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Chainaxes and Chainswords v Chainswords and bolt pistols?

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How do people kit out their Berzerkers, I always kit them out with chainaxes and chainswords, but I'm just wondering if anyone likes to kit them out standard with bolt pistols and why?  I like being able to shoot while still in CC but I don't think the pro's outweigh the cons, like shooting and reducing your potential charge range and the flexibility of axe and sword.

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I have always had a weak spot for two with plasma pistols, but unless they're up against something hard and dangerous they won't bring much to the fight.


Though, two overcharged plasma pistols is a nice little surprise against some enemies. :)

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I have my berzerkers moddelled with bolt pistol, plasma, and chain axes, and always use them in game as such (wysiwyg). I found that every other battle they make use of their ranged attacks. Sometimes when stuck in combat it allows them to shoot in cc, and wipe the unit out, thus letting them charge something new. I have done this with blood angel players, wiping the death company i was in combat with to change a sanguine gaurd behind them. The occasional bolt/plasma rounds to remove a screen or pop the last wound of a rhino to charge the now exposed passengers has saved me games. I tried the chainsword combo but found that berzerkers overkill their target usually anyway, so the attacks are not always as important as a some additional shooting attacks.

My 2 cents. Good luck

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I have future proofed it in that I take bolt pistols with the combat weapon. Besides, if I'm stuck in with something I do like to be able to shoot them during my shooting phase (I love the imagery of it, sorta John Wick jujitsu shooting but in power armor)
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I have future proofed it in that I take bolt pistols with the combat weapon. Besides, if I'm stuck in with something I do like to be able to shoot them during my shooting phase (I love the imagery of it, sorta John Wick jujitsu shooting but in power armor)

You could still model chainsword, chain axe and bolt pistol by using holsters. Holstered pistol and holding one are the same thing for WYSIWYG purposes. I should start bezerkers because knowing my luck the new models will be released as I am doing like 30 bezerkers lol.

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Oh I agree entirely. I don't think I've ever actually fired a bolt pistol with my Berzerkers in 8th - the risk of killing more models than I account for in my charge distance and winding up having to roll an extra inch or two isn't worth it. Besides, once they're in combat their bare hands would do more damage than the pistol ever could. The only reason I haven't changed is because I believe that at some point in the near future we'll lose the ability to exchange the bolt pistol for a close combat weapon of any kind.


I personally find an entire unit of Berzerkers wielding an identical axe and sword combo visually off putting. Mine are typically around a 50/50 split of axe+pistol or sword+pistol with a few plasma pistols tossed in. I do have a couple with dual axes or dual pistols from back in the day when it didn't matter, but I don't use them often because it confuses people.

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