Sete Posted August 12, 2019 Share Posted August 12, 2019 I have created a topic in the space marine section for building CT for official SM chapters, and it's only fair we, here in the liber, do the same for our wonderfull creations! Share away! I'll start with my Grey Talons and their White Scars heritage: Tactical withdrawal, for they follow their hit and run tactics of their gene sire, and whirlwind of rage, to show their bloodthirsty nature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 12, 2019 Share Posted August 12, 2019 As a reminder, here is a list of all available traits (courtesy of Sete): Bolter Fusilade: Reroll 1s to hit for Bolt weapons.Born Heroes: Characters can HI 6"Duellists: Melee attacks vs Infantry/Bikers score auto wounds on 6s to hit (can't be combined with Whirlwind of Rage Tactic)Fearsome Aspect: -1 Ld for enemy units within 3" of units with this tacticHungry For Battle: +1 to Advance and Charge rollsIndomitable: Can only lose 1 model to MoraleInheritors of the Primarch: Choose a First Founding Chapter Tactic instead of two Successor TacticsKnowledge Is Power: Reroll one/both 1s when making Psychic/Deny testsLong-range Marksmen: +3" to ranged weaponsMaster Artisans: When Overwatching, shooting, or fighting, reroll a single hit and a single wound roll per unit, each time.Preferred Enemy: Choose (Tyranids, Aeldari, Orks, Heretic Astartes, Necrons or T'au) - reroll melee to hit if you charge/get charged/intervene.Rapid Assault: No penalty to Advance and shoot Assault weaponsScions of the Forge: Damage table models have double wounds remaining for the row you useStalwart: Unmodified wounds of 1 and 2 auto fail against youStealthy: Get the benefit of cover against models more than 12" awayStoic: +1 LdTactical Withdrawal: Charge after Falling BackWarded: 5+ FNP vs Mortal WoundsWhirlwind of Rage: Unmodified 6 to hit with melee when you charge/get charged/intervene, get an extra hit (can't be combined with Duellists tactic) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted August 12, 2019 Share Posted August 12, 2019 Golly, there's so many Chapters I'd have to plan out. Sticking just with my current project, though... The Warminds would likely use Knowledge is Power and Warded. The first pick is obviously to represent their mastery of psychic powers, but the ability to block what should have been a fatal wound through "low-level psychic powers and kung-fu master style evasion" is exactly what I'd want them to have. Picture an enemy raising their blade high over a prone Space Marine for a fatal strike, and then the blade stopping short of their target as though it had hit an invisible wall, as a brave brother of the Warminds strides forward, hand upraised, ready to protect their beleaguered squadmate. Although Stealthy is a good shout too, given their Raven Guard heritage. EDIT: I spy an errant word, and now it is gone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boldthreat Posted August 12, 2019 Share Posted August 12, 2019 Oh here we go! I’m co-authoring a DIY with my brother. We our combining ideas we each had into a single Chapter. You think doing a DIY is hard enough alone... try finalizing things with your twin... it’s been a long road lol. You will see a thread on the Myrmidons shortly. But in short: An isolationist Imperial Fist successor stuck in the Galactic North beyond the Rift. They recruit from a planet inhabited by a techno-warrior tribe society that have persevered in a inhospitable climate. They are known for two things, specialization in zone mortalis type missions and being jerks to anyone not Myrmidons... especially other Fists... who they believe are imposters. Dun Dun Dun. Thematically it’s a Chapter that walks the line between the Imperial Fists and Black Templar’s. So I’m thinking Bolter Fusilade and either Rapid Assault or Whirlwind of Rage. I can’t decide between these two. Shooting is what they are good at... but I love idea that hate and rage play a big portion in their disgust for the enemy of the God Emperor and directly influences them in punching things in the face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deus-Naps Immortalis Posted August 13, 2019 Share Posted August 13, 2019 I had planned to make models for my DIY chapter, but this never crossed my mind. My Primordials would definitely use Indomitable and Rapid Assault. Maybe Hungry for Battle in place of Indomitable. Unbreakable and extremely agitated about the local forest fires. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allart01 Posted August 13, 2019 Share Posted August 13, 2019 The Wardens of Hades Chapter Tactic: A History of Blood The warriors of the Archontopouloi rush into battle, thirsty for personal glory in the eyes of the Emperor. When they engage the enemy a brutal fury is unleashed, with peaks of violence that echo the darkest rumors on the Chapter's past. Add 1 to the result of all charge and advance rolls for your <Wardens of Hades> units. In addition, unmodified hit rolls of 6 in meelee when a <Wardens of Hades> unit charges, gets charged or performs a heroic intervention generate an additional hit. This is what I came up with. Hungry for battle + Whirlwind of rage... It couldn't be otherwise, could it? I'll rewrite the rules verbatim once I'll have the actual phrasing from the codex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted August 13, 2019 Share Posted August 13, 2019 Thematically it’s a Chapter that walks the line between the Imperial Fists and Black Templar’s. So I’m thinking Bolter Fusilade and either Rapid Assault or Whirlwind of Rage. I can’t decide between these two. Shooting is what they are good at... but I love idea that hate and rage play a big portion in their disgust for the enemy of the God Emperor and directly influences them in punching things in the face. I like both of these choices - they conjure