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Impressive work on the cultists and their Chaos Marine masters. Does Marduk follow Khorne (he's a former pit fighter), Slaanesh (he enjoys pleasures of the flesh), Chaos Undivided, or something else (maybe Malice/Malal)?

Just caught up on this thread and have to say some awesome work!


I love the pose on the Exalted Champion. Looks like he's about to give someone a bad day!

Thank you, Anturis. I haven't fielded the Exalted Champion yet, but when I do, I hope he gives my friends some grief. I plan to have him lead a squad of 5 berzerkers. They should do quite a bit of damage together.


Impressive work on the cultists and their Chaos Marine masters. Does Marduk follow Khorne (he's a former pit fighter), Slaanesh (he enjoys pleasures of the flesh), Chaos Undivided, or something else (maybe Malice/Malal)?

Thank you, Bjorn. I think Marduk would be considered a follower of Chaos Undivided, although he has never been one to kneel, not even to the dark powers, he does give them thanks and ask for their blessings. In his younger days, his focus was on Khorne but as he grew older, Slaanesh gained more of his interest. Not that he worships Slaanesh through prayer, instead his actions could be considered a type of worship.


Here are Marduk's most loyal followers, his comitatus. These ex-pit fighters have been with Marduk for many years. They have cause untold amounts of suffering and death. Marduk has lead them throughout the system, spreading unrest and destruction. They will always be loyal to Marduk....well, so long as he provides what they most desire:  to crush their enemies, see them driven before them and to here the lamentation of their women.



What a great looking army - very grimdark! The Haarken, the Sorcerer and the Champion with the Powerfist are particular stand outs.


Great conversions all round and really gritty paint jobs :tu:


Kudos on the pit fighters, they look ready to rumble!

Awesome work!  You should come share it in the Hereti Astartes forum (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/20-x-heretic-astartes-x/) or Black Legion subforum (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/303-x-black-legion-x/), as I'm sure the folks there would love to see your work.

Good job on the pit fighters.

Thank you, Bjorn. I've yet to use them in game but am hoping to in the coming weeks.


What a great looking army - very grimdark! The Haarken, the Sorcerer and the Champion with the Powerfist are particular stand outs.


Great conversions all round and really gritty paint jobs :thumbsup:


Kudos on the pit fighters, they look ready to rumble!

Thank you, Midnightmare. I think the dark and gritty armor on my Black Legion helps sell the idea of them being a part of the 10,000 year struggle against the Imperium; limited access to supplies and forgeworlds means that the Legion has to make due with whatever resources they have available.


This may be a bit of backtracking, I know, but that gold on your Spartan is absolutely gorgeous! I'm really curious to know how you produced it, and I can't wait to see more of your work. 


The slavers look cracking too!

Thank you, Noctus Cornix. I used Vallejo Metal Color Gold as a basecoat, a pin wash of gloss Nuln Oil, followed by a turquoise oil wash and finally I stippled Scale 75 Necro Gold. 


Awesome work!  You should come share it in the Hereti Astartes forum (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/20-x-heretic-astartes-x/) or Black Legion subforum (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/forum/303-x-black-legion-x/), as I'm sure the folks there would love to see your work.

Thank you, Dr_Ruminahui. I might just do that!


Here is a rhino that I completed for the Berzerkers in my warband. I used Subtle Discord's rhino trim kit and tracks. Both additions make a huge difference to the rhino model. I think they are perfect for Black Legion vehicles.






Next, I've started work on a Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut of Khorne. I know the unit has been relegated to Legends but I don't care. My gaming group's credo is, "if it's cool, it's playable."





Is it at least a Legends option?  The slaneshi lord on steed is.  That should let you use it at least with friends.


I love your rhino, Shovellovin.  The Khorne symbols blend in so well they look like they are part of the original trim - excellent job.


I too just built one using subtle discord's additions, and was very happy with the outcome. Haven't gotten around to painting it yet - ran out of leadbelcher spray, which GW apparently doesn't carry anymore in Canada... weird.  Anyway, here's a link without any paint on it, if you are interested: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/346143-the-judgment-on-kadeth-dr-ruminahuis-emperors-children/?p=5615994

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