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Predator Squadron Rules

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So the squadron MUST deploy together, but they do not have to move in as a unit. Do they have to shoot at the same target? 

I've been running two standard predators and an executioner. I know power of the machine spirit allows me to fire one weapon on a vehicle as if it had split fire, but for the purposes of this example;

The plasma executioner fires main turret at Leviathan dreadnought. (Target A) and PoTmS' the sponson heavy bolter onto an infantry tac blob (Target B). Do the following predators in my  squadron now HAVE to resolve shots at Target A, even if I'd love to put more hurt on target B (the blob?)?

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They must move together as a squadron.

They must shoot the same unit.

Power of the Machine Spririt only allows you to shoot one weapon on a different target than the rest of the unit.

It works this way:

Declare which unit your squadron is shooting and than on which unit you shoot with which Machine Spririt gun.


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