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Phaeron Akhemotekh of the Khepri Dynasty


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Hey guys

So finally started a new necron army.


I have spent the past week putting 2k of necrons together and had to restrain myself from smashing them to bits in frustration or just ending my eternal pain numerous times. But finally they are mostly built, still need to do the last be of assembly and find a single tomb blade that is not selling for some stupid price on ebay.


Trying now to decide on a colour scheme.

Any and all advice is welcome with regards to painting, tactics etc


Pictures will be up soon

So this is my 2k List

2k Necrons

Thinking of the colour scheme,
The bodies will be metal and the guns green, that much i know
Its the armour panels/vehicles i am struggling with.
I have done two test colours

Colour Scheme 1



Colour Scheme 2


I am somewhat liking the blue.

Obviously it needs more work but will end up something like this


Hard to say... i like the bone? you have as that would look weathered and ancient...but D-P-L has a point too... the ice blue would be wicked! 

But... that destroyer lord is Turquoise..not light blue... Sotek green would've been a better base if that's what you want your Crons to look like (Nihilakh Dynasty by the way :wink:)


Looks like you have a great start to a Necron army going there... Good Luck and i look forward to whatever scheme you choose.*cough(bone)*cough...:tongue.:


Cheers, Mithril

I had a wee think and decided on a more darker blue

Turquoise Blue


Again this is just a rough paint job to get an idea of how it might look


The problem with the light blue is that it will clash too much with the bright green idea i have for the guns.

If i do also decide to go down the route of adding in cracks in the armour then the darker blue will help the green pop out a bit more.

I like the darker blue....Very Nice :thumbsup:

honestly...unless your a Gun painter i would save that crack work for characters and your most favorite things... actually i hope your a gun painter and the whole army looks like that :laugh.:  


Cheers, Mithril

I like the darker blue....Very Nice :thumbsup:

honestly...unless your a Gun painter i would save that crack work for characters and your most favorite things... actually i hope your a gun painter and the whole army looks like that :laugh.:  


Cheers, Mithril


Yea, i will be doing the characters 1st then working on the rest of the army over time.

Possibly might even do green lightning strikes instead, sort of like night lords but with green lightning...hmm need to think

Hmm scrap that paint scheme

I have always wanted to try something and i think it will look good with necrons.


I will have to order some new paint so pictures will be up hopefully end of the week


HaHa :laugh.: ... Brother, you remind me of myself at times...Lock down that scheme...then don't waver :sweat:


Cheers, Mithril


Hmm scrap that paint scheme

I have always wanted to try something and i think it will look good with necrons.


I will have to order some new paint so pictures will be up hopefully end of the week


HaHa :laugh.: ... Brother, you remind me of myself at times...Lock down that scheme...then don't waver :sweat:


Cheers, Mithril



Oh man i am terrible, i can never commit to a colour scheme.

I have a death guard army in 2 different colour schemes and a eldar army in about 5 lol

Really trying to commit to just the 1 colour scheme this time....really really trying :p


Anyway new test model is out, let me know what you think

So this is stage 1 of a new colour scheme i am thinking of

Glowing green Necrons


I actually like this alot and thinking of just keeping to this and not doing stage 2 (which i am waiting for the paints to arrive before i can do it)

It is very rough and needs some cleaning up


It is very necrony, dark yet bright


However, i need an airbrush to do this scheme and i hate airbrushes.

Honestly the amount of faffing about with them is insane

An airbrush is definitely a tool you have to want to use, from the station setup nd airflow to noise from compressor to proper care and maintenance. If you go full in it can be a wonderful addition to the arsenal of painting techniques applied to a model or project.


I use brushes for everything, save black primer as a base :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

Well after a few weeks of near solid painting i have finally got the base work down on the necrons.


It was a bit rushed towards the end and i need to do a lot of cleaning up on the painting but i think they are coming along ok.


IMG 4034



IMG 4035

IMG 4038

IMG 4037

IMG 4036



The arms need to be painted and attached and the characters still need painted but i am taking a break from painting.

I have exams soon and this has been a pain in the ass to paint



I also manged to get in a game with them recently and learnt a bit from that game.


