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Chaos Doctrines: what would you like to see?

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I doubt we'd ever get anything like Doctrines. As others have said, it's more likely that we'll get Marks of Chaos that have direct bonuses again, with reworked Legion Traits to fit with these (and make them work with all units in the detachment).


I wouldn't even complain if we didn't get the same level of supplemental support as Space Marines. Just bring back something like the Traitor Legions supplement from 7th; IMHO, that was the best thing to happen in 7th, it's just such a shame it was only valid for about 6 months before 8th dropped.


Also, I definitely wouldn't say no to custom Renegade traits, too.

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The Wind of Passion

- All units get an extra point of AP on all their weapons. Units with the Mark of Slaanesh double their Movement stat.



So -1 AP to all weapons, all the time and double movement is balanced and fair versus the -1 AP to different weapon types dependant on doctrine that marines currently get? Edited by justicarius6
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With how GW is handling all of the loyalist chapters I would be really surprised if Chaos Space Marines did not get the same treatment. I mean hell... White Scars got their own supplement.

Oh my sweet summer child....



You never know.


We did get Codex Chaos Knights.

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... crazy idea but how about doing something similar to the Sisters Acts of Faith?


its a little bit of book keeping... but you have a pool of glory for each god** which you can then spend on that gods table* to gain short term (phase only) boons


you start with so many points ie +3 for a warlord, +2 for other characters +1 for unit.. then you can gain extra ones during game for doing things to bring the eye of the god(s) on you... ie khorne = kill a unit in CC, tzeentch = cast a spell



*this could be spend X points for an entry or 1 to get a roll then you can spend extra points to change the roll, or modifier the roll depending on who's doing it... ie a character will be better than a unit.



** ok possibly 5 pools... OR you could have just a single pool of glory which can then be used on any table by a unit with the relavent mark (abbadon counting as having all 5)

Edited by Slasher956
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Its a tricky problem because all the Chaos Legions work in different ways. They can't be easily represented by one system.


First, we have the 4 Cult Legions: World Eaters, Emperor's Children, Death Guard, Thousand Sons. Luckily they have or will be getting their own books, so they don't necessarily need to be covered by this all. These four are not really organized in a coherent way, and each is fractured to some degree. Having a combat doctrine bonus doesn't really make sense. They instead just have powerful army wide special rules from the power of their marks/gifts. However, they should get some sort of bonus for running a pure army.


Then we have the Undivided Legions that use a lot of Chaos:


- Word Bearers are all Undivided, but can have the blessing of a single God on some units. If Marks were a statl bonus, they wouldn't make sense for Word Bearers. It would make more sense for them to have some sort of Faith Mechanic or expansion of the DA's prayer system. Or perhaps rules to let you use Strats of any God on their units.


- Black Legion, on the other hand, mixes together lots of different Marked units. But their units aren't as strong as Cult Units (although they may also be able to take those.) They would be best represented by units getting some stat bonus from a Mark, and being able to freely mix marks of different Gods in a detachment.


Then there's the Undivided Legions that use less Chaos:


- Iron Warriors should be mostly Undivided. And they are quite organized, so some sort of doctrine could make sense, but Prayers don't as much. They should have some rule systems that encourages the use of vehicles and heavy weapons. If there is a Mark system they could have access to it, but there should probably be some restrictions or extra cost on it (which would be fair if they are getting some other buff as well.)


- Night Lords again should be mostly undivided, and have almost no organization. They could have no doctrine equivalent, but perhaps just have a stronger trait with all their leadership shenanigans?


- Alpha Legion is pretty hard to define.



So overall, just making Marks exist as stat buffs works great for some Legions, but doesn't really cover everything properly. Certain Legions will essentially need Bespoke special rules if we really want to get to the heart of that Legion's character. I won't be surprised if GW does not rise to the occasion. But if they follow the trends of the Loyalists, we may be looking at full codices for the cult legions, and splat books for the rest. So it's certainly possible that they could do it.

Edited by Drudge Dreadnought
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Hrmmm.. how about.taking the loyalist release as a template...


You have a core book as is

You change the dead guard and 1ksons to be supplements

You add a supplement for each legion


So you don’t have a core special rule set like the loyalist do but rather you set out the core beliefs of the eternal war...

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I really don’t want to see Night Lords even more reliant on leadership mechanics when they really just don’t work for :cuss this edition. There are so many ways to flat out ignore a morale test, in addition to the MSU plague of marine armies, and the actual mechanics for leadership and leadership replacement bubbles make the system completely worthless.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly would also prefer if the DG codex became a supplement to a new "proper" CSM 2.0 book. Also gotta disagree with @Drudge Dreadnought, I can't speak for the other cult legions but the Death Guard is still very much organised.


DG have very limited overlap with core Chaos marines now. I'm sure 6th ed DG players with tons of bikes and heavy weapon havocs will be happy but it sounds like a massive step backwards.


Death Guard are incredibly complicated in their organisation with parrellel warband/vectorum and Legion Plague Company->Colony structures but in practice they're more like regular Chaos Warbands than different to them.


I'm a big fan of 30k so I'd prefer Rites of War over tactical doctrines.


There are no Legions in 40k. Warband traits tied around characters and their retinues would make more sense.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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If Word Bearers get a supplement their psychic discipline should be the second best in the game as they were the second most powerful psychic Legion. Dark Channeling for CSM squads instead of smite for rubricae could be a cool fluffy ability.
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