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Sever Life

Guest Metaliptica

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Guest Metaliptica

The rules of Russ' weapon : the sword of balenight include sever life. It is stated that it is triggered when a model suffers a wound, but is not slain. Does it means that it would happens regardless of your opponent's success in passing his invulnerable save ? 

P.S : couldn't find an answer so sorry if somebody already answered the question previously.

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The rule in question explicitly states that a model must've already suffered one or more wounds from the weapons for the 'Sever Life' rule to trigger.


One only 'suffers a wound' after failing a saving throw. If one passes a saving throw, a wound is prevented.


Thus, 'Sever Life' only triggers when the model that got wounded in first place fails their saving throw (an invulnerable one in this case, since it's AP2) and a potential FnP roll.

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