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Terminator Lord Loadout?


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Im planning on getting a Terminator Lord to accompany my squad of terminators. Im fairly new to 40k and am unsure of what weapons to give him for maximum effect.

my terminators are equipped like:

Champion, Combi-Melta and Power Axe

3x Terminators (1 Combi-Bolter, 2 Combi-Plasma, 1 Chainfist, 2 Power Fists)

1x terminator (Reaper Autocannon, Power Fist)


What load-outs are you guys using on your Terminator Lords? And why have you given it that equipment?

Any advice is also appreciated.


Edited by MiniB1084
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Out of the box, maybe a powerfist or chainfist, or perhaps a power axe.


If you had the means, give him a thunder hammer because it does more damage than a fist (still think it's weird GW let us after...decades? I've only been playing since 5th, have thunderhammers)

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The answer probably depends on how you're planning to use him, honestly.


If you're Deepstriking him with the squad of terminators, it's worth keeping in mind that the odds are against him for getting to assault - just over 25% of getting there unassisted while you're guaranteed he can a. give re-rolls to the terminators and b. shoot something if he's in range. The terminators are probably a better target for strategems or psychic powers to get in, since they're more durable (more wounds) and hit harder (more attacks).


All that said, when i use a terminator lord, I give him a combi-plasma and a power axe. With his re-rolls and good BS, it's not that risky to overcharge and it can put the hurt on something when combined with fire from the terminators, provided you can land in rapid fire range of something worth killing. I give him the power axe because it's a good balance between raising strength and decent AP without the cost or penalty to hit for a power fist, or thunderhammer. It's probably a personal flaw but it irks me when I waste WS 2 attacks due to the penalty.

Edited by Sgt. Blank
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Which Legion are you using? If you go with Black Legion you can model it with a Power Sword to use it as the Spineshiver, which is an excellent relic. And the sword that comes with the new Terminator kit is perfect for the job.
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If you had the means, give him a thunder hammer because it does more damage than a fist (still think it's weird GW let us after...decades? I've only been playing since 5th, have thunderhammers)

Terminator Lords do not have access to the Thunderhammer, as it is not a "Terminator Melee Weapon".

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Lords need relic weapons to be any good and should probably have a combi-weapon unless you're going with twin lightning claws. So go with the correct power weapon for the relic you want to swap out for, the Legion specific ones are the best, then the murder sword and the black mace, puscleaver and axe of blind fury are alright.

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Agreed. The power maul is a great option for WB. You can swap it out for either maul based relic. Combi plasma is probably the most efficient choice but I'd keep him cheap and have a simple combi bolter.

Regarding the Thunderhammer, while a little of topic I have one on my jump pack lord. The extra mobility lends itself to such an expensive weapon upgrade.

Finally, I'd suggest you've invested too heavily in melee weapons for your terminator squad.

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Yeah our termi's are too many points to tool up for melee and shooting like OP has done. Could maybe work out if you add another 5 with just chain axe and combi bolters as extra wounds before you take off the decked out ones as casualties. 

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Thanks for all the reply's guys!

Im fairly new to playing the game as i have mainly just painted models for a long time. i am aware now that i have invested to heavily in my terminator squad and will be getting another one to kit up properly when the rest of my army is finished.  At the time of building my terminators i hadnt gotten the CSM codex so wasn't entirely sure how to equip them so went on rule of cool haha.

what would your guys suggest for a Terminator squad loadout?

Thanks again

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Hey, rule of cool always wins for me!


In terms of how I'd load out a squad of terminators I'd go:


Champion: twin lightning claws

3 x combi bolter & chain axe

1 x combi melta & chain fist


That's not super competitive but not stupid either. It makes sense thanks to the Astartes Bolter rule.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

I'm getting a new box of terminator in a couple of days. I'm unsure of how to give all the terminators chain axes as the set only comes with one and it's only right handed.

Any advice?


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Bitz ordering is probably your best bet - either get the chainaxes from forgeworld or there are a number of third party sellers who make their own versions.


You could also try parts resellers, but prices are likely to be high as chainaxes seem to be in demand given that they are the most cost efficient melee option.  That said, being that termies aren't really competitive right now might keep the prices down somewhat.

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Hi guys,

I'm getting a new box of terminator in a couple of days. I'm unsure of how to give all the terminators chain axes as the set only comes with one and it's only right handed.

Any advice?



Yeah this is the reason I stick with the tartaros and cataphractti kits over the CSM ones because FW has all you need for load outs if you magnetize them. My one regret is not magnetizing my 10 tyrant siege breaker termi's. :sad.:

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Hi guys,

I'm getting a new box of terminator in a couple of days. I'm unsure of how to give all the terminators chain axes as the set only comes with one and it's only right handed.

Any advice?


Forge World has Chainaxe sets. There are also the Cataphractii Power Axes, which are basically Chainaxes. There are many 3rd party Chainaxe bits out there and two of the Blightlord Terminator melee weapons can pass for Chainaxes. Ork Nobs also come with one Chainaxe, a slew of Power Axes, and some weird chain weapons that could probably work with a little modification.

Edited by GreaterChickenofTzeentch
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