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Legion Upgrade Sprues?


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If we look at the upcoming Codex: Space Marines as a model, I imagine the Heretic Astartes could get a similar treatment, in which case we'll see the Heretic Astartes Legion upgrades when GW gets around to that batch of releases.
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This would be fantastic... But I think it's far too optimistic to assume we'll be getting the C:SM style of update any time soon, if at all. After all, we already had an "update" to our codex. Might we get shoulders one day? I mean, maybe? But if we do, I would think it would be YEARS away from happening.
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One of the big things about "Legion Upgrade sprues" is that Chaos is a lot more unique in each of it's legions appearance (or hell, even warbands) compared to one chapter of marines to the next. Not to mention it's only really the Death Guard or the Black Legion (and even then) that are still operating mostly as a legion-sized fighting force. It's all split up and muddied across varying allegiances.


Four of the 9 traitor legions are god claimed and thus will just use the Cult Troops as their main infantry so no upgrades needed there.


That leaves:

  • Black Legion
  • Iron Warriors
  • Night Lords
  • Word Bearers
  • Alpha Legion

Now, the main kits almost always basically fit Black Legion to a tee, down to the random eyes and 8-pointed stars on them so is there really a need for an upgrade sprue?

Iron Warriors; the FW ones will do you well as will plastic MkIII / IV vits scattered around.

Night Lords probably couldn't give a damn about legion symbols or oganisation! 

Word Bearers are probably similar or have armour too warped to notice it.

Alpha Legion don't exist...!           (okay they do, but they will probably avoid any distinctive markings no? Again, FW has plenty of compatible pads available).


Not to mention, Chaos players are usually good converters and like to go the extra mile and have never needs a product from GW to do that ;)


ALSO - y'all just got codex 1.9 for Chaos and an entire supplement in Vigilus Ablaze, I don't think full supplements for all the legions are on the cards yet (plus Black Legion basically have one).

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I suggest that OP changes the title to something like "New Space Marine codex and what does it mean for Heretic Astartes". Otherwise we will end up with squilion of topics each discussing one particular aspect of new marine release.


That being said, I am fairly confident that the "undivided" legion upgrade sprues/supplements/characters are not a matter of "if" but "when". I had my susipcions when they left legion rules unchanged in Vigilus and the e-codex was upgraded to new version for free. This was further corroborated when I saw that new SM dex has ported some of the study from CSM (apostle prayers) while implementing stuff that was not in CSM dex (e.g. Combat Doctrines whatever it is).


My susipcions was that they either: A. Didn't hit the deadline with the new CSM codex, supplements, chracters and upgrade packs. Or more likely: B. Plan another wave of CSM where this stuff will be released. (Maybe alongside some campain book that will feature CSM? Of more likely when the models from shadowspear will be released separately.)

Edited by RapatoR
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One of the big things about "Legion Upgrade sprues" is that Chaos is a lot more unique in each of it's legions appearance (or hell, even warbands) compared to one chapter of marines to the next. Not to mention it's only really the Death Guard or the Black Legion (and even then) that are still operating mostly as a legion-sized fighting force. It's all split up and muddied across varying allegiances.


Four of the 9 traitor legions are god claimed and thus will just use the Cult Troops as their main infantry so no upgrades needed there.


That leaves:

  • Black Legion
  • Iron Warriors
  • Night Lords
  • Word Bearers
  • Alpha Legion

Now, the main kits almost always basically fit Black Legion to a tee, down to the random eyes and 8-pointed stars on them so is there really a need for an upgrade sprue?

Iron Warriors; the FW ones will do you well as will plastic MkIII / IV vits scattered around.

Night Lords probably couldn't give a damn about legion symbols or oganisation! 

Word Bearers are probably similar or have armour too warped to notice it.

Alpha Legion don't exist...!           (okay they do, but they will probably avoid any distinctive markings no? Again, FW has plenty of compatible pads available).


Not to mention, Chaos players are usually good converters and like to go the extra mile and have never needs a product from GW to do that :wink:


ALSO - y'all just got codex 1.9 for Chaos and an entire supplement in Vigilus Ablaze, I don't think full supplements for all the legions are on the cards yet (plus Black Legion basically have one).

Is there a need for 2 Ultramarine upgrade sprues? If so then at least 1 for Black Legion in particular sounds more than fair.


And let's not bring Chaos players being the abused chew toy of GW that've been forced by necessity to get creative into things: we all know that all the big Legions could use shoulderpads, unique heads, and a few bits and bobs, because every subfaction does and I rather doubt there are fewer Chaos players than, say, White Scars fans or Iron Hands at this point.


Night Lords don't need bat helms and shoulderpads? Pull the other one!

Word Bearers have a unique look.

There is no good way to currently get GW minis to represent AL iconography.


The update was long overdue and supplements would be well deserved, but I'm talking exclusively about a few upgrade sprues.

Edited by Ugolino
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Now, the main kits almost always basically fit Black Legion to a tee, down to the random eyes and 8-pointed stars on them so is there really a need for an upgrade sprue?

Iron Warriors; the FW ones will do you well as will plastic MkIII / IV vits scattered around.

Night Lords probably couldn't give a damn about legion symbols or oganisation! 

Word Bearers are probably similar or have armour too warped to notice it.

Alpha Legion don't exist...!           (okay they do, but they will probably avoid any distinctive markings no? Again, FW has plenty of compatible pads available).


Not to mention, Chaos players are usually good converters and like to go the extra mile and have never needs a product from GW to do that :wink:


ALSO - y'all just got codex 1.9 for Chaos and an entire supplement in Vigilus Ablaze, I don't think full supplements for all the legions are on the cards yet (plus Black Legion basically have one).


So you can't think of winged-helmets for Night Lords? Or bionics for Iron Warriors? Or more serpentine themed gear for Alpha Legion? Or helmets inscribed with Colchisian runes for the Word Bearers? There is more reason for Traitor upgrade sprues than there is for Loyalist ones.


Don't confuse the lazy book we received a scant few months ago with what the loyalists are getting now. We got a book with some new units put in, they have a full re-do. There is absolutely 0 justification for us to not receive supplements in the same way. Whether it's "on the cards" or not really isn't the point.

Edited by Marshal Loss
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At this point I'm just happy they gave us new CSM sculpts. Any Legion specific bits would be a positive for sure, but I doubt anything will get released in a long while...

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At this point I'm just happy they gave us new CSM sculpts. Any Legion specific bits would be a positive for sure, but I doubt anything will get released in a long while...


At a minimum, we will probably see the shadow spear mini's available separately as our second wave release, along with a new sorcerer sculpt for that psychic awakening next arc. We have the greater possesed, so new possesed kit would also fit the wave 2/ psychic awakening arc as well. More named characters + supplements for the other undivided legions like BL got for Vigilus II are also very possible. I just don't see space or demand for legion bits, other stuff we need badly would be higher priority and better use of dev time. Mk III- Mk IV plastics, FW transfers and bits/ units serve us well enough that I am personally not in a rush for legion sprues like the loyalist ones. If they are as good as the ols BT one, sure otherwise nope. 

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