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Here is where I will keep my updates on Black Legion models that I'm working on. I don't think I'll end up with a big warband but as with all 40K armies, they do tend to get bigger then you initially plan.


First up is an old Chaos Lord that I purchased on eBay. I really dig the sculpt of this model but didn't care for the colors that it had been painted. I also didn't like the head choice. It was an old plastic head with horns on it. I put on a bearded head that I took off of one of my brother's old Mordheim models. I liked the look so I used green stuff to blend the beard and long hair into the model.








I'm hoping to have this model painted and based by the end of the week.

The rest of the Shadowspear box set may take a bit longer.

I had previously posted Haarken in another thread but I thought I'd put the model here since this is where I'll be posting all of my Black Legion models.





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  • 2 months later...

Better late than never! Due to disturbances in the warp, I wasn't able to work on this Chaos Lord until recently. I've just about finished him up and am quite happy with how he turned out. I suspect it will be quite a while before I have enough models to field a sizeable Black Legion force.



  • 5 months later...

I've been plugging away at painting models nonstop (mostly Adeptus Titanicus) and finally finished off the last of the Shadowspear box set. I have to say, finishing off a box set is a really good feeling. I'm slowly making progress on my pile of unpainted models.







  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent works. Your painting skills are most commendable.

Thank you, Bjorn. 


Here are a couple of Black Legion Plague Marines. I've had these models since Dark Imperium was released.



  • 3 weeks later...

The plague marines look fantastic in Black and Gold! Awesome work Shovellovin! What else do you have incoming for this project?

Thank you, hushrong. I finished up my Dark Imperium Plague Marines; now I'm working on a Spartan.



The plague marines look fantastic in Black and Gold! Awesome work Shovellovin!

I second that.


Thank you, Bjorn.



I can't seem to get a good picture of these guys. Maybe need to use a darker background.





Thank you, Gents.


Here is my completed Spartan. I really like how it turned out. I tried to weather it heavily so that it looked like it had been a part of the Long War for 10,000 years. 








I started working on some Raptors. Not the strongest Heretic Astartes unit but I dig the models. I haven't yet decided if I'll build more. It might be cool to have Haarken leading 15-20 Raptors for the Warmaster.



  • 4 months later...

Spartan looks great! The colors, weathering, and wear and tear show it’s been fighting the long war.


And raptors are always a fun unit to see!

Thank you, hushrong. I've been playing Crusade with my group; it's been a lot of fun. I fielded the Raptors two weeks ago. Unfortunately, they were obliterated by a unit of Blade Guard. I'm hoping they will do better when I play tomorrow.


I've been working on cultists. I wanted to make the leader stand out a bit so I got rid of the sword and gave him skulls to intimidate his followers, potential recruits and any Loyalists that he may come across. I also swapped out his head because I'm not a fan of the head that comes with the model. Finally I swapped out his left arm that was holding the shotgun. Since this guy will be leading cultists armed with auto guns it made sense to give him one as well.



Here are a couple of heavy hitters for my cultists. I'm painting them all with dull colors and using lots of streaking grime to make it look as if these are the dregs of society. The types with nothing to lose that are easily swayed to the path of enlightenment (or corruption, depending on your point of view).


Good job on the flamer and heavy stubber wielders.

Thank you, Bjorn. I am looking forward to getting more cultists done. Ideally I'll have 20-40 available for battles.


Excellent miniatures! 

Thank you, BadgersinHills. Who knew that heresy could be so fun?


Here's an exhalted champion that I'm working on. I've been using the Black Legion in a Crusade campaign with my buddies. I'm hoping this model will give my buddies some grief.




EDIT - Swapped out the powerfist for a more dynamic pose. I think it looks better.


Edited by Shovellovin

The Exalted Champion's collar reminds me of the Engineer in the 2012 film Prometheus. Did the Four Gods gift him a pharyngeal jaw?

Now that you mention it, the head does look similar to that of the engineer in Prometheus. But no, the Champion, does not have an extended jaw...yet. Who knows what the Dark Powers will gift him?


I'm just about done with the Exalted Champion, Artabarnus and the Sorcerer, Xaltotun*.



I have a few more Chaos Marines to paint then some more Cultists. I have an idea on a Renegade Militia kitbash but that won't happen for a while.


I've been using my Black Legion warband in a Crusade campaign with some friends. It's been a lot of fun starting out with small warbands and seeing how they progress.


edit - The sorcerer has a name, thanks to Bjorn Firewalker. 

Edited by Shovellovin

The Illuminated Host is an enlightened group of individuals that have pledged themselves to Lord Garren and his Black Legion warband. They are led by Marduk, a gene-hanced ex-pit fighter. In his prime, Marduk was an unstoppable force, adored by his millions of fans found throughout the Capodoseau System. Victory unmade him, excess and gluttony brought about his downfall, forcing him to retire. For while he is still a formidable warrior, he no longer has the drive that he once had. He has become too enamored with the pleasures of the flesh. Leaving the ring did not result in Marduk losing all of his fans. The downtrodden, the destitute, the hopeless flocked to him when they heard that he was promising an end to the injustice forced upon them by the aristocrats and corporations. 


Marduk's fame allows him to recruit thousands of followers anywhere he travels in the Capodoseau System. For while he may be viewed by many as mindless brute, he has the cunning of one who has survived and prospered in the most hellish conditions imaginable. One does not last over two decades in the pits without learning how to bend others to one's will.


Marduk has become quite valuable to Lord Garren. For Garren can rely on Marduk to supply him with bolter fodder and insurrectionists on any world in the system. And those do not follow Marduk willingly are sold into slavery, used as practice by the Heretics or simply fed to the Neverborn.




More additions to Lord Garren's warband.




Chaos Marines


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