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  • 5 weeks later...

I have had very little time to paint recently, but I have had a half finished unit of Wracks sat on my table for a while now, so decided to get them finished.



Edited by Tzen

Thanks chaps! :D


I'm still pressed for time when it comes to painting, I have a lot going on that takes my attention away from the hobby. However, I have had this pain Engine in a half complete state for a while, and I managed to get it finished this morning.












Edited by Tzen

Thanks :D


I have finished the generic Haemonculus for my Dark Eldar.








This is a gaming piece, so to stop myself going to far down the rabbit hole with the paint job I did two things.

  1. I completely built the model before I painted it. It made the process trickier, but it turned out okay.
  2. I gave myself a day to paint it. I tried this recently with two miniatures, and I was happy with the result, so decided to stick with it.


I have Urien Rakarth for my army, but the fact that he is a resin model fills me with sadness. :(

Edited by Tzen

Nice, that flayed skin cloak looks really well painted ! , I like how you set yourself some limits so you didn’t get stuck not finishing him , very smart method to keep you on track yet still complete a good tabletop model !!, well done indeed



What I really like about your Haemonculus and his work is, that the are clean. They don't look like coming from a chop shop in the garage or dungon beneach some complex. That gives me more of an technological advanced scientist/artist vibe than so many more butchers shop type paint jobs. Clearly showing a difference to chaos armies. Very nice job.

Edited by Chaplain Killmer
  • 2 years later...

I painted this furry chap quite a while ago, and only just got round to taking a few snaps. I love this model, as is always the case, it's a shame it is finecast, but I managed to power through!







  • 1 year later...

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