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Relics (and warlord traits)


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(I’m new to dark angels, so apologies if this is an old topic)


Looking at non-Ravenwing relics and warlord traits, it looked like Huntsman and Foe-smiter are pretty good. I also couldn’t see why someone would particularly want to take lions roar over foe smiter? Overloading plasma with an expensive character seems so risky, and without that... it seems underwhelming.


What do experienced DA players consider the ‘good ones’?

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Personally, I always take either Brilliant Strategist, or Master of Maneuver.


And, Master of Maneuver, I only take if I am going heavy on Terminators, in order to get them in with their charges.


Which, is kind of weird, because a DW heavy list is precisely the kind with which you'd want to regain CPs the most, as there will most likely be few of them. But, the other trait is pretty much needed to make the charges in. So, its a tough call.


Other traits, I have tried and always found them underwhelming. Huntsman specially, as it sounds good on paper, but tends to under perform on the table. Though, I do recall one time I used strength of the lion to get in a BUNCH of veterans in, with the +1S, for great melee effect. Once.


As for relics, I do think that the shroud of heroes and the relic blade are the best.

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Yes, heavenfall blade and shroud of Heroes are nice. I Keep being tempted by the idea of a terminator captain with foe smiter as it seems like he’d be so useful on the gun line.


Still think lions roar has to be one of the worst relics. Turn 24”rapid fire1 into 18” assualt2? For a relic slot!? On someone so expensive that I won’t want to supercharge?! (Now if they’d made it like kharns pistol: overload just does a mortal wound rather than slain, then I’d have been very interested)

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The thing is, I can never see a scenario in which you would be better served by taking that, over Brilliant Strategist.


Maybe I just have terrible luck, but I've yet to recover a single CP with Brilliant Strategist.

I always take that warlord trait hoping to get lucky... this time.


I think Sableclaw and Corvex should have different command traits to distinguish them more from each other.

But allowing Huntsman to work with Sableclaw is probably way over powered.


I don't know how useful it would be, but I wanted to model a Talonmaster with the Shroud of Heroes... not just the pilot in a robe... more of a shroud draped over the speeder.

I just think that would look cool.

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The thing is, I can never see a scenario in which you would be better served by taking that, over Brilliant Strategist.


Maybe I just have terrible luck, but I've yet to recover a single CP with Brilliant Strategist.

I always take that warlord trait hoping to get lucky... this time.


I think Sableclaw and Corvex should have different command traits to distinguish them more from each other.

But allowing Huntsman to work with Sableclaw is probably way over powered.


I don't know how useful it would be, but I wanted to model a Talonmaster with the Shroud of Heroes... not just the pilot in a robe... more of a shroud draped over the speeder.

I just think that would look cool.



Huntsmen only works on rapid fire weapons anyway I believe. Otherwise talonmaster would be a fantastic character killer

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We don't have the best of codices  that's for sure to some degree.


For that very same reason, even if I fail all my brilliant strategist rolls, the one per game rerroll is like saving 1 cp I can spend on something else like SotR.

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Huntsman works on everything but heavy, and I've fallen out of love of brilliant strategist because I see it as a crutch. I'd much rather get a cool trick or buff than to fuel the CP engine for a turn more. Fury of the lion has some neat play with a smash master or talonmasters
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@ValourousHeart, regarding modelling a TM with the Shroud of Heros, given it's a -1 to hit, like a Darkshroud, could you not just model a TM to have old relic pieces of Caliban over it. That would look pretty cool, imo. 

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Huntsman works on everything but heavy, and I've fallen out of love of brilliant strategist because I see it as a crutch. I'd much rather get a cool trick or buff than to fuel the CP engine for a turn more. Fury of the lion has some neat play with a smash master or talonmasters


I've used fury of the lion to great use vs custodes and deathguard.

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