up the image of an Imperial Fists gunline that advances through the battlefield, and woe betide anything foolish enough to get close to it. I had planned to make models for my DIY chapter, but this never crossed my mind. My Primordials would definitely use Indomitable and Rapid Assault. Maybe Hungry for Battle in place of Indomitable. Unbreakable and extremely agitated about the local forest fires. Indomitable and Hungry for Battle sound like a really good fit for the Primordials - the swift, relentless, savage advance that only ends in victory or death. The only way to stop the Primordials is to kill them all before they descend upon you, and best of luck with that! This is what I came up with. Hungry for battle + Whirlwind of rage... It couldn't be otherwise, could it? The Wardens of Hades sure are mighty aggressive for Ultramarines successors. I approve whole-heartedly! Uh... they are Ultramarines successors, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted August 13, 2019 Share Posted August 13, 2019 Mmm, it'll be fun to think of appropriate ones for each Chapter, though I imagine at least a couple of mine will use an appropriate First Founding trait (I don't remember what all of them are). But at least for the most current ones, the Depthwatch, I'm inclined to think the best choices are Stealthy and Fearsome Aspect, encompassing their often obscured advance and their discomforting demeanor and supernatural characteristics. There are other tempting options, but this will be a good start to play around with. In the style of The_Bloody: Chapter Tactic: Warrior Apparitions Unnatural mist and improbable pools of water seed the battlefield moments before the Depthwatch arrives. Their sudden appearance, and the strange occurrences that seem to accompany them keep their enemies off balance until it's too late. When resolving an attack with a ranged weapon against a <Depthwatch> unit more than 12" away, the unit counts as having the benefits of cover. Enemy units within 3" of a unit with this tactic suffer -1 to their Leadership. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Commander Ajax Posted August 13, 2019 Share Posted August 13, 2019 Consummate Swordsman, the Black Castellans are famed for their defiant nature. Once committed to battle there is little that can displace them. Chapter Tactic: Indomitable When a morale test is taken for a unit with this tactic no more than one model can flee. Chapter Tactic: Duelist When resolving an attack with a melee weapon by a model with this tactic against an infantry or biker unit an unmodified score of a 6 automatically scores a hit and successfully wounds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allart01 Posted August 13, 2019 Share Posted August 13, 2019 Golly, there's so many Chapters I'd have to plan out. Sticking just with my current project, though... The Warminds would likely use Knowledge is Power and Warded. The first pick is obviously to represent their mastery of psychic powers, but the ability to block what should have been a fatal wound through "low-level psychic powers and kung-fu master style evasion" is exactly what I'd want them to have. Picture an enemy raising their blade high over a prone Space Marine for a fatal strike, and then the blade stopping short of their target as though it had hit an invisible wall, as a brave brother of the Warminds strides forward, hand upraised, ready to protect their beleaguered squadmate. Although Stealthy is a good shout too, given their Raven Guard heritage. The first version, in my opinion, works great. Knowledge is power is in for sure. Warded sounds good for representing your Chapter's low-key use of magic to protect themselves, but considering that, as you wrote in your topic, their only divergence from standard Raven Guard tactics is the higher number of psykers, Stealthy would perhaps be a better choice to represent the Warminds in a military deployment! Mmm, it'll be fun to think of appropriate ones for each Chapter, though I imagine at least a couple of mine will use an appropriate First Founding trait (I don't remember what all of them are). But at least for the most current ones, the Depthwatch, I'm inclined to think the best choices are Stealthy and Fearsome Aspect, encompassing their often obscured advance and their discomforting demeanor and supernatural characteristics. There are other tempting options, but this will be a good start to play around with. In the style of The_Bloody: Chapter Tactic: Warrior Apparitions Unnatural mist and improbable pools of water seed the battlefield moments before the Depthwatch arrives. Their sudden appearance, and the strange occurrences that seem to accompany them keep their enemies off balance until it's too late. When resolving an attack with a ranged weapon against a <Depthwatch> unit more than 12" away, the unit counts as having the benefits of cover. Enemy units within 3" of a unit with this tactic suffer -1 to their Leadership. Sounds perfect. I'll take advantage of this topic to let you two know that I'm currently reading your topics and pondering about their contents, gathering my opinions and trying to formulate some active feedback! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Osteoclast Posted August 13, 2019 Share Posted August 13, 2019 My Pioneers of Dorn are Imperial Fist descendants who specialize in seizing beachheads. I'm thinking that Rapid Assault and Bolter Fusilade would be the most thematic choices? