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Buffing Sanguinary Guard Questions

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Weight of attacks really is the bane of 2+ saves. Cant really counter that :rolleyes: well that and not getting a save at all :dry.: 


Ive been thinking, what about the TH/SS termies is giving you so much trouble exactly? Is it just that theyre so durable or is it something other aside from that?

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Weight of attacks really is the bane of 2+ saves. Cant really counter that :rolleyes: well that and not getting a save at all <_< 


Ive been thinking, what about the TH/SS termies is giving you so much trouble exactly? Is it just that theyre so durable or is it something other aside from that?

Yeah that was bad rolling on my part.


Oh, I was fielding the terminators. Rolled like a god with the 3++ saves, keeping them around for much longer than statistics would indicate. Sergeant was killed by a double 6 to wound from the Eliminators.

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Weight of attacks really is the bane of 2+ saves. Cant really counter that :rolleyes: well that and not getting a save at all :dry.:


Ive been thinking, what about the TH/SS termies is giving you so much trouble exactly? Is it just that theyre so durable or is it something other aside from that?

It is the durability, combined with the (IMO) ridiculous traits for Space Wolves that make them super effective. I have done everything I can to shoot them to death, stab them to death, make them slog across the table, etc etc. None of it works haha. Part of this too might be that my buddy that plays SW takes immense pride in those termies, and I feel that the best of the Angels should be able to beat the best of the wolves straight up.


I think I might just have to throw my DC or VV against the WG Termies, instead of the SG. My next match is coming up quickly, so hopefully I will have something good to report on after all the input from  everyone.

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Best advice I can give is shoot the assaulty units and assault the shooty units. But I dont think you have enough firepower to take care of them or take them down a peg :blush.:


Given the units that you have at your disposal id sick your VV's at them. Both the DC and Sanguinary guards can probably do more damage but the goal is to survive their onslaught, any damage they do is a nice bonus. Your VV's have shields of their own, meaning they can probably survive more then your other assault units.


I mean, a single TH wound does 3 damage. So unless you can pass 3 FnP saves per wound done you are losing alot of DC. Same goes for the SG who get a very greatly reduced AS. With the SS you get a 3++ that can quite safely reduce the bite that the terminators have.


Hitting them with multiple assault units is probably even better though but getting your VV's stuck in is I think the best counter that youve got with your current list.

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Best advice I can give is shoot the assaulty units and assault the shooty units. But I dont think you have enough firepower to take care of them or take them down a peg :blush.:


Given the units that you have at your disposal id sick your VV's at them. Both the DC and Sanguinary guards can probably do more damage but the goal is to survive their onslaught, any damage they do is a nice bonus. Your VV's have shields of their own, meaning they can probably survive more then your other assault units.


I mean, a single TH wound does 3 damage. So unless you can pass 3 FnP saves per wound done you are losing alot of DC. Same goes for the SG who get a very greatly reduced AS. With the SS you get a 3++ that can quite safely reduce the bite that the terminators have.


Hitting them with multiple assault units is probably even better though but getting your VV's stuck in is I think the best counter that youve got with your current list.

Thanks for the input, this is right in line with what I have been thinking. If I can get the VV stuck in and tie up the WG Termies, which cost roughly twice what the VV do, then it allows the DC and SG to run rampant through the rest of his army. That is the goal, next time I play. Hopefully it works out and I have something solid to report back on.

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Having a sanguard model as your warlord seems the way to go in this case. You lose WL trait but now you won't miss out on hit re rolls when your warlord gets left behind in the charge. The heirs rule only works on models within 6". Give them all fists, stick a sang ancient in - his wound re rolls applies to the unit and you'll only need one model to sit out of melee range to do this - and you'll see what they can do. Shock assault fits this unit better than any other IMHO
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Having a sanguard model as your warlord seems the way to go in this case. You lose WL trait but now you won't miss out on hit re rolls when your warlord gets left behind in the charge. The heirs rule only works on models within 6". Give them all fists, stick a sang ancient in - his wound re rolls applies to the unit and you'll only need one model to sit out of melee range to do this - and you'll see what they can do. Shock assault fits this unit better than any other IMHO


In my 6-7 testgames with this it really worked well with all plasma pistols and fists. The reason for plasma pistols was 9 talos was common in our meta back then and 30 attacks meant i 'whiffed' to often. With the new +1 attack this frees up not having to take sanguinor. (I found 30 attacks to be the sweet spot vs the typical 4++ in combat knight or taking out 3 talos or a 3++ riptide.

