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Black Templar lore info in the July White Dwarf.

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There was a bit of lore they had at one point about fasting to receive visions from the Emperor. I've always felt like that was a really good, believable basis for the vision leading to the selection of the Emperor's Champion. The crusade fasts until many are in a hallucinatory state and part of the Chaplain's responsibility is to decipher between what is a hallucination and what might actually be a vision. 

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Or simply maybe every recruit/initiate who shows signs of developing psychic powers is put into a stasis pod, and every time a new marshal is named he packs the stasis pods stored up under the previous marshal off into the librarius chamber waiting for the Emperor to come back and let them out. 

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I would be OK with an acts of faith, or a prayer mechanic (Like SOB) that simulates the psychic phase.  Through reciting litanies or pure zeal, they can boost their combat effectiveness.

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Isn't the best melee BT guy the Emperor's champion though in the lore? Being a latent psyker could well explain that. Sevatar was also beast mode in melee, also a latent psyker. I just don't see a non latent psyker as good as Sigismund or better showing up for BT without being a latent psyker for that 1 second time skip in melee to compensate. 

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Greetings, great and mighty Ancestor. Now that the Black Templars have been reinforced by Primaris Marines. have Librarians returned to the Chapter?


=][= REDACTED =][=

Sigh, another space question. When are we going to get questions about duardin again? Or even duardin in space if there is such a thing. That would be nice...


The simple answer to your question is no, there are still no Librarians in the Black Templars Chapter. Why, however, is a mystery. Some believe the Black Templars took the Emperor's Edict at Nikaea as law and shunned the use of all but the most necessary of psykers (such as Astropaths and Navigators). Others suggest a deficiency in the Chapter's gene-seed, though this is unlikely given that Primaris battle-brothers can trace their gene stock directly back to Rogal Dorn. Some believe the Chapter's last remaining Librarians were slain during the Catelexis Heresy of M34 and never replaced. Perhaps even the Black Templars don't know the truth!




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