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226th Isean Rangers

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Hello my fellow commanders. I thought I'd start a topic to share my progress on my new army.


In this topic I will post my fluff, progress and bat-reps.


First some general background fluff.

(disclaimer: I am not overly fammiliar with 40k fluff in general, so excuse me if none of it makes any sense

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Greetings Cats, looks like a good start (though Space Marines would likely not train on another planet in the way more conventional forces might). Have you decided on a colour scheme for your Guard, and how you might like to build your army? Sounds like you want to employ the full might of the Guard to me :D

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I do have a scheme in mind. For my infantry I will use contrast paints. Plaguebearer Flesh for the fattigues. Aggaros Dunes for the armour. The vehicles will get a desert-ish colour.


My fluff allows me to use whatever doctorine is best for the situation at hand.


At the moment I have:

4 Leman Russ Battle Tanks

2 Leman Russ Demolishers

2 Chimeras

2 Command Squads

3 Heavy Weappn Teams

3 Infantry Squads

2 Sentinals


All in varried states off assembly


I am waiting on a shipment off magnets and bases to continue. When they get here I will post some pictures and a first list.


There is a beginners tourney 17th off august, 750 pts. I plan on entering that with a battle ready force.

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Bought the paint yesterday. Still waiting on the rest.


Here is the 750pt list I was thinking of running on the 17th.




Battalion Detachement, Tallarn




Company Commander 35pts

Warlord. Old Grudges

Bolter, Power Sword, Laurels of Command


Company Commander 31pts

Boltgun, Chainsword




3x Infantry Squad 48pts/144pts

Sargeant Las Pistol, Chainsword

Vox Caster

Grenade Launcher


Fast Attack


Armoured Sentinals 2x 100pts

Las Cannons


Spearhead Detachement, Tallarn




Tank Commander 206pts

Battle Cannon, Las Cannon, 2x Plasma Cannon, Heavy Stubber


Heavy Support


2x Heavy Weapons Team 33pts/66pts

3x Mortar


Leman Russ Battle Tank 168pts

Battle Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolter


It'll probably be a doubles with random team mate.


Lemme know what you guys think

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I think the list is pretty solid, but you really need to think about getting more infantry. 3 Squads just isn't enough even at low points games. I would look at running 50-60 infantry at 750pts if you can. If thats not an option then consider going mechanized and getting some transports for your infantry to protect them. 


Im not saying rush out and buy 30 infantry before your event on the 17th. Its just something to be aware of going forward when building your army :) 


Hope that helps :) 

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Yeah I am planning on a lot more infantry, but this is all the dudes I have atm


By the way, I like your vids Mordian. Bit of a fanboy here


Not to worry! I understand it can take time to build up all the Guard infantry :)


And its great to hear you are fan of channel! Glad you are enjoying the vids :D

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Hello CommanderCats and welcome to the guard!


I really like your list so far. Some good firepower, a solid mix of units, and just enough armor to throw a monkey wrench into someone's plans at such a low point level.


Definitely no disrespect to Mordian Glory, as he is likely right on this one, but I usually run a pretty low number of troops and tend to do okay. I guess it depends on your meta and your partner. You will have to be careful screening your tanks but if you can use  your sentinels to do some blocking for you and your partner brings some numbers you should be able to keep the tanks firing. In my local meta everyone seems to think that maximum anti armor is the way to go and they skew pretty elite so 30 guys is already a good amount for this point level. Remember to charge those sentinels into anything that can lock up your tanks. They make for some tough speed bumps.


Also, just to throw another option out there: I think you could drop the sentinels and the mortar teams for another russ. I know that is even less screening potential but my logic is as follows: more tanks! I think this is likely just a matter of taste and not something that really needs to happen though. I do love my cheeky lascannon sentinels but I'm honestly just not a fan of mortar teams. I know they're pretty hot right now but another russ is almost too good to pass up. Three of them at 750 points would be nice.


And if you really want to streamline, I'm not entirely sold on vox casters. They can be good but your list doesn't have transports and you have two sources of orders. Basically, I don't see your infantry straying too far from one of your commanders. It seems like maybe you'll have your mortars and one guy in the backline and then the three infantry squads and the laurels of command guy screening the tanks (all close enough for that six inch orders bubble). Just a thought. Again, this isn't like a mandatory thing and it all depends on your own play style.


Anyway, have you had a chance to get any test games in? Let us know how this goes!

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At 750, you're not going to have many opponents that are going to be bringing tanks. I'd probably drop the sentinels and increase the number of bodies that you have. I'd also turn the leman russ into a punisher. Battle cannons are good, but you're mostly going to face off against infantry. You could also run a pure infantry force and flood the board with troops. It can be done effectively


Honestly, 750 is a difficult number to build towards. You're at the cusp of having a really powerful army.

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I was debating a punisher instead of a battle tank. Insane amount of bolter shots is always a win in my book. The meta here is pretty mixed as far as I can tell. Last 750 tourney I played with my DA I ran in to Russes, Chimeras, Chaos Rhino's and a shooty Hell Brute. That's what I am basing this list on. I figuerd target saturation for those vehicles will deny my opponent the opertunity to knock out my counter to them.


Also, I love the Sentinal models, reminds me of the good ol' Star Wars days. That's the main reason I'm running them.


The mortars are basically also a "bolter battery" as I understand, that's why I went that route instead of the Punisher. I run my Infantry as Tallarn to keep up with the tanks and still shoot.


Also. I noticed that a lot of true beginners (previously myself included) tend to go for kills rather than objectives. Putting the Russes in a spearhead gives me ObSec, and the mortars are the cheapest way to tick that box and keep the Sentinals. Have I mentioned I am in love with Sentinals?


I apreciate the feedback though. I will have a think about the punisher and the Vox casters. Thank you.

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