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New Blood Angel Stratagems.


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So...according to the BRB FAQ

"Q: Is it possible to use a Stratagem from one codex to target a unit from another?


A: Yes, so long as the unit the Stratagem is being used on has the appropriate keywords

(note that the Stratagems in Codex: Chaos Daemons and Codex: Tyranids are specific exceptions to this, as discussed in the relevant FAQs and Errata).


For example, you can use the Tide of Traitors Stratagem from Codex: Chaos Space Marines on a unit of Cultists from a Death Guard Detachment (from Codex: Death Guard) if your army has both an Alpha Legion Detachment and a Death Guard Detachment in a single Battle-forged army.


Also note that the only requirement to have access to Stratagems is that you have a Detachment of the appropriate Faction."




I'm not sure if you've seen, but the amount of available "Astartes" and other shared unit/keyword Strats the new dex has is unreal. 


We have some new toys after all - and all we need is a small detachment! 


Unfortunately GW added yet another exception to the rule with the new Codex: Space Marine FAQ it seems...




Q. If I include a Space Marines Detachment in my army, can

I use the Stratagems from Codex: Space Marines to affect

Adeptus Astartes units from other codexes, such as Codex:

Grey Knights or Codex: Deathwatch?

A: No, as noted in the second paragraph under Space

Marine Units and Detachments on page 174 of Codex:

Space Marines.


Apparently GW has no clue where they want to go with the faction keyword system. :huh:

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And just to add to the fun, the updated Space Marines: other publications adds angels of death to a bunch of index 1 units and forgeworld astartes index. That doesn't help us per this text:



Designer’s Note:

The Bolter Discipline ability is described in a previous update, and the Shock Assault ability can be found above. Combat Doctrines is a new ability exclusive to Codex: Space Marines – units in Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and Deathwatch Detachments (or in Detachments of any of their successor Chapters) cannot currently make use of this ability.


Also, for Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought:




Add to this datasheet the Priest keyword, and add to this datasheet the row:


PRIEST: This model knows the Litany of Hate (see below) and one litany from the Litanies of Battle (see Codex: Space Marines). At the start of the battle round, this model can recite one litany it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model that battle round. Roll one D6; on a 3+ the recited litany is inspiring and takes effect until the end of that battle round.


Litany of Hate: If this litany is inspiring, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by models in friendly <Chapter> units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model.



So RAW, this also means we get to pick an additional litany from C:SM for that model? I pick Canticle of Hate (6" aura causing +2" charge, +3" to pile in and consolidate).

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Also, for Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought:




Add to this datasheet the Priest keyword, and add to this datasheet the row:


PRIEST: This model knows the Litany of Hate (see below) and one litany from the Litanies of Battle (see Codex: Space Marines). At the start of the battle round, this model can recite one litany it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model that battle round. Roll one D6; on a 3+ the recited litany is inspiring and takes effect until the end of that battle round.


Litany of Hate: If this litany is inspiring, you can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by models in friendly <Chapter> units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model.



So RAW, this also means we get to pick an additional litany from C:SM for that model? I pick Canticle of Hate (6" aura causing +2" charge, +3" to pile in and consolidate).


I had the exact same thought, but according to the FAQ that sfPanzer quoted concerning stratagems they reference page 174. Reading page 174 makes it clear that the intention is that BA should not get access to any of the new stuff, including the litanies.


from page 174
In the rules described in this section we sometimes refer to "Space Marines" units and Detachments. A Space Marines unit is any Adeptus Astartes unit that has one of the
or BLACK TEMPLARS. A Space Marines Detachment is a Detachment that only includes Space Marines units.
Note that the Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, Grey Knights and Legion of the Damned deviate significantly in terms of organisation and fighting styles. These Chapters therefore cannot make use of any of the rules in this section, and instead have their own rules in other publications.
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