It was against a deathwatch army but with 4 of those mini knights, 2 with the 4D3 autocannons and 2 close combat varients


I was surprised how fragile the destroyers are, but that may be because he shot his auto cannon knights into them and maybe they just wreck them, but yea, ouch


I was running a unit of 8 tomb blades and a unit of 7, i was also surprised by how quick they died. However it did make me think about needing a close combat unit. As such i am dropping the unit of 7 and taking 10 lynchguard with warscythes and doing the whole turn 1 charge gimik.


Scarabs were great, literally just 1 unit of 3 won me the game.


My opponent deep struck a bunch of guys behind my lines turn 2, but he put them in rapid fire range of the gauss flayer arrays on the DDA, Basically he killed alot but the DDA and some other units killed all his deepstrikers next turn.


The CCB was fun but really, i think it would be better in the Mephrit dynasty with the "can target characters" WLT


The stalker died turn 2 to rapid fire overcharged plasma, i honestly dont think its worth its points. If it was half decent in combat then maybe but other wise nah.

Bravo on the painting and the victory, brother. It seems that the Silent King has smiled upon you! No one ever expects scarabs to win the game, which is why they can do it, if playing objectives.


That green looks super nice too. 

Got in another game today


I tried out the lynchguard with zahndrekh and obyron

Its an interesting tactic and it caught my opponent off guard, however it puts all your characters and an expensive unit in your opponents deplyoment zone with no support. It also means you cant use you characters to support your other units. Its fun, but also not very good.


I am getting really dissapointed with the tomb blades. I was running a unit of 9 of them and well they dont do a lot.

The problem with them is that there is just so much re-rolling to hit shooting and damage 2 shots that they die really easily, dispite the -1 to hit.

The ZahnBryon bomb really has to be supported by a Deceiver and also a character/unit brought with the Veil of Darkness relic. On its own it's definitely a bit dicey.


Sounds like you should have taken the squad of 3 Scarabs again! :laugh.:

The ZahnBryon bomb really has to be supported by a Deceiver and also a character/unit brought with the Veil of Darkness relic. On its own it's definitely a bit dicey.


Sounds like you should have taken the squad of 3 Scarabs again! :laugh.:


Yea i am looking at my stalker and thinking i could get 9 scarabs instead, however i just know that if i drop it i will be rolling one's all game.

This time i just rolled 2's lol. Honestly i got 5 hits in with the DDA and got 1 wound, you can only laugh.


Well my crptek had the veil of darkness and used it to teleport Zahndrekh.

I was thinking of dropping the tomb blades for the deciver, however you really need 1st turn with him which is not guaranteed. It is something i will think about though

*slaps forehead


Right. Cryptek w. Veil for Zahdrekh. Deceiver, maybe Nephrekh Wraiths zapping uptable with Adaptive Subroutines then. Ultimately the T1 rush is a bit of a gimmick for Necrons and not overly powerful; just enough to catch someone off guard every now and again so long as they don't play screening units.

  • 1 month later...

So I had a very interesting game vs blood angles


I took what i think is a very competitve list

Sautek Dynasty

 - Immotekh

 - Lord with res orb

 - 2 x 10 Immortals with tesla

 - 10 Warriors

 - Night Shroud Bomber

 - Stalker

 - 2 x DDA


Nephrekh Dynasty

 - Cryptek with cloak and viel

 - 3 scarabs

 - 9 Tomb Blades with gauss

 - 6 Destroyers


I think dropping the tomb blades for 5 wraiths would be the most competitve list necrons could do.


Anyway this was the 1st game where i think all the necron rules came into effect.

He got 1st turn and drop pod in 8 death company and used the strategem to move a death company before the 1st turn. He also put wings of something on his librerian deadnought. So i had 2 units of death company and a dreadnough charge me 1st turn...ouch.


But one unit of death company only managed to kill 8 necron immortals, leaving 2 allive. The other unit charged my tomb blades, getting pretty much wipped from over watch. And his dreadnough failed to kill the stalker which then died to immotekh in combat after taking a few wounds

He also shot his devestators into one of the DDAs but quantum shielding came into effect a lot.


In the end, that unit of 2 immortals came back to full strength by end of turn 3. One of the DDAs was put down to 2 wounds, but the repair over ride stragem negated any effects.

