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Jumping in to the dark side. Where to go from here?


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Decided after several previous threats to get started in 40k. Played some Kill Team. Now time to go full monte. Decided on CSM. Ordered the codex and bought the chaos half of Shadowspear...from there I have no idea. Guess once the codex gets here and I read up on faction traits and such...I'll have some direction. Of course I'm also all ears to suggestions for factions and units/models to look at to bolster the small amount of stuff I'll be getting as of now. So if anyone has some ideas...I'd like to build up to around 750 points to get started and then add on from there. Since I'm not decided on a faction yet...what are some should haves that are kinda generic and work across most of the factions? 

Edited by Nubster
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Well, with shadowspear thematically everything there fits well in a Word Bearers force straight away. Same with Black Legion. Would you prefer a Legion or to be a renegade force? Red Corsairs were the big winners lately from the Vigilus books for renegades, others are nice paint schemes/lore, rules pretty meh though. 

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Not sure it matters to me...Legion or renegade. I don't know enough to really know the difference...lol...yeah...I'm that new. 


Anyways...I guess I'm looking for something that will be fun to play but still have some potential to be at least somewhat tournament playable. I want to lose because I suck. Not because my army is bottom tier and has little chance of winning no matter who plays it assuming my list is appropriate. Looks are a bonus. I love both Black Legion and red Corsairs paint scheme so that's kinda a wash. 

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If you're going Red Corsairs, you need to grab Vigilus Ablaze. That said, you will probably want to grab it for the expanded Black Legion rules too (though you don't NEED it) and for specialist dettachments. As much as it pains me to say it, Black Legion is probably the best legion to go with as far as rules. Both add some usage to the normal Chaos Space Marine troop unit, so if you plan to keep using them, they are definitely the way to go.


As far as units, I usually recommend people convert their melee load-out CSM troops into Berzerkers. Strictly speaking, the models are already suitable to be Berzerkers with a pistol and chainsword. The ideal wargear for them is generally agreed to be 1 chainaxe and 1 chainsword on each model though. If that's something you're interested in doing, it might be worth picking up a Berzerker kit for the heads and axes but the bodies look very "meh" next to the new line of Chaos Marines. If you do go in that direction, Red Corsairs with the advance and charge rule and extra CP works very well. Also they have a great relic.


Black Legion gives you way more options though, extra Warlord Traits, Relics, Strats all on top of what they can use from the Codex. Their relics are probably the best to be honest and you can hand out warlord traits almost like candy.


For both, Slaanesh Raptors with maximum plasma weaponry are pretty great when dropped next to a Lord. Cultists are a cheap (point-wise) staple for troops if you don't plan on using more CSMs. I would personally avoid Terminators. Mostly, it's kind of what ever flavor you want though.


Do you like any one Chaos god or think you'll run a mix? Any specific models call to you?

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What would you consider buying from this list of used models? Seller will split and I have the Shadowspear half on the way...

Here's the list of models offered to me:

5 Chaos Terminators

Contemptor Dreadnought

2 Helbrutes

Daemon Prince

Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor

Exalted Champion

Sorcerer Sorcerer in Terminator Armor

2 Masters of Possession

2 Venomcrawlers

4 new Obliterators

3 old Obliterators

20 Havocs

5 Raptors

30 CSM

60 Cultists

1 Predator

2 Rhinos

20 Khorne Berzerkers

Khârn The Betrayer

Abaddon the Despoiler

Haarken Worldclaimer

5 Furies

War Dog


Thoughts? I can't get it all. I have about $200 at the moment to spend and everything is more than 50% off retail so I should be able to get several units.

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Prince, Contemptor, Oblits, cultists wardog, and Rhinos personally. Are these the whole kits or already assembled? Depending on if/how they are assembled, the Raptors are good for mobile plasma weapons. Berzerkers, again depending on how/if they are assembled but obviously as melee rather than range. If you are doing Black Legion, grab Abbadon, if its the new one, and maybe Haarken as conversion fodder.


Havocs are good and CSM as well if you will use them. MoP and Venomcrawler don't get good reviews, but I haven't used them personally.

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I'm getting one Venom Crawler in the Shadowspear stuff as well as 2 Obliterators. Would more Oblits be recommended? I'll stick with the 1 Venom Crawler since I don't read anyone saying they are good. I'll put it last on the build/paint que. 


The whole list is a mixed bag how they are built. I'll try to see if there are alternate parts to re-do them as needed. I know the Berzerkers are not built ideally with chain sword and chain axe...this is what the seller told me when I asked..."most have bolt pistols and chainswords, two have power fists, one has a plasma pistol, and then there's a good amount with chainaxes and chainswords"...I'm going to find out how many actually have the chain swords and chain axes and maybe I'll just grab those and pass on the rest if they don't include the parts to make them all chain weapons.


Abaddon is the new one. 


So as it stands...I'm looking at grabbing the following:




Sorcerer in Terminator Armor


Berserkers pending how many are chain sword/chain axe and if there's additional parts


And probably at least some of the CSM


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Ok...so only 5 berserkers are chain axe/chain sword. No additional parts to convert the rest. I suppose those could be picked up cheap enough from someone. 


War dog...only one and it's double auto cannons and melta.

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