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted August 14, 2019 Share Posted August 14, 2019 Chapter Tactic: Warrior Apparitions Unnatural mist and improbable pools of water seed the battlefield moments before the Depthwatch arrives. Their sudden appearance, and the strange occurrences that seem to accompany them keep their enemies off balance until it's too late. When resolving an attack with a ranged weapon against a <Depthwatch> unit more than 12" away, the unit counts as having the benefits of cover. Enemy units within 3" of a unit with this tactic suffer -1 to their Leadership. Yeah, I think that captures the "What are those things?" aspect of the Depthwatch pretty well. Hard to have a firm resolve when you don't even know what you're really dealing with, after all! Consummate Swordsman, the Black Castellans are famed for their defiant nature. Once committed to battle there is little that can displace them. Chapter Tactic: Indomitable When a morale test is taken for a unit with this tactic no more than one model can flee. Chapter Tactic: Duelist When resolving an attack with a melee weapon by a model with this tactic against an infantry or biker unit an unmodified score of a 6 automatically scores a hit and successfully wounds. Sounds good. Make the enemy pay in blood for every step forward they dare to take against the Black Castellans! The first version, in my opinion, works great. Knowledge is power is in for sure. Warded sounds good for representing your Chapter's low-key use of magic to protect themselves, but considering that, as you wrote in your topic, their only divergence from standard Raven Guard tactics is the higher number of psykers, Stealthy would perhaps be a better choice to represent the Warminds in a military deployment! Yeah, I'm pretty sold on Warded at this point. I was considering swapping out Knowledge is Power for Stealthy, but anything that incentivises taking more psykers is very line with how the Chapter works. Besides, they can still make use of stealth and ambush tactics in game via clever manoeuvring and / or deep strikes, for example. I'll take advantage of this topic to let you two know that I'm currently reading your topics and pondering about their contents, gathering my opinions and trying to formulate some active feedback! I might have to actually post my proper first draft first - I'll get on that ASAP! My Pioneers of Dorn are Imperial Fist descendants who specialize in seizing beachheads. I'm thinking that Rapid Assault and Bolter Fusilade would be the most thematic choices? Sounds like a good fit. Pin your enemy down with hails of fire while your line-breakers rush into position and start breaking apart their defences. Strong firing lines and merciless charges/counter-charges sound like a very Dorn-y approach to warfare in general, come to think of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted November 21, 2019 Share Posted November 21, 2019 Forgive the double post, but this topic is far, far too much fun to just let it sink into the annals of history just yet. Especially with all the LASC Chapters bouncing around these days! Speaking of which...-- The White Hawks --Chapter Tactic: Heroic ResolveThe sons of Talhon are known equally for their incredible resilience and their drive to emulate the great deeds of legendary heroes of the past. In battle, the White Hawks are able to shrug off all but the most vicious of wounds, and will hurl themselves into the fray with wild ferocity to demonstrate their warrior spirit.Unmodified 'to wound' rolls of 1 or 2 against <White Hawks> Units always fail, irrespective of any abilities or weapons used by the attacking unit. In addition, <White Hawks> Characters can perform a Heroic Intervention if there any enemy units within 6" instead of 3". -- The Knights Oracular -- Chapter Tactic: Smoke and MirrorsMisdirection, feints and counter-feints are the hallmarks of the Knights Oracular. The protectors of the Amgyne Sphere are known for their fluid approach to combat, fighting equally adeptly and evasively both from long range and in close quarters.When resolving an attack with a ranged weapon against a <Knights Oracular> unit more than 12" away, the unit counts as having the benefits of cover. <Knights Oracular> units can also perform a Charge in the same turn in which they Fell Back from combat. (And finally, just to get it written up more formally) -- The Warminds -- Chapter Tactic: In Defiance of Death A Chapter long on the brink of extinction, arguably only the Warminds' widespread mastery of psychic power has spared the Chapter from total annihilation. Their Librarians are truly masterful exponents of psychic power, and many Warminds, in extremes, have turned aside blades or halted bullets with force of will alone. When a Psychic or Deny The Witch test is made by a <Warminds> PSYKER, re-roll any or all dice rolls of a 1. In addition, when a <Warminds> model would lose a wound as a result of a mortal wound, roll a D6. On result of 5+, that wound is not lost. How about it, brothers? What tactics would be most appropriate for your most recent Chapters? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted November 25, 2019 Share Posted November 25, 2019 Good on you keeping this thread alive, Ace; it definitely deserves it! Champions Eternal Chapter Tactic: Living Lightning Battle brothers of the Champions Eternal strike with the fury of the storm, unleashing psychic devastation to break enemy lines as their assault elements crash into the foe. When a Psychic or Deny The Witch test is made by a <Champions Eternal> PSYKER, re-roll any or all dice rolls of a 1. In addition, all <Champions Eternal> INFANTRY units may add +1 to advance and charge rolls. Asperos Astra Chapter Tactic: Deadeye Prowess Masters of ranged combat, the Lawbringers are frighteningly accurate marksman, seeming to account for every variable with each placed shot. Enemies who thought themselves safely out of range often pay the ultimate price for underestimating the accuracy of Asperos battle brothers. Increase the range of all ranged weapons by 3" and reroll to-hit rolls of 1 for any bolter weapons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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