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Terminator squad buff

Captain Antargo

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With this new rule "Angels of Death", the Termi CC squad and termi squads in general will have taken a massive buff, especially when BA already have an ability on a charge (Red thirst) you +1 to your wound rolls! If you are one of those who gave their termi squad TH and SS then "Angels of death" will help so much as you are hitting on 4's with TH so extra generated attacks will provide!

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The extra attack will be handy but it does not help with delivery. Terminators still struggle from being a slow unit that struggle to bring their melee attacks to bear.


I think that Sanguinary Guard are going to benefit more from this since they bring their own deployment with them. A 10-man squad with power fists cost 310 points and now delivers 30 S8 attacks on the charge with Red Thirst. If you make one of the Guard your Warlord, the squad gets full rerolls to hit.


That is an average of 20 hits on the charge which will do about 22 wounds to a T8/3+ save target (like a Knight) or 28 wounds to T7 and below. That is without any character support!


This squad can come in from Reserve and get a 3D6" charge with Descent of Angels which makes delivery much more reliable than terminators. They rival the classic "Captain Smash" for damage output while benig far more durable (admittedly they cost 2.5 times as much).

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If you run a Stormraven anyways, it might be a good idea to deploy the Assault Terminators in there, zoom up 45" first turn and go in for the kill next turn. 205 points isn't that expensive actually for the damage output of 3 for every wound.

The good thing about this is that you don't need UWoF on them and can use it to simultaneously re-deploy Sanguinary Guard first turn as a "distraction" or to overload one flank.


Of course, they work better with Chaplain/Terminator Ancient support, making the unit more expensive than SG, or at least on par.

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Terminators in a Stormraven is a very expensive and satisfying target for the enemy to destroy. No list that is even just semi-competetive should have problems dealing with a Stormraven and then your Terminators are sitting there and have to footslog over the board.

Don't put expensive units in expensive transports unless you list has some synergies that makes it work (like the Grey Knights Landraider with Astral Aim hiding behind LoS blocking terrain and eventually jumping out with gate of infinity for example).

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Sure, target saturation is still important as always. The -1 to hit on the raven can save you from some trouble, and you’ll have to go second for this to not work. Still, it’s a gamble for your opponent as long as there’s other armour on your side of the field that he could be shooting at instead.


Once the transport is popped though or has delivered its payload, the Terminators are stuck. So take out something with lots of wounds or that’s of extreme importance to your opponent’s battle plan.

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I was just thinking about this the other day because I love terminators.  Now I'm not saying this is the best thing out there, but 10 Cataphractii all with power fists and combi-bolters dropping near a Master of the Vanguard WL and popping Strike of the Archangels has excellent potential.  Make the WL a Probos Lt and you can deep strike him with the unit, and get re-roll 1s to wound!  A self sufficient and adaptable unit that can go wherever and get re-rolls for around 450.

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