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While most legions have fairly obvious set ups from their unique RoWs giving them massive bonuses in one thing, I think there's a place in Heresy for the Legions Astartes rules being unexpectedly good at some RoW resulting in some weird and wonderful lists.


For example, Sons of Horus reserve rolls and extra attack from very bulky makes them excellent at sky hunter phalanx. Similarly, Night Lords get 3+ jink and +1 to wound. 


Alternatively, Iron Warriors lack of Pinning/Morale from shooting makes Recon Company/Assault Marine RoWs good. Iron Hands -1 to hit makes them tricky to dislodge as well.


Personally, I run a Emperors Children Sky Hunter (way worse than White Scars!) and a World Eater list that is geared towards shooting (they're as good at it as anyone else then angry after!)


What weird RoWs/Strategies do you run? 

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A mass infantry White Scars army would be cool, if I could paint well enough to pull it off...



I have a list with no modes for an Imperial Fists recon company.


Would love to see the list? I think the Recon Company RoW is cool and tragically underused. 

A mass infantry White Scars army would be cool, if I could paint well enough to pull it off...



I have a list with no modes for an Imperial Fists recon company.


Would love to see the list? I think the Recon Company RoW is cool and tragically underused. 


Raider Detachment




Primus Nullificator



3x8 Recon Legionaries with Shotguns

6x Recon Legionaries with Sniper Rifles



3x8 Destroyers

2x Castra-Ferrum


8x Nullificators


Fast Attack

6x Seekers


Heavy Support

2x Predators with Flamers

I once played an absolute madman that ran Sacrificial Offering with a Nightlords infantry-heavy list,  capped out his troop with full squads of tacticals and assault with apothecaries, had some reservmanipulation units and a talon of CC-cortuses....

That was wild I tell you.

I am quite prone to this tbh :D While my Iron warriors are on message, My Alpha Legion is armoured Battalion (Though ive sold a chunk of the second company), my White Scars were heavy armoured cavalry based around Land Raiders (Though part of a bigger force with 3000+ points of bikes and speeders :D )  and my Blood Angels sort of were in the end after they abandoned the novels and went with the 40k Angel jump pack fetish :/ Still Drop pods are halfway there :D  

I’m debating the idea of a world eaters recon company led by Khârn. His warlord trait synergises with the RoW, fill up the troop sections with recon marines in rhinos with melta bombs and chain axes. Scout the rhinos up to gain shrouded first turn.


Only issue is the prohibitive cost of additional recon marines!



I once played an absolute madman that ran Sacrificial Offering with a Nightlords infantry-heavy list,  capped out his troop with full squads of tacticals and assault with apothecaries, had some reservmanipulation units and a talon of CC-cortuses....

That was wild I tell you.


I really like that RoW. It comes out of no where. Someone played it against me at a Narrative event and it was unexpected! Blobs of tactical and assault with it would work really well, swamp them and use +1 to wound!


World Eater Recon Marines (or anyone bar Alpha Legion/Raven Guard) would be really cool. They're as good as it as everyone else, but they have a surprise hidden bonus!


It's a shame that more legions can't have Volkites as well. Only a handful can take them instead of bolters completely and they're usually massively overpriced when you can. I think Volkites are probably my favourite 30k weapon. 


You can play Ultramarines "wrong", get them out as a traitor legion and bring one of the immoral RoWs! 


It's pretty rare to see the 'loyal' legions play as 'traitors', but plentiful examples the other way around.

It's pretty rare to see the 'loyal' legions play as 'traitors', but plentiful examples the other way around.

Which has me thinking, traitor IHs’s philosophy (the Flesh is Weak!) could make for a very thematic Sacrificial Offering force...


Maybe as Dornian Xth?

Raven Guard make surprisingly excellent mechanized lists.

It's rare for a Legion trait to affect vehicles, but Infiltrate confers to Dedicated Transports. As such, RG players can enjoy Infiltrated Land Raiders and Proteus when rolling an Armoured Spearhead list, or grant Shrouded to their Rhinos in a Recon Company. There is much to be said about a 2+ Cover Save and being able to deliver (multiple!) Meltaguns into melty range at the top of Turn 1.

Recon Company is also noteworthy for massed Outriders, who get to enjoy a 2+ Jink save before piling into the enemy in Turn 2.

I once played an absolute madman that ran Sacrificial Offering with a Nightlords infantry-heavy list, capped out his troop with full squads of tacticals and assault with apothecaries, had some reservmanipulation units and a talon of CC-cortuses....

That was wild I tell you.

Before they nerfed cults I ran Sac Offering with Sons of Horus regularly for a year and a half or so and literally never lost a game. 100 Zealot, Rending, FNP cultists is almost impossible to stop. Not to mention you could Outflank a Warhound Titan, what’s not to like? Edited by panascope


I once played an absolute madman that ran Sacrificial Offering with a Nightlords infantry-heavy list, capped out his troop with full squads of tacticals and assault with apothecaries, had some reservmanipulation units and a talon of CC-cortuses....

That was wild I tell you.

Before they nerfed cults I ran Sac Offering with Sons of Horus regularly for a year and a half or so and literally never lost a game. 100 Zealot, Rending, FNP cultists is almost impossible to stop. Not to mention you could Outflank a Warhound Titan, what’s not to like?
Ask your opponents.

I have a bunch of Cataphractii Terminators I was considering running as an all-Keshig White Scars army...



...hey, why are you putting me in this room with padded walls?



I once played an absolute madman that ran Sacrificial Offering with a Nightlords infantry-heavy list, capped out his troop with full squads of tacticals and assault with apothecaries, had some reservmanipulation units and a talon of CC-cortuses....

That was wild I tell you.

Before they nerfed cults I ran Sac Offering with Sons of Horus regularly for a year and a half or so and literally never lost a game. 100 Zealot, Rending, FNP cultists is almost impossible to stop. Not to mention you could Outflank a Warhound Titan, what’s not to like?
Ask your opponents.


That's amazing, and CSM still get the stink eye for running cultists in 8th ed even with all the nerfs. :teehee:

  • 11 months later...

I’m debating the idea of a world eaters recon company led by Khârn. His warlord trait synergises with the RoW, fill up the troop sections with recon marines in rhinos with melta bombs and chain axes. Scout the rhinos up to gain shrouded first turn.


Only issue is the prohibitive cost of additional recon marines!



If you're almost certainly going first, why not ditch the Rhinos for meltabombs and attempt a turn 1 charge?


Or is too far to attempt without infiltrate?

Both infiltrate and scout specifically state you can’t charge in the first turn when using them. So the rhinos are there for some survivability. Either remain embarked or disembark and use them as LoS blocking terrain. But they also increase your scout move to 12”, so 24” when combined with first turn movement.


But not the most efficient use of points!



Since I wrote this original thread I expanded my Emperors Children to ludicrous level (I think it's about 15k now, Battlescribe kinda crashes). 


This includes a recon company list, (and all RoW bar Brethren of Iron and the Dread one - OK, I can do the dread one, but not with enough dreads!) it doesn't really synergise at all, but it's quite fun. I'm yet to win a game with them. 


I also have another project to play my legion wrong. There's some passages in the EC fluff where the other Primarch's are impressed by the ECs ability to mimic their own methods of war better than their own troops with an EC spin. I now intend to prove it!


I've effectively built a Chemosian Brotherhood (For using the White Scars RoW), I've got a couple of other more generic ones and I'm working on a flamer tastic "Salamanders" list. 

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