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Stratagems that allow units to “fight again”

War Angel

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These stratagems don’t allow you to charge again do they? If you do happen to consolidate into a new unit, you can’t actually fight it unless you declared it during the charge phase (if you charged this turn) right? I swear I’ve seen something on this, but one of the younger players at my LGS was wiped out in a turn by more experienced players playing it this way.
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These stratagems don’t allow you to charge again do they? If you do happen to consolidate into a new unit, you can’t actually fight it unless you declared it during the charge phase (if you charged this turn) right? I swear I’ve seen something on this, but one of the younger players at my LGS was wiped out in a turn by more experienced players playing it this way.

No new charges.


If the player whose turn it was, was thinking ahead then they could have declared charges against more than one enemy unit. That way, when they pile in during the second fight phase they can get to contact with an enemy that they declared against earlier.

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Charge phase and Fight phase are strictly separated. You charge in one and fight in the other. Fighting again just lets one unit act for a second time in the Fight phase.

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No new Charge, but (and this is a big one) the unit can potentially cover a surprising distance, especially if it Charged this turn. 

Remember a unit in CC only needs a model within 1" of an enemy model and may have additional units fighting within 1" of that model, so let's call it another inch and a half plus base sizes which is another two inch at least. So if a good charge range was rolled a unit can already set up to cover 3" and change to their next target.


Working from the assumption their original target ends up dead, the Consolidate will cover 3" of the distance, plus another 3" from the second Pile In if the unit charged this turn. As a unit can't be nominated for another Fight phase if it didn't Charge or is within 1" already, so if you were fighting already the extra Pile In won't help cover distance. 


The unit only needs to get within 1" again, so a unit that's Charging can potentially hit two targets that are a good 11" apart. Not TECHNICALLY a second Charge, but certainly as good and it doesn't actually have to be rolled for. Have a crappy paint illustration ( 32mm base is about 1.25").




As @dice4thedicegod noted, a Charging unit can then only try to actually kill it if they declared it as a Charge target (but if they got into CC earlier, they're free to commit murder as well) but it will still lock that enemy unit in CC if it didn't. Safety is a long way away.



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