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New week, new army...


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Here we are again, new week, new army...


I've built up some new (and re-purposed some old) Primaris models and solemnly swear that I will choose a chapter and will actually paint something...

I'm leaning towards the line of the great Rogal Dorn (though I can hear the siren song of the Lion...)

This is what I have, what chapter do you think I should go for?

Imperial Fists?

Black Templars?

Dark Angels?

Knightly crusading order of my own devising?

Something else?


The thing I'm genuinely most pleased with is the skull pommel on the captains sword, I took off the pointed one as I didn't like it, but no pommel looked weird - Got this one from an old Grey Knight Nemesis Force sword



Veteran Sergeant








I'll add pouched, holsters, grenades, purity seals etc at some point before I start painting

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Very nice. I like the MK III shoulder pads on the Intersessors; they add a cool look to those models. The sergeant and captain are also well done. The little details on the captain really change the look of the model. The sword fits more than the stalker bolter does on that model. I may steal that idea from you.


Where did the backpack and chaos marine helmet come from?

What attracts you to the Fists/Dark Angels? Lore? Colours? Playstyle? If its playstyle maybe start a homebrew chapter so your not limited to certain builds, Emperors Budgies often use massed Terminator tactics similar to the Angels (or whatever the Primaris equivalent may be), 3rd Company specialises in siege warfare, reserve company only uses bikes and speeders etc.. 

Decided to go with the Imperial Fists, 3rd Company, The Sentinels of Terra

Also, I re-based the Apothecary



Now onto the Hellblasters... I know everyone says the rapid fire version is the best, but I'm going to go with the Heavy version as I think they look better, rule of cool trumps everything...


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