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Having a sanguard model as your warlord seems the way to go in this case. You lose WL trait but now you won't miss out on hit re rolls when your warlord gets left behind in the charge. The heirs rule only works on models within 6". Give them all fists, stick a sang ancient in - his wound re rolls applies to the unit and you'll only need one model to sit out of melee range to do this - and you'll see what they can do. Shock assault fits this unit better than any other IMHO



In my 6-7 testgames with this it really worked well with all plasma pistols and fists. The reason for plasma pistols was 9 talos was common in our meta back then and 30 attacks meant i 'whiffed' to often. With the new +1 attack this frees up not having to take sanguinor. (I found 30 attacks to be the sweet spot vs the typical 4++ in combat knight or taking out 3 talos or a 3++ riptide.

Invuls and FNPs made my sanguard whiff a lot too in the past. That's a really good point about the sanguinor, I wonder what will become of him now we have shock assault. Plasma pistols are very tempting, would you still take them if BA get tactical doctrine? AP 2 Angelus boltguns would be amazing, depending on the meta of course.

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Not sure, -2 boltguns sounds pretty awesome too :biggrin.:  I usually lack long ranged anti tank in my list so i like having some ranged multi dmg so i can kill one tank and charge another or soften up something tough. But they feel alot less useful vs things with minus to hit b/c of the overheat.

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Good luck brother! Come to us with some good news :wink:

I can confirm success with this list. Played a 3v3, 1500 points each game of Beachhead (Malestrom). Played with my Space Wolves buddy this time, against a force of Death Guard / Thousand Sons / Chaos Knights. My Death Company took down Magnus the Red (before the TS player even got his first turn) and then my SG took down Mortarion after I was able to use the Libby Dread as a distraction Carnifex to keep him away from the actual army. Extremely happy with the ability of this army.

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Well done. Would you mind sharing your and your allies' and enemies' lists, if you have them?

Here you go, don't have all the details but this is the basic outline.


Blood Angels:

Jump Chaplain

Jump Sang Priest

Jump Lieutenant (warlord) - Angels Wing 

Libby Dread


3x 5 man Tact squads


10 Sanguinary Guard

10 Vanguard Vets (power sword / storm shield)

12 Death Company w/ 3 TH (4 if I change Captain out for Lieutenant)


Space Wolves:

Term Wolf Lord

Wolf Priest


2x 5 Blood Claws

5 Grey Hunters


5 Wulfen

5 Wolf Guard Terminators



Caestus Assault Ram


Crimson Fists:

Primaris Captain

2x Primaris Lieutenants

Term Libby


2x 10 Tactical Squads (Lascannon and Plasma Gun)

5 Scout Snipers



Dev Squad (4 Lascannons)


Ironclad Dread

2x Ven Dreads (Lascannon & Fist)


We played against


3 Chaos Knights:

1 had dual battle cannon

The other was the Castellan knight but whatever its called for Chaos

The last one had a fist and big chainsword


Death Guard:


Some Nurgle Daemon HQ


Chaos Knight with twin giant melta gun things


60 or something plaguebearers

2x 4 nurgling bases


Thousand Sons:

Magnus the Red


2x Exhalted Sorcerers


2x 10 Rubric Marines

10 Tzangors

8 Flamers


I don't have the specifics for what spells or traits or relics the other guys had. I just know none of it mattered, we wiped them off the board in two turns.

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