He had 2 smash captains that did kill immotekh but then died to mass tesla.


Necrons are just a funny army.

When there special rules - quantum shielding, living metal, reanimation etc, come into effect, they can be a brutal army.

But when they dont, and you opponent is firing D2 weapons at your vehicles and able to focus fire units effectivley, then they are just useless

  • 4 weeks later...

Took the necrons out for a spin today, 1st time in a while.

Was against dark eldar with a harlequin detachment.


He was running

Blackheart spearhead with 3 dissie ravangers with the archon giving re-roll 1s to hit and wound, regenerating CP.

Flayed skull with 4 units of warriors in venoms with a blaster in each, 2 archons in a venom each with a blaster, 2 jetfighters.

3 units of 2 skyweavers, solitare and shadowseer.


I had

Sautek Dynasty

 - Immotekh, Lord (with warscythe and veil), 2 units of 10 tesla immortals, 10 warriors, Triarch Stalker, 2 DDAs


 - Cryptek (with cloak), 5 Wraiths, 6 Destroyers, 8 Tomb Blades (Gauss and shield vanes), 3 scarabs


I did screw up, and deepstruck both the destroyers and the tomb blades. Only just realised you cant deepstrike tomb blades... :/


I thought the game would be a disaster for necrons. Alot of his Anti-tank is D2 or mortal wounds, pretty much negating quantum shielding.

His list was so fast, that he could pretty much get into my back lines and tie up my shooting.

And all his posion negated my high toughness


I got 1st turn and did get very lucky with my card draw...but shooting was a pretty much a whiff.

I did viel of darkness a unit of immortals, and managed to kill a poor soiltare. I shoot immoteks lightning into 1 ravanger, and the stalker into another, both doing 3 wounds each. I popped the +1 to hit strat, my DDA did 5 wounds to on ravanger, and he passed every single one of his invuns. Fortunatly my second DDA did kill a ravanger...but i was hoping to kill 2.

I advanced my wraiths and they were in a position to charge 3 of his venoms, forcing him to spend 4CP to stop the charge, but he rolled a 1, so needed to spend another CP.


In his turn his venoms wipped out the wraiths, and killed the cryptek.

Rest of his shooting took out 1 DDA and put 5 wounds onto the Stalker. I probably got a bit lucky with his shooting as he really should have killed both the DDA and stalker,


I was feeling pretty dishartened at this point. There was not a lot I could do to stop his flyers, and his venoms needed to be delt with as quickly as possible to stop them just running about.


My turn 2 I got so lucky with the cards.

Defend and secure objective 1, which my scarabs were sitting on, out of the way of the main battle. 

Destroyers and tomb blades came in. Blades killed 1 venom. Destroyers spilt their fire between 3, killing 2 venoms and putting 1 down to 1 wound.

DDA and stalker picked up a second ravanger,

Blades charged his 2 units of warriors who dissembarked from the venoms, getting a double 6.


His turn 2 saw my stalker die to haywire, the rest of his shooting went into my destroyers.

Now this is where i got very lucky. His ravanger that does not ignore cover ment i had a 5+ save. He did 4 wounds i passed 2. His two jetfighters which do ignore cover did 4 wounds with the dissies and i passed 2 6+ saves...ouch. Combat saw him charge his skyweavers into my destroyers, but being only S4, meant that it was actually rather hard to wound them and I was left with 1 standing.


Turn 3 was basically a wipe

Re-annimation got back 2 destroyers. But it was more my cards. I was just scorring so many points and his draw was horrible.

My strategy was to just fall out of combat with the destroyers and pop the destroyer strat, to kill on of his flyers. Maybe get lucky with the DDA on killing his last ravanger. The blades would have moped up the last of warrios, shoot the tesla immortals into his skyweavers, and then charge into one with immotekh and use the for 1 attack i ignore your invuns strat.


I actually had quite a few units left, while my opponent just had vertually nothing.


Turned out to be a rather unexpected complete victory for the necrons.


I actually think that i should have deepstruck in the wraiths and put the tombblades in the place of the wraiths.

-1 to hit and the 1 extra wound, would probably have helped and may even have kept the unit alive. The shooting would also have probably taken down a venom


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