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New brother from Deliverance


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Hello Brothers of the shadows,


I just want to introduce myself as a new member in this forum. I have around 5000 points of Raven Guard (HH first born and primaris)  and I've been playing them since the start of 7th ed when I switch from Fantasy to 40K because of the end times and AoS initial mess.


I always try to play as most fluffy possible without losing competitivity. I like to win as we all do, but I like to feel I did it at least in a certain degree following Coraxs combat doctrines. Let's see what tools for doing that brings us the new codex and future RG supplement!


Victorous aut mortis!



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Hi Duz, I've been the classic lurker in this forum for a while, I had issues at the beginning with my registration and I just let it go. Now with the new codex and supplement and all the big changes that will represent I find it's a good moment to activate my jump pack and leave the shadows!


I'm actually expanding on Primaris, my approach is to do them in a HH fashion (I'm using FW decals for marking ) and at the moment they don't have any colour trim on the shoulder pads because I haven't decided which one I like the most (fluff and colour wise) but I'm actually liking the black trim (but I dislike the bird head captain!) . Because of these in my personale fluff  they are Primaris being trained by Shadow Captain Korvydae that has returned from his penitence at the Death Watch and as former Master of Recruits has been assigned to this task by Shriek.


I don' t like playing gray so all my stuff is at least primed black and with time I go adding the rest of colurs, decals... I will try to post pictures of my Korvydae conversion (It has crossed the rubicon) and my primaris.


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