red Wake?


I want to see Primaris Pedro Kantor so badly! I bet he will be a beast.


There is a concern in the back of my mind, about auras. Maybe the bubble will change, in so far as not just chapter, but further restricted to detachment that HQ is from, and there will be a detachment coherence for the aura to take effect. Almost like synapse with the nids.

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as he is 10th company captain, as a Primaris in Phobos, but with the new style jump pack

I hope they give him the Suppressor style jump pack as it's currently my favourite part of the whole Primaris release- they have the fly keyword because Cawl attached springs to their feet. I want pogo-Ravenguard bouncing around the place like 40k squigs in camo paint. The future is now.

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Sons of Dorn, ideally. And release the supplament with big model support.

Yep if all the original legions get codexes devoted to them, and them alone, then if IF get diluted it better be because New models come with it.


A Last Wall book needs Dorn to be legit, imo.

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These supplements are a prime opportunity to release all sorts of stuff.


I understand that you can't have 10 releases in two weeks for one faction not including books, but each one of these extra books is an occasion for models by itself.

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Technically the Fists sprue is already released. It's just coming back ;)

And hopefully not flubbed as before.
Honestly I never noticed it. Not a power fist fan.

I noticed after building 3 Intercessor squads, a custom plasma pistol/fist captain, and throwing one on a Deathwatch kill team.


I definitely like power fists lol

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Hey, the new walker, it needs a Techmarine variant.

Speedy techmarine Walker would be awesome
Seriously, wouldn't that look awesome? A techmarine in one of those walkers, but it has servo hands and shoulder mounted flamer and plasma.



You forgot conversion beamer on that list. :whistling:

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Let's wait and see what the successor chapters can choose.


So far, it's rather close to the First Founding buffs, just mixing and matching 2 instead of having a fixed combination. Which could lead to rather gamey combos, and everyone running successors to choose a more useful second buff...


Stealth is universally good, increasing pretty much everything in the codex to 2+ armour - probably auto-pick for me. If the IHs FnP is available as second buff, that would make some rather ridiculously resilient marines...like Ironclad Iron Hands or something...


As a friend is running Carcharodons - Stealth and maybe reroll charge dice (like BT) would be a rather fitting combo. Stealth and bolter buff would be fitting for Raptors. We'll see what's available when the codex drops...

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Let's not forget there was a rumour about some sort of Doctrines system that included AP-1 Bolters. How these will help Marines alongside Chaplain buffs and Chapter Traits we don't know but I imagine the combinations will be substantial.

I hope they go over Doctrines. We know they're in the book. We just don't know what they are. I hope we see them tomorrow.

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I wonder if these apply to non-codex compliant successors. Do you get their units AND to make your own chapter tactics? They have dark angel successors on their list on the site


The picture with all the different successors is just from a poster from Conquest iirc. Just because a successor chapter is on there it doesn't mean it belongs into the vanilla Codex.

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As a dedicated DIYer the ability to build your Chapter's rules like in the olden days is exciting, but the caveat is of course that there needs to be some measure of balance. I'm feeling optimistic given what we've seen so far, but we shall see.


The real problem for me is the IH tactic really suits my DIY well, so I'll probably find I won't be able to build something more fitting :laugh.: Sod's law but there are worse problems to have :wink: Hopefully this gives DIYers some real options for their armies :)

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Might give the important edge to our weaker units. Like the assault doctrine being -1AP to Chainswords and Reiver blades which will boost our Assault Marines, Vanguard and Reivers (obviously).


I'm so excited!

This sounds like something the Chaplain should be doing with Litanies.

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Very possible. But it is also something that could be relevant to the Assault Doctrine.


Likely the 2 will have a cross over.


Speaking of Chaplains, rerolling attacks instead of misses is a subtle but powerful boost. Terminators will greatly